Giuseppe Alessandro Furietti – Wikipedia


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Giuseppe Alessandro Furietti (Bergamo, 23 January 1684 – Rome, 14 January 1764) was an Italian cardinal, archaeologist, antiquarian and erudite.

Medal at the Angelo Mai Library of Bergamo

He was born from Giovanni and Caterina Terzi, both of the Patrizia Bergamo family. He made his first studies in Bergamo; He then studied rhetoric and philosophy in the Swiss College of Milan, theology and mathematics in the Almo Collegio Borromeo di Pavia and finally civil and canonical law at the University of Pavia graduating In both right Around 1705; About the same year he was ordained a priest in Bergamo.

In 1709 he moved to Rome with the intention of entering the Roman Curia. It was successful as a jurist and diplomat: in 1722 it was appointed referendum Both signatures In 1743 he obtained the secretary of the Congregation of the Council, and in 1759 he obtained the cardinal purple. However, his interests were also aimed at erudite research and archeology.

In 1710 he was admitted to the Academy of Arcadia, with the name of Entesto Pash . He wrote the biographies of the humanist Gasparino Barzizza [first] , of his son Guiniforte [2] and the poet Publio Fontana [3] (the first was admired among other things by Muratori). He had started the care of the letters of Maurizio Cattaneo, the humanist of the Tasso; But he did not have the opportunity to complete it and the material collected was used by Abbot Piero Antonio Serassi, also Bergamo and his secretary since 1759, for one Life of Torquato Tasso [4] .

Mosaic of the doves (Capitoline museums)

As an antiquarian, Villa Adriana studied particularly, performing at his expense of the excavations during which in 1736 two extraordinary statues in Centauri marble was found, the work of the two Greek masters Aristea and Papia, and in 1738 the famous mosaic “delle Colombe”; This last discovery prompted him to study the art of mosaics so as to print his most important work in 1752, the Treaty Musivist [5] . We wondered why Pope Benedict XIV did not grant the purple to Furietti; The hypothesis, also reported by Moroni, of a spite by the Pope for the refusal of Furietti to give in to the Capitoline museums the statues of the centaurs is deemed unfounded; The refusal would have been of a political nature: in the controversy between the Republic of Venice and Austria about the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Aquileia, Furietti, afraid Veneto, had taken the parts of the Serenissima [6] ; The purple was given to him by the successor of Benedict XIV, the Veneto Carlo Rezzonico.

In Rome Furietti also devoted himself to the patronage of the Bergamo players of Rome. He also left his rich Roman library to the city of Bergamo with the clause that was open to the public. The legacy, consisting of 1363 volumes and the Furietti manuscripts, constituted the first nucleus of the Civic Angelo Mai Library of Bergamo [7] .

  1. ^ Gasparini Barzizii Bergomatis and Guiniforti children of the works of which most of the manuscripts. The codes are now first in the light of the erute reviewed, and published Joseph Alexander furiett Bergomas of both signaturae referee, Abba SS. Simon, and Judas Bergami, and not Blessed by Mary, and all the saints from the ending commendator. First part . Rome: Jo. Mariam Salvioni printers in the archigymnasium of wisdom, 1723
  2. ^ Guiniforti Barzizii Bergomatis Gasparini, son of Philip Mary, Milan Duke, praying prayers and letters. Part of the second . At Rome: Apud Jo. Mariam Salvioni printers in the archigymnasium of wisdom, 1723
  3. ^ Marcus Publii Fontana Bergomatis Opera all English written by the ilcno m. Antonio Foppa in one collection, now then increased and illustrated in the light . Bergamo: By Peter Lancellottus, 1752
  4. ^ Piero Antonio Serassi, The life of Torquato Tasso written by Abbot Pierantonio Serassi . Bergamo: Locatelli 1790
  5. ^ Giuseppe Alessandro Furietti, Joseph Alexander of thieves both signaturi referee, Sacrarum Cong. Council and Residence of Bishops from the secrets of the Misery to SS. Blessed be the Blessed 14 Pontiff High . Roma: In Io. Maria Salvioni printer Pontifical Vatican, 1752
  6. ^ Girolamo Dandolo, The fall of the Republic of Venice and its last fifty years: historical studies . Venice: with the types of Pietro Naratovich, 1855
  7. ^ Ivano Sonzogni, “a library for the Bergamo of great talent, Cardinal Furietti and the foundation of the Civic, Bergomum”, Bulletin of the Civic Library , n. 2, 1994
  • Giovanni Battista Gallizioli, Memoirs to serve the history of the life of the Studjs and the writings of Cardinal Giuseppe Alessandro Furietti collected by Giovambattista Gallizioli of S.r.i. count and knight . Lucca: at the expense of Francesco Locatelli, 1790
  • Gaetano Moroni, “Furietti Giuseppe Alessandro, cardinal”. In Dictionary of historical-ecclesiastical erudition , Venice: Emilian typography, 1844, vol. XXVI, pp. 75–77 ( on-line )
  • Ivano Sonzogni, A library for the Bergamo of great talent, Cardinal Furietti and the foundation of the Civic , Bergomum “, Bulletin of the Civic Library, n. 2, 1994, pp. 5–46.
  • Ivano Sonzogni, The correspondence Alessandro Furietti – Pierantonio Serassi. Moments of the Bergamo erudition in the mid -eighteenth century In “Bergomum”, N.2, 1996, pp. 91-188.
  • Ivano Sonzogni, The Bergamo correspondence of the Abbot Trentino Baldassare De Martini In: Acts of the Roveretana degli Agiati Academy, 2008, pp. 139–162.
  • The correspondence between Giuseppe Alessandro Furietti and Pietro Calepio (1715-1760 ), edited by Enrico Zucchi and Ivano Sonzogni, in «Bergomum», 2020, pp. 52-156.
