Groupe de Schützenberger – Wikipédia


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In general algebra, and in particular in theory of half-groups, the Group the protection range is a group associated with a

H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}

-Classe, in the sense of the Green relationships of a half-group. Schützenberger groups of two

H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}

-Classes of the same

D{displaystyle {mathcal {D}}}

-Classe are isomorphic. If a

H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}

-Classe is a group, the Schützenberger group of this

H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}

-Classe is isomorphic to this class.


There are in fact two groups of Schützenberger associated with a

H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}

-class given; They are anti-isomorphic from each other.

Schützenberger groups were described by Marcel-Paul Schützenberger in 1957 [ first ] . They were named in the book by Alfred H. Clifford and Gordon Preston [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .


S {displaystyle S}

A half-group. We define

S 1{displaystyle S^{1}}

as being equal to

S {displaystyle S}


S {displaystyle S}

is a monoid, if not equal to

S { first } {displaystyle Scup {1}}

, Or

first {Displaystyle 1}

is a neutral element added, therefore verifying

a first = first a = a {displaystyle a1=1a=a}

for everything

a {displaystyle a}


S 1{displaystyle S^{1}}


The relation de Green

H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}

is defined as follows. Be

a {displaystyle a}


b {displaystyle b}

two elements of

S {displaystyle S}

. SO


H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}

-class of an element

a {displaystyle a}

is noted

H ( a ) {displaystyle H(a)}

. This is the set of elements

b {displaystyle b}


S {displaystyle S}

such as

a Hb {displaystyle a{mathcal {H}}b}



H {displaystyle H}


H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}

-class of

S {displaystyle S}

. Either

T ( H ) {displaystyle T(H)}

all the elements

t {displaystyle t}


S 1{displaystyle S^{1}}

such as

H t {displaystyle Ht}

is a subset of

H {displaystyle H}

. Each

t {displaystyle t}


T ( H ) {displaystyle T(H)}

defines a transformation, noted

c t: H H {displaystyle gamma _{t}:Hto H}


H {displaystyle H}

in himself who sends an element

h {displaystyle h}


h t {displaystyle ht}



C ( H ) {displaystyle Gamma (H)}

of these transformations is in fact a group for the composition of the functions, considered to be operating on the right (

c ts= c tc s{DisplayStyle Gamma _ {ts} = Gamma _ {t} Circ gamma _ {s}}}

). It’s the Group the protection range associated with

H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}


H {displaystyle H}

. The other group of Schützenberger is the group of multiplications on the right

d t: h t h {displaystyle delta _{t}:hmapsto th}



H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}


H {displaystyle H}

To the same cardinality as his Schützenberger group

C ( H ) {displaystyle Gamma (H)}


H {displaystyle H}

is a maximum subgroup of a monoid

M {displaystyle M}

, SO

H {displaystyle H}

is a

H{displaystyle {mathcal {H}}}

-Classe and is canonically isomorphic to his group in Schützenberger.

A number of algebraic properties of monoids are reflected in their group of
Schützenberger. Thus, a monoid who has a finite number of ideals on the left and right is finished, or simply in the end of it and only if all his groups of Schützenberger are.

  1. Marcel-Paul Schützenberger « D -Representation of half-groups », Reports of the Academy of Sciences , vol. 244, , p. 1994–1996 ( read online )
  2. (in) A. H. Clifford and G. B. Preston , The algebraic theory of semigroups , vol.  I, Providence, R.I., American Mathematical Society, coll.  « Mathematical Surveys » ( n O 7), , xv+224 (Math Reviews  0132791)
  3. See as well (in) Herbert Wilf et al. , In memorium: Marcel-Paul Schützenberger (1920–1996) » , The Electronical Journal of Combinatorics,
