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The Greek (in modern Greek: Greek ) is a Hellenic language, the only survivor of this family. In its modern and demotic form ( Modern Greek, elementary ), he has today 15 To 22 millions speakers, mainly in Greece and Cyprus but also in the diaspora or minority communities of other countries (Albania, Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Northern Macedonia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Georgia). There is also a liturgical Greek language ( Sequence ), only used in certain large commemorative religious ceremonies, notably by the ecumenical patriarchy of Constantinople. This language generally uses, and since Antiquity, the Greek alphabet for its writing.


Greek, in its different geographic and historical variants, has evolved for more than three millennia. During this time he experienced at least four main phases or denominations (polyglossia phenomenon): ancient Greek, koinè, medieval Greek and modern Greek, each of these stages comprising distinct dialects, with sometimes geographic variants .

The ancient Greek was spoken in ancient Greece of antiquity, from around 1000 to 330 BC. J.C .. he was divided into several dialects. Ancient Greek was often written only in capital letters and without space, as on certain graves.

The Koinè Greek (“common language”) was spoken and written about 330 of. J.-C. at 330 apr. J.-C. In southern Italy, in the Balkans, around the Black Sea, Anatolia, Egypt, Cyrenaica and Bactrian.

From the Koinè , the medieval Greek was the language of the Eastern Roman Empire between 330 and 1453, and its successor states (Nicea Empire, Despotat d’Apire, Empire de Trébizonde, Despotat de Morée and Principality of Theodoros). There were several versions, which continued to be spoken and evolve after the disappearance of these states [ 2 ] :

  • One, learned and “attractive”, was commonly used by the scholars;
  • Une Autre, Religieuse, Est L’Anomic Greek (“Grec liturgique”), Surtout chanté;
  • Les Autres, Dites Medieval Municipalities (“Médiévales Populaires”), Sont Les Parlers:
  1. The Olderήή («Helgem” En Golding et to Constantinople), On the origin of GreC moderne,
  2. Κατωιτωιτττικηρ) ικηη («Italiano Italians» calabra et sec-gentle à origo in the origue of the griio origin
  3. Ποντική (“pontic”, around the Black Sea, with Ionian archaic features directly from Attica), at the origin of the modern pontic dialect,
  4. Νοτική (“from the south”, in Cyrenaica and Egypt), disappeared,
  5. Ανατολική (“oriental”, in interior Asia, Anatolia and the Middle East), disappeared.
  6. Tomorize (“Yevanique”, from the Hebreu יון Yāvān meaning “Ionie”, the Greek world), spoken by the Romaniots (Greek Jews) and disappeared.

In blue, the areas where we spoke Greek in 1913 in the Balkans, Anatolia and the Middle East.

Areas speaking modern Greek; In dark blue those where it is official.

From the medieval Greek, the modern Greek (or romantic ) has been spoken in Greece and Cyprus since 1453, but it has been talked about so long in the cities in the eastern perimeter of the Mediterranean, in southern Italy and in the Danubian principalities. There are currently six variants: the demotic or “modern Greek”, official language in Greece and in Cyprus, Catharevousa (καθαρεύουσα) or “Greek Modern Purist” which was official language of Greece from 1833 to 1976, acolouthics (ακολουθική) or “Greek liturgical”, the Tsakonian which is a dialect of the oriental Peloponnese, the Pontic which is a dialect in the periphery of the Black Sea and the Griko of Italy. There were previously other dialects, such as the Cappadocian of Anatolia, of which there are only some old speakers among micrasian refugees. Common demotic Greek also experiences specific parliaments in the islands, including Cretan and Cypriot.

In Turkey, Turks whose number is impossible to assess, are Greek/Turkish bilingual: these are most often micrasiates converted to Islam at the time or since the “great catastrophe” of 1923 to escape the provisions of the Treaty de Lausanne and be able to stay in their homes. We still meet along the coasts of Turkey, as well as in the Imbros and Ténédos Islands. The question is sensitive, and because of the strong Turkish nationalism, there is no data on the Greek culture or language, but only on the Greek “ethnicity”, valued at 5,000 people. The number of speakers in the Greek is probably much higher. The modern Greek alphabet is prohibited in Turkey, where Greek can however be written with the Latin alphabet. However, there are exceptions, for example in the Imbros and Ténédos Islands, where Turkish citizens of Greek culture are still a few thousand, and in Istanbul, at the siege of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, but in a cultural and cultural setting of a private and not Official, nor political or claiming, because the secular Turkish state officially admits only the Turkish language and the Latin alphabet. Kurdish and Arabic are also tolerated only in private space.

  1. Mr. Hatzopoulos, “The Speaking of the Ancient Macedonians”, Macedonia, historical geography, language, cults and beliefs, institutions De Boccard, Paris, 2006, p. 35-51.
  2. Francis T. Gignac, The Koine is the direct ancestor of medieval and Modern Greek, Oxford University Press Inc. 1993.

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