Grouping of Quebec self -managed artist centers – Wikipedia


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The Grouping of Quebec self -managed artist centers (RCAAQ) is a national representation organization whose mandate is to serve, bring together, represent and promote the Centers of self -managed artists in Quebec. It supports research activities linked to artistic experimentation, subscribed to management by artists, has a continuing education program intended for both cultural workers and professional artists and supports the deployment of art in the Company. He works on the influence of its members and the support of the network of Quebec and Canadian associations working to disseminate visual arts. By collaborating with representatives of other disciplines and communities, the RCAAQ participates in the definition and development of Quebec and Canadian artistic and cultural issues as well as to improving the socio-economic conditions of artists and workers in centers of centers self -managed artists. The grouping of Quebec self -managed artist centers, the oldest and most important of regional associations, brings together nearly 70 centers in all regions of Quebec [ first ] .

When 17 Centers of self -managed artists decided to form the RCAAQ in 1986, it was first to acquire a voice with the provincial and municipal government bodies. “At that time, the centers of self-managed artists were in no way represented with the government of Quebec and the municipal authorities. It was important to do so if we wanted to have more financial support, “said one of the founding members of the RCAAQ and Managing Director of the Bastien Gilbert organization [ 2 ] .

The RCAAQ was founded during a meeting of the grouping of alternative centers of Canada (ANNPAC/RACA). The 17 artist centers of Quebec, then members of this national association, decided to give themselves a group in their image. It was articulate, articula, Dazibao, Oboro, Optica, Powerhouse and Tangente (Montreal), La Chambre Blanche, Le Place, Obscure, L’oeil de Poisson, and Le Center Vu (Québec), Axenéo7 (Gatineau), Virtual space and sequence gallery (Chicoutimi), Plus language (Alma) and the Matane art gallery [ 3 ] .


The artists’ centers are “non -profit organizations, led by a board of directors with a majority of artists”; The main activity of these establishments is to promote the production of works, their dissemination and research in visual arts. They provide artists from spaces, equipment, services and specialized resources and they offer activities for reflection, training, improvement and reception during production stays [ 4 ] .

RCAAQ is a current art network manager, a portal for the promotion of current and contemporary art and the multiplicity of its activities and practices. The portal, created in 2009, is updated daily and broadcasts an imposing corpus of information on current arts in Quebec. Its calendar allows users and users to find, per day and by city, the activities in progress in more than 125 different places across Quebec. This platform increases visibility and accessibility to professional information for the arts community. She also plays a unique mediator role between highly specialized practices and an audience wishing to keep informed.

  1. Extract from the Site of the Conference of Collectives and Centers of Autogenated Artists (ARCA)
  2. Martine arrested, « RCAAQ – A twentieth anniversary », The duty ,
  3. Claire Harvey, «  Vancouver 1986 – The genesis of a network », The duty ,
  4. Quebec Culture and Communications Observatory, Culture and communications classification system in Quebec , Quebec, , p.26
