Golden leaves – Wikipedia


Golden leaves ( Bright Leaf ) is a 1950 film directed by Michael Curtiz, based on a 1949 novel by Foster Fitzsimons. The title derives from the type of tobacco cultivated in the North Carolina after the American civil war.


1893, attractive but superb and arrogant, the young Brent Royle returns to his hometown of Kingsmont, in the North Carolina, to inherit the estate of a recently disappeared uncle. Ten years earlier, when he left for the North looking for luck, he had been beaten by the powerful owner of the tobacco plantation, Major Singleton, who had surprised him to kiss his daughter Margaret.

Arriving in the city Royle accidentally meets Margaret, who liquidates him with a contemptuous and cold tone. Even the other inhabitants on site do not see him well, the only happy to meet him is Sonia Kovac, who has never hidden the love he has for man. The woman, after inheriting the hotel owned by the mother, transformed him into a luxurious brothel, thus becoming rich and wealthy.

Meanwhile, in the hotel where he stays, Royle has a heated dispute with Singleton, who would like to drive him out of the city, in front of the inventor John Barton, who arrived in the city from the North to look for a financial partner of his revolutionary machine for the automatic production of cigarettes, until then manufactured by hand.

Barton, given the resolve and firmness of man in keeping his head for the powerful Singleton, offers him the financing for the construction of his car that Singleton and all the other manufacturers of tobacco and cigars had refused him. Royle, sensing the deal but not having the necessary funds, gets the money from Sonia, making it his partner. In the meantime, he takes Chris Malley, a failed but shiny and enterprising bacon.

Barton’s invention has an amazing success, producing and packing cigarettes in seconds, compared to the time necessary for hand manufacturing, thus drastically reducing labor costs.

Royle, becoming financially more powerful, fails to fail one by one all the owners of the tobacco plantations, then acquiring their holds and actions, as long as it remains only the largest Singleton.

Royle meets again with Margaret who seems to be attracted to the charm of man and accept his marriage proposal.


He went to the Maggiore, Royle tells him that he has acquired control of his company, after purchasing all the shares. The man therefore offers him to return everything to him by avoiding the failure, as a wedding gift with his daughter.

Singleton, furious more than ever, proudly refuses the offer of the now Royle, but then discovers with anger, that Margaret is willing to marry him, even if only for interest, not loving him.

In order to get rid of Royle once and for all, the major challenge him, but at the refusal of this he shoots him, injuring him, in front of the astonished looks of those present. Conscious of the cowardice and the dishonor that has been stained, having hit an unarmed man, the eldest suicide with a gunshot.

In the following days Royle goes to Margaret expressing her displeasure for the death of the father, of whom he is not responsible. The girl agrees to marry him, but the woman’s purpose is only revenge. After the honeymoon, spent in Europe, Royle settles in the sumptuous villa until then owned by the Singleton.

In the months that spend, Royle realizes how Margaret despises him and you do not love him and obsessed with these thoughts, becoming more and more irascible and violent, he disinterested in society, neglects business and mistreats members and employees, finally learning that Margaret has sold millions of his actions to ruin him.

Finally, the woman leaves him telling him that he had achieved the purpose he had set himself since his father had committed suicide.

Royle, furious, accidentally causes a fire in the house, then leaving it intentionally destroying by the fire and realizing too late that he had lost all his possessions and faithful friends with whom he had built his empire, goes to Sonia, asking them for forgiveness not to Having loved her, after which she moves away abandoning the city.
