Government Michel Debré – Wikipedia


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This article presents the composition of the French government under Prime Minister Michel Debré of At .

The Michel Debré government is the first government which entered into force under the IN It is French Republic. However, the third government Charles de Gaulle remained in office during the transitional period between the entry into force of the new Constitution And the appointment of this first stable government, marked by the implementation of new institutions.

Table of Contents

Choice of ministers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sociological profile [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

5.4% of ministers are former industrialists or large traders, 8.1% had a liberal profession, and 10.8% are private managers. The high public service represents more than half of the government: 21.6% of ministers came from large state bodies, 21.6% of the prefectural and diplomacy, and 10.8% were high officials in d other administrations [ first ] .

5.5% are higher education teachers, and 13.5% formerly have an other intellectual profession [ 2 ] .


The appointment of the Prime Minister and members of the government is published in the Olympic Games [ 3 ] .

The six stable “portfolios” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The government of Michel Debré is characterized by the stability of six ministerial departments which seem to have not changed the holder between 1959 and 1962, nor their holder to have changed the start:

We will obviously add the post of Prime Minister, if we disregard the interim of the Ministry of National Education, provided by Michel Debré of At .

Prime Minister [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

State ministers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ministers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Delegated ministers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Secretaries of state [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Government [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The government has a woman minister, in the person of Nafissa Sid Cara, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister responsible for social issues in Algeria and the evolution of the personal status of Muslim law.

Adjustment of March 27, 1959 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Minister of State, in charge of cooperation: Robert Lecourt (previously “Minister of State”)

Adjustment of May 20, 1959 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Cessation of the functions of Félix Houphouët-Boigny (” Minister of State “) .

Removers of May 28, 1959 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Cessation of the functions of Jean Berthoin (” Minister of the Interior “) it the roger hudet (“Minister of Agriculture”) .
  • Minister of the Interior: Pierre Chatenet (previously Secretary of State responsible for General Administration Problems)
  • Minister of Agriculture: Henri Rochereau

Adjustment of July 22, 1959 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Minister of State, responsible for cultural affairs: André Malraux (previously “Minister of State”)

Remanation of July 23, 1959 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Come in government:

Adjustment July 24, 1959 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, in charge of the public service: Louis Joxe

Removers of November 17, 1959 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Minister of Industry: Jean-Marcel Jeanneney (previously “Minister of Industry and Trade”)
  • Secretary of State for Internal Trade: Joseph Fontanet (previously “Secretary of State for Industry and Trade”)
  • Secretary of State for External Economic Affairs: Max Glotchet (previously “Secretary of State for Economic Affairs”)

Removers of December 23, 1959 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Cessation of the functions of André Boulloche, Minister of National Education .
  • Minister of Interim National Education: Michel Debré, Prime Minister

Remanation of January 13, 1960 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Cessation of the functions of Antoine Pinay, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs .

Remanation of January 15, 1960 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Cessation of the functions of Michel Debré, Minister of Interim National Education , name it .
  • Minister of National Education: Louis Joxe (previously “Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, in charge of the public service”)

Adjustment of January 19, 1960 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Cessation of the functions of Max Glotchet, previously Secretary of State for External Economic Affairs , appointed to this function the , apparently not replaced.

REMEMBER OF FEBRUARY 5, 1960 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Cessation of Bernard Cornut -ntille, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications , and Jacques Soustelle, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of the Sahara, overseas territories, overseas departments and atomic energy [ 4 ] .

Adjustment of March 19, 1960 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of atomic energy and the public service: Pierre Guillaumat (previously “Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, atomic energy in charge”)

Removers of November 22, 1960 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Minister of State, in charge of Algerian affairs: Louis Joxe (previously “Minister of National Education”)
  • Minister of Acting National Education: Pierre Guillaumat, in addition to the functions already occupied (end of this interim )

Adjustment of February 20, 1961 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Remanation of May 6, 1961 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Cessation of the functions of Pierre Chatenet, Minister of the Interior .
  • Minister of the Interior: Roger Frey (previously “Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister”)

Remanation of May 18, 1961 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Minister of Cooperation: Jean Foyer (previously “Secretary of State responsible for relations with the States of the Community”, apparently not replaced in this function)
  • Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Georges Gorse

Remanation of May 19, 1961 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Cessation of the functions of Philibert Tsiranana, Gabriel Lisette, Léopold Sédar Senghor and Félix Houphouët-Boigny, “ministers advisers” named the .

Remanation of August 24, 1961 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Cessation of Robert Lecourt’s functions, Minister of State, in charge of the Sahara, and the overseas territories and departments .
  • Cessation of the functions of Edmond Michelet, Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice .
  • Cessation of the functions of Henri Rochereau, Minister of Agriculture .
  • Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister: Louis Terrenoireire (previously “Minister of Information”)
  • Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, information in charge: Christian de la Malène
  • Secretary of State for Repatriases: Robert Boulin
  • Secretary of State for Internal Trade: François Missoffe
  • Minister of State, in charge of the Sahara, of the overseas territories and departments: Louis Jacquinot (previously “Minister of State”)
  • Secretary of State, in charge of the Sahara, overseas departments and territories: Jean de Broglie
  • Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice: Bernard CHENOT (previously “Minister of Public Health and Population”)
  • Minister of Public Health and Population: Joseph Fontanet
  • Minister of Agriculture: Edgard Pisani

Remanation of January 18, 1962 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • CESSATION THIS WORKINGS THE WILFRID BAUMMARTER, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs , name it .
  • Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs: Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (previously “Secretary of State for Finance”, apparently not replaced in this function) .

The , Michel Debré gave the resignation of his government to the President of the Republic, Charles de Gaulle. He appointed the same day Georges Pompidou Prime Minister.

  1. Birnbaum, Pierre. , Socialist Elites in power: Socialist leaders in front of the State, 1981-1985 , Presses Universitaires de France, (ISBN  2-13-039351-9 And 978-2-13-039351-1 , OCLC  13459377 , read online )
  2. Birnbaum, Pierre. , Socialist Elites in power: Socialist leaders in front of the State, 1981-1985 , Presses Universitaires de France, (ISBN  2-13-039351-9 And 978-2-13-039351-1 , OCLC  13459377 , read online )
  3. Archives [PDF]
  4. a b c d e f and g Decree of February 5, 1960 relating to the composition of the government

External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
