Grandselve Abbey – Wikipedia


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L’ Grandselve Abbey or Grandis Silva was a monastery of men founded in 1114 by Géraud de Salles and belonging to the order of Cîteaux from 1144. It was located in the country of Rivière-Verdun, in Bouillac, in Gascogne, and was the spring of the diocese and the Parliament of Toulouse, the stewardship of Auch and the election of Rivière-Verdun.

The abbey was located on the edge of the Nudese stream, west of Verdun-sur-Garonne and the left bank of the Garonne.

The foundation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Grandselve was founded in 1114 by Géraud de Salles which places this new hermitage under the rule of Saint Benoît and the authority of the Abbey of Cadouin. This foundation was recognized in 1117 by Amelius, bishop of Toulouse who authorized him to build a church in honor of God, the Virgin and Saint Madeleine as well as the houses necessary for the dwellings of the monks. He gave them land dependent on his bishopric in exchange for their attachment to Cîteaux. In 1145 Father Bertrand I consecrated him during an interview with Clairvaux with Saint Bernard to whom he puts his abbuy [ 3 ] .

Expansion and power [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From this date the abbey which benefits from many donations becomes one most flourishing in the south with a church more than a hundred meters long by twenty wide. Probably started at the end of XII It is A century, it was dedicated on April 30, 1253 in the presence of several bishops and abbots. Moulins are established on the rivers, the tuileries created, planted vines. His possessions are estimated at more than 20,000 hectares divided into 25 barns. It holds buildings in Paris, Toulouse, has a large part of the port of Verdun-sur-Garonne and XIV It is century two cellars in Bordeaux where she ships, in all frankness, 300 barrels of wine.


She founded in France the Abbeys of Fontfroide in 1144, holders in 1147, Candeil in 1150 then Santes Creus in Spain in 1152 and Cartagena in 1273. In 1281 she created in Toulouse, a Saint Bernard college For the teaching of theology that welcomes students until the Revolution. By Paréage with King Philippe Le Hardi represented by his seneschal of Toulouse, Eustache de Beaumarchès, she founded the Bastides of Beaumont-de-Lomagne in 1279 then from Granada in 1290 in Paréage with Philippe le Bel represented by the same. These become important shopping centers, as evidenced by the two halls of their central place. It benefits from the protection of popes and great lords: Pierre II d’Aragon, Raymond-Roger Trencavel, Bernard de Comminges, Raymond VI, Philippe Le Hardi, Richard Coeur de Lion. Guillaume VI and VII, counts of Montpellier, are buried there [ 3 ] .

Decline and disappearance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since the XIV It is century, its influence was counterbalanced by that of new beggar orders. During the Hundred Years War she remains faithful to France, which earned her reprisals. While the buildings suffer from the English incursions and the ravages of the large companies the monks must take refuge in Granada and its houses in Bordeaux are ruined. On the other hand, Grandeselve has little suffered from the wars of religion: some barns are looted and devastated, but the abbey itself is preserved. But as early as 1476, the regime of the comer to the monastery. Still the owner of an important land heritage in the south of France [ 4 ] , the abbey can pay approximately 16 000 rent books to his trading abbots. But the abbot, required to provide for repairs to buildings, is more or less.

The number of religious gradually fell and they were only 16 in 1790. After having resisted they separated and abandoned the abbey in March 1791. The district immediately poses possession of the premises and on August 21, 1791, the monastery and two neighboring farms are sold as national property. In 1793, the first buildings began to be demolished: cloister, chapter room, wing of monks. In 1803, the abbey church succumbed in turn. The hotel industry was definitively shaved shortly after 1815. Only the portery still remains [ 3 ]

From this former abbey destroyed from 1793 there is only:

Daughter of Cadouin Abbey, Grandselve is the mother of the abbeys of

Regular abbots [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1114-1128: Étienne
  • 1128-1149 : Bertrand I
  • 1149-1158: Alexandre i
  • 1158-1165 : Pons I
  • 1165-11112: Pons II
  • 1174-1178 : Guy Vidal
  • 1178-1198: Guillaume I Combanol
  • 1198-1202 : Arnaud I Amaury
  • 1202-1214 : Guillaume II Robert
  • 1214-1218 : Pierre I
  • 1218-1221 : Raymond I Pierre de Roqueville
  • 1221-1224 : Bernard I
  • 1224-1232: ilie Guarin
  • 1232-1236 : Arnaud II Gaillard
  • 1236-1237 : Bernard II
  • 1238-1240: Raymond II Berthier
  • 1240-1244: Cardinal Eudes de Châteauroux
  • 1244-1249 : Pierre II Raymond
  • 1249-1258 : Richard
  • 1259-1262 : Pons III
  • 1263-1269: Bernard III de Bac
  • 1269-1288: Bertrand 2 Joffre
  • 1288-1293 : Pierre III Alfaric
  • 1293-1318: Bertrand 3 of Bruaval
  • 1318-1319: Jean Gilles
  • 1319-1326: Pons IV Maurin
  • 1326-1348: Guillaume III de Piret
  • 1348-1368 : Raoul
  • 1368-1386: Bernard IV of the ovens
  • 1386-1391 : Bertrand IV
  • 1391-1398: Enter
  • 1398-1424: Pierre IV Oils
  • 1424-1432: Jean I Azémar
  • 1432-1461: Gilles de Morban
  • 1461-1475: Bertrrand v The Albi
  • 1475-1476: Arnaud 3 Blanc

Commendatory abbots [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Source : Gallia Christiana

  1. (the) Leopold Janauschek , Origin Cistercians, in which the Congregations of the Congregation of the Chronologico-Genealogicis, Old Abbatiarum A monks Habitatarum Bounds to the most ancient sources described , t. I, Vienne, Puthod, , 491 p. ( read online ) , p. 174-175 .
  2. Grandselve » , on , Cistercian order (consulted the ) .
  3. A B C and D History of the Grandselve Abbey
  4. Once upon a time the abbey of Grand Selve
  5. Jean-Michel Garric, Archeology at the Ingres-Bourdelle museum in Montauban , In Archaeologia , n ° 582, December 2019, p.63.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In chronological order of publication:

  • Gaul Christian . Tome 13, Provinces of Toulouse and Trier , Paris, 1785 ( read online )
  • Bertrand-Adolphe Jouglar (1809-1873), Monograph of the Grandselve Abbey , p. 179-243 , In Memoirs of the Archaeological Society of the Midi of France , 1853-1860, Tome 7 ( text ) , ( plances i to vii )
  • Abbé J.-A.-First Galabert, The abbey church of Grandselve and its relics , p. 212-218 , Archaeological Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Tarn-et-Garonne, 1887, volume 15 ( read online )
  • Gayne canon, Grand-Selve Abbey , p. 103-127 , Archaeological, historical and artistic bulletin of the archaeological society of Tarn-et-Garonne, 1949, tome LXXVI ( read online )
  • Gayne canon, About the Grand-Selve Abbey , p. 95-97 , Archaeological, historical and artistic bulletin of the archaeological society of Tarn-et-Garonne, 1956, tome lxxxii ( read online )
  • Mathieu Méras, Grandselve Abbey at the end of XVII It is century , p. 95-108 , In Memoirs of the Archaeological Society of the Midi of France , 1965, Tome 31 ( read online )
  • Mireille Mousnier, Grandselve Cistercian Abbey , Toulouse, University Press of the Midi, coll. “Meridiennes”, , 498 p. (ISBN  978-2-912025-27-2 , read online )
  • Group of historical and genealogical research of Verdun-sur-Garonne, Grandselve, the Abbey found , p. 35-44 , Bulletin of the Archaeological and Historical Society of Tarn-et-Garonne, 2007, volume 132 ( read online )
  • Daniel Cazes, Nicolas Portet, Bouillac, Cistercian abbey of Grandselve , p. 95-110 , Archaeological Congress of France. 170 It is session. Monuments of Tarn-et-Garonne , French Society of Archeology, Paris, 2014 (ISBN  978-2-901837-53-4 )
  • Marie-Anne Sire, Bouillac, treasure of the Cistercian abbey of Grandselve , p. 111-116 , Archaeological Congress of France. 170 It is session. Monuments of Tarn-et-Garonne , French Society of Archeology, Paris, 2014 (ISBN  978-2-901837-53-4 )

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
