Grode of Ronchamp — Wikipedia


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The Gare de Ronchamp is a French train station in the Paris-Est line in Mulhouse-Ville, located on the territory of the commune of Ronchamp, in the department of Haute-Saône, in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.

It was put into service in 1858 by the Eastern Railway Company. It is a personnel without staff of the National Company of French Railways (SNCF) served by TER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté trains.

Established at 358 meters above sea level, at the foot of the hill of Bourlémont, the Ronchamp station is located at the kilometric point (PK) 421,126 of the Paris-Est line in Mulhouse-Ville, between the stations of Lure and Champagney.

vue de la passerelle.

General view of the station.
carte postale de la gare vers 1900

The “Ronchamp station” was put into service on April 26, 1858 by the Eastern Railway Company, when it opened the operation of the Vesoul section in Belfort which allows the entire of its entire Paris line in Mulhouse [ first ] .


The station facilities are operational on the day of the opening [ first ] . Ronchamp station was in connection with the Ferré network of local mines [ 2 ] .

In April 1882, the General Council of the Department issued the vow of a judgment of the express train n ° 40-33; He considers that the company must respond to them favorably due to the importance of the tonnage transported and the recipe produced by the station, which is 622,238.23 fr in 1881 [ 3 ] .

The old passenger building was demolished in 1990, the trains stopping in Ronchamp. At that time, the building was disused and squatted [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

In 2000, the trains made it stop there; The installations are summed up with a bridge and two shelters (one for each platform). On the occasion of the fifteen-year-old festivities of the Notre-Dame du Haut chapel which induces an increase in tourism in Ronchamp and consequently of the frequentation of the station, the latter knows several developments in May and : Creation of a real car park with delimited parking area, pavement of the terrace allowing the junction of the parking lot and the quays, planting of trees and implementation of a direct junction between the two quays, the bridge being insufficient in case strong influence and inaccessible to people with reduced mobility [ 4 ] .

In 2018, according to SNCF estimates, the station’s annual attendance is 30,923 travelers [ 6 ] . It is mainly students and workers who use this station daily. Tourists are users that are mainly found in summer season [ 7 ] .

Welcome [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Halte SNCF, it is an unmanaged stop point (pang) at free entry. It has a shelter on each platform [ 8 ] .

A gateway allows the transition from one platform to another.

Desert [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ronchamp is served by TER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté trains, which carry out missions between the stations of Vesoul and Belfort or Montbéliard [ 8 ] .

Intermodality [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A car park for vehicles is fitted out.

  1. a et b François and Maguy Palau, “3.8 Vesoul-Belfort: April 26, 1858”, in Rail in France: the Second Empire (1858-1863) , Take 2, F. et M. Palau, 2001 (ISBN  2-950-94212-1-1 ) , p. 18.
  2. Page on “The Ferré network installed between the wells” on the site of the friends of the Ronchamp mine museum » (consulted the ) .
  3. site, General Council of the Haute-Sône department, Reports and deliberations , 1882/04, p. 176 read » (consulted the ) ).
  4. a et b Carole Morgenthaler a Paloma Lin Annabelle Baertschi, p. 80-81.
  5. SNCF station » , on Ronchamp in the last century (consulted the ) .
  6. Frequentness in stations: Ronchamp » , on SNCF Open Data (consulted the ) .
  7. Carole Morgenthaler a Paloma Lin Annabelle Baertschi, p. 77.
  8. a et b SNCF TER Franche-Comté site, Practical information on stations and stops: Ronchamp railway stop read » (consulted the ) ).

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [PDF] Carole Morgenthaler, Paloma Lin An Annabelle Baertschi, Ronchamp urban field: mobility through public transport , Neuchâtel, Institute of Geography of the University of Neuchâtel (Unine), , 124 p. ( read online ) , p. 72 to 86 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
