German legislative elections in July 1932 – Wikipedia


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German legislative elections in July 1932
608 Sièges you Reichstag
(Absolute majority: 305 seats)
Type of election legislative
Electoral and results
Registered 44 211 216
Voters 37 162 081
84.06% en augmentation 2.1
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-S33882, Adolf Hitler (cropped).jpg National Socialist Party- Adolf Hitler
Voice 13 745 680

en augmentation 19
Seats obtained 230 en augmentation 123
Otto Wels.jpg Social Democratic Party- Otto Wels
Voice 7 959 712

en diminution 3
Seats obtained 133 en diminution ten
Bundesarchiv Bild 102-12940, Ernst Thälmann (scrap).jpg Communist Party – Ernst Thälmann
Voice 5 282 636

en augmentation 1.2
Seats obtained 89 en augmentation twelfth
Ludwig Kaas Konkordatsunterzeichnung mini.jpg Center – Ludwig that
Voice 4 589 430

en augmentation 0.6
Seats obtained 75 en augmentation 7
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-2005-0621-500, Reichsminister Alfred Hugenberg.jpg German National People’s Party – Alfred Hugenberg
Voice 2 178 024

en diminution 1.1
Seats obtained 37 en diminution 4
Results card
Chancelier you rich
Outgoing Elected
Franz von Papen Franz von Papen

THE Seventh German Federal Elections took place the , under the Republic of Weimar. The number of seats to be filled at the Reichstag increased from 577 in 1930 to 608 seats. The National Socialist Party of German Workers (NSDAP) confirms its breakthrough in previous elections and becomes for the first time the first German party with 37.3% of the vote (+ 19 points), from 107 seats to 230.


The elections take place in a climate of extreme tension with violent riots that bloody the country (nearly 500 dead). Several German regions (Bavaria and Saxony in particular) are the scene of violent clashes between communist, nationalist and Nazi activists. The ensuing election campaign is extremely violent. Between June 14 and July 20, street fights left 99 dead in Prussia alone. On July 17 in Altona (Hamburg), a confrontation of which is terrible: 17 dead and 100 wounded because of national-socialist violence. The police are exceeded and under-equipped, which forces the authorities to deploy the army to maintain order. These clashes will be used by the Government of the Republic to justify the establishment of an increasingly authoritarian regime to guarantee the country’s unity [Ref. necessary] .

Results of German legislative elections for
Reichstag composition after July 1932 election.svg
Party Voice % +/- Seats +/-
National Socialist Party of German Workers (NSDAP) 13 745 680 37.27 en augmentation19.0 230 en augmentation123
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) 7 959 712 21.58 en diminution2.9 133 en diminutionten
Communist Party of Germany (KPD) 5 282 636 14.32 en augmentation1.2 89 en augmentationtwelfth
Zentrum (z) 4 589 430 12.55 en augmentation0.6 75 en augmentation7
German National People’s Party (DNVP) 2 178 024 5.91 en diminution1.1 37 en diminution4
Bavarian Popular Party (BVP) 1 192 684 3.23 en augmentation0.2 2 en augmentation3
German People’s Party (DVP) 436 002 1.18 en diminution3.3 7 en diminution23
German Democratic Party (DSTP) 371 800 1.01 en diminution2.8 4 en diminution16
Popular Christian-Social Service (CSVD) 364 543 0.99 en diminution1.5 3 en diminution11
Party of the Reich of the German average classes (WP) 146 876 0.40 en diminution3.5 2 en diminution21
Party of German farmers (DBP) 137 133 0.37 en diminution0.6 2 en diminution4
Agricultural League (DL) 96 851 0.26 en diminution0.3 2 en diminutionfirst
German peasants 90 554 0.25 en diminution2.8 first en diminution18
Imperial party for the strengthening of public law (VRP) 40 825 0.11 en diminution0.7 first en augmentationfirst
Other parties 130 657 0.35 0
Suffresses expressed 36 882 964 99.25
Invalid votes 279 727 0.75
Total 37 162 081 100 608 en augmentation thirty first
Abstentions 7 049 135 15.94
Registered / Participation 44 211 216 84.06
