Giovanni Sgambati – Wikipédia


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Giovanni Sgambati , pianist of remarkable virtuosity, is a composer, conductor and Italian pedagogue, born in Rome and died in this city the .

Son of a Roman lawyer and an English mother, he begins to study the piano with Amerigo Barlini and presents himself to the public from the age of six. In 1849, his family being in Trevi, he worked with Natalucci. Again, in Rome in 1860, he studied counterpoint with Giovanni Aldega. In 1862, he became the student and the friend of Franz Liszt of whom he was the defender throughout his life.

He is fascinated by the German music of Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms and Liszt. He ardently defends the work of Beethoven and gave Rome in the 1860s the first hearings of the Eroica and the fifth concerto for piano known as “the emperor”.

The , he inaugurates the monumental in Rome Dante-Symphony from Liszt and it was at this time that he began to compose.

In 1867, he directed the first part of the oratorio Christ from Liszt. In 1869, he went to Germany where he met Anton Rubinstein and he intended, for the first time, works by Richard Wagner. In 1871, he met the master of Bayreuth who, after having traveled the Quintet with piano That he has just written, recommends him to his editor in Mainz: Schott. He ensures, until the death of Sgambati, the publication of many works.


In addition to chamber music, he wrote in the 1870s his most famous partition: his Concerto for piano in minor, opus 15 as well as its First symphony in minor . He refused the post, left vacant by Nikolai Rubinstein, at the Moscow Conservatory.

In the 1880s, he made many tours as a pianist and conductor. This is how he went to England in 1882 and Paris in 1884 where he met Jules Massenet. In 1886, he succeeded Liszt as a member of the Institut de France. In 1887, he gave a concert in Cologne and led Rome a concert in memory of Wagner.

In 1868 he founded a free class of piano annexed to the National Academy of Santa Cecilia of Rome that the government reorganizes under the name of Liso Musicale (1877) and which becomes, thus, the largest music school in Italy.

In 1893, he also founded the Romanian Philharmonic .

His music has undergone German influence by devoting himself almost exclusively to instrumental music.

Music for orchestra [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Symphony n O 1 in Ré minor op. 16 (Rome, )
  • Symphony n O 2 In Mids Major (1883)
  • Concerto for piano in minor floor op. 15 (1878-1880)
  • Symphonic Epitalamio (1887)
  • Te Deum Pour Orchester a Cordes and Orgue (1893)
  • Ouverture Cola di Rienzo (1866)
  • Ouverture “Cola di Rienzo” , partition lost and found in XXI It is century

Chamber music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Quintet with piano n O 1 and FA minor, op. 4 (1866)
  • Quintet with piano n O 2 and si Bémol, on. 5
  • UT minor strings quartet, op. 17 (1882)
  • Two pieces for violin and piano, op. 24 (1890)
  • Nonsense For violin and piano, op. 29 (1894)

Sacred music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Requiem For baritone, mixed choir, orchestra & organ, op. 38 (1895/96; 1896 Rome), arranged by the piano composer

Others [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Melodies;
  • Piano parts and many transcriptions .
  • My Musical Experience de B. Walker (1892),
  • Sgambatis piano music In music pedagogical leaves de E. Segnitz (1911),
  • Contemporary Italian musicians: Giovanni Sgambati An early free of municipal exceptiones xiqu de De Angelis (1912),
  • Giovanni Sgambati In New Music XIX DE A. Bonaventure (Florence 1914),
  • Giovannio Sgambati in Music & Letters de A. Casella ( )
  • Theodore Baker and Nicolas Slonimsky ( trad. of English by Marie-Stella Pâris, pref. Nicolas Slonimsky), Biographical dictionary of musicians Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians »], t. 3: P-Z , Paris, Robert Laffont, coll. “Bouquins”, ( rompr. 1905, 1919, 1940, 1958, 1978), 8 It is ed. ( first re ed. 1900), 4728 p. (ISBN  2-222-07778-4-4 ) , p. 3829
