GrenoBlix – Wikipedia


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GrenoblIX , contraction of Grenoble Internet Exchange, is the name of the point of exchange of internet traffic in Grenoble in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Launched By the Rezopole association, supported by the Rhône-Alpes region, it is present on two sites, GrenoBlix 1 located in the Datacenter Cogent in Grenoble and GrenoBlix 2 located in a site built by the Eolas group. The latter has the particularity of being the first ecological data center in France [ first ] .

GrNoBLIX, contraction of Globble Et of Gix [ 2 ] (Global Internet Exchange in English) is the name of the internet traffic exchange node in Grenoble in Isère, Auvergne – Rhône -Alpes region. Launched in Grenoble in By the Rezopole association, it is present on two sites, GrenoBlix 1 located in the Datacenter Cogent, and GrenoBlix 2 located in a site built by the Eolas group [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] . The latter has the particularity of being the first ecological datacenter in France [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

It is located near the Stade des Alpes and the town hall of Grenoble, the building is about 1000 m 2 , and the first room about 500 m 2 .
It is interesting for Telecom operators because it is a few hundred meters from one of the main network points of the historic Orange operator.

EOLAS data center, POP GRENOBLIX 2

Located on an old industrial wasteland on rue Général Mangin in the Allies-Alpins district, the building of around 800 square meters [ 7 ] was previously used by Alstom for its blower tests and has 2.5 meters thick walls, which avoids any thermal exchange with the outside [ 8 ] . After a complete renovation [ 9 ] , it allows operators and internet service providers in the region to exchange traffic with a much greater flow by connecting to this point, thus avoiding going through distant infrastructure (Paris, London, Amsterdam or even New- York) [ ten ] . This digital data center should make it possible to promote the development of new multimedia services and uses such as videoconferencing and encourage foreign companies to come and set up in the region. GrenoBlix is ​​also an access point to sell and buy Internet transit or connection point between the various Internet access providers with pairing. Operational in [ 11 ] , this exchange knot was officially inaugurated the in the presence of mayor Michel Destot [ twelfth ] . Grenoble also has another internet exchange node located in the city center [ 13 ] .


Thanks to the presence of a shallow water table under the city, this exchange node can use the water to cool its computer servers [ 14 ] . The water in the water table is recovered at 14 ° and will recover the heat emitted by the water cooling circuit from the data center. The water thus warmed is evacuated outside the building and used by neighboring industrial buildings [ 8 ] . This closed circuit thus constituted makes it possible to have a permanent temperature of 25 ° inside the data center. The data center is powered by renewable electricity produced from hydroelectric and wind power power plants in Grenoble and at the same time a photovoltaic installation on the roof can provide it with additional electricity resources [ 15 ] .

Two industrial partners participated in the construction of this data center, Schneider Electric for supply and cooling and Intel services providing XEON processors [ 16 ] .

The center offers tier 3 level services, where all components are redundant and double -feeding, the power supply is doubled but works in active/passive mode [ 17 ] .

GrNoblix Est UU Gix-NAP:

  • A GIX, for the exchange of IP packets or peering [ 18 ] (the exchange can be done in level 2 – BGP – or in level 3 by “servers roads”);
  • UN DAY (in) , for the IP transit market place which allows you to buy or sell Internet transit, and all types of telecom services.

The IXP allows users to exchange local internet traffic through so -called Peering mutual agreements. IXP users can improve the quality of their bandwidth and avoid additional costs. An IXP is an important factor for the development of the local Internet: users located in the same city can exchange locally traffic instead of going through distant infrastructure.

Any actor with an Autonomous System number can interfere in GrenoBlix. Members connected to the IXP/NAP (in) are ISPs (Internet access provider) for the general public), Internet operators for business, hosts, data centers, online sales sites, large private companies and large public accounts.

Members for members [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Links 10/100/1000 Mbit/S copper or 1/10 Gbit/s fiber
  • Peering public IPv4/IPv6 unicast, IPv4 multicast
  • Telecom services purchased and sold on VLAN, Waves or Intra-Pop Optical Fiber
  • Accommodation of networks equipment, remote recovery port, remote electric reboot port
  • Services DNS
  • Inter-IXP gateway service (servers): Peering Level 3
  • ROA (Route Origin Authorizations) – RPKI

GrenoBlix is ​​interconnected with Lyonix, Franceix, Nicix, Touix, Top-IX, Equinix, etc.

Peering [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In order to pair, members can filter the roads received and choose to announce their prefixes only at certain internet exchange points throughout the BGP community. The IXP allows members of the IXP to make peering with other members in France and abroad.

GrenoBlix is ​​an initiative managed by Rezopole and supported by Grenoble-Alpes Métropole and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region [ 19 ] , [ 20 ] .

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external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
