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Guy Hermet , born the In Paris, is a French sociologist, political scientist and historian.

Doctor of Sociology and Doctor of State, Researcher at the National Foundation for Political Science from 1962, he was director of the Center for International Studies and Research from 1976 to 1985 [ first ] . He is Doctor Honoris Causa from the complutense university of Madrid.

After having studied Hispanic authoritarian regimes, his research turned to the analysis of democratic transitions in southern Europe and Latin America before focusing on recent “post-democratic” developments. He believes the current form of democracy dedicated to disappearing [ 2 ] . He also paid particular attention to populism [ 3 ] and tried to establish a typology of populisms from the very variable uses of this term [ 4 ] . His most recent work focuses on the exhaustion of democracy as an ending regime, which are not declared in an unsuccessful “governance” systems that are still poorly defined ( The winter of democracy or the new regime , Paris, Armand Colin, 2007).
Guy Hermet is co -author, with Bertrand Badie, Pierre Birnbaum and Philippe Braud, from Dictionary of political science and political institutions .

  • Spanish in France. Immigration and Culture , Paris, Éditions Ouvrières, 1967.
  • Communists in Spain , Paris, Librairie Armand Colin, 1971
  • Franco’s Spain , Paris, A. Colin, 1974, Prix Marie-Eugène Simon-Henri-Martin of the French Academy in 1975
  • Catholics in Franco Spain , Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 1980 [ 5 ]
  • Totalitarianism , Paris, Cheap, 1985
  • Sociology of democratic construction , Cheap, 1985
  • The people against democracy , Paris, Fayard (coll. L’Espace du Politique), 1989
  • The Spanish War , Paris, ed. of the threshold, coll. “History points” ( n O 124), , 339 p. , cover. ill. in a go. ; 18 cm (ISBN  2-02-010646-9 And 978-2-02-010646-7 , BNF  35009550 )
  • Comparative policy , Paris, PUF (Thémis) in collaboration with B. Badie, 1990
  • Culture and democracy , Parais, Albin-Michel, Unesco, 1993
  • The disenchantments of freedom , Fayard, 1993
  • The transition to democracy , Paris, Presses de Sciences Po (Library of the Citizen), 1996
  • History of nations and nationalism in Europe , Paris, Seuil (coll. Points), 1996
  • Democracy , Paris, Flammarion, coll.  « Dominos », 1997
  • Democratic betrayal , Paris, Flammarion, 1998
  • Culture and development , Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2000
  • Populisms in the world , Paris, Fayard, 2001
  • Governance: a concept and its applications , Paris, Karthala (Codirection d’Etra), 2005
  • Dictionary of political science , Paris, Armand Colin, 2005
  • The winter of democracy or the new regime , Paris, Armand Colin, 2007
  • Export democracy? , Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2008
  • Aphorisms and political quotes , Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2011
  • Democracy and authoritarianism , Paris, Editions du Cerf, 2012
  • Dictionary of political science and political institutions , Paris, Armand Colin (Codirection d’eux, 8th revised and increased edition), 2015
  • How (well) choose your government and other political quotes , Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2016
  • Christian sources of democracy , Paris, Karthala, 2020
  2. Dominique Berns, ” “Democracy as we conceive it will disappear”. Democracy was largely a fiction. From now on, the people and the elites no longer believe it. Make way for a new regime … without a revolution », The evening , Brussels, Rossel & Cie, ( read online ) .
  3. Mastropaolo alfio “People’s populism or elites populism?” », International critic 4/2001 (no 13), p. 61-67 .
  4. Arénilla Louis. Guy Hermet. Populisms in the world. A sociological history. XIX It is XX It is centuries, foreign policy, 2001, vol. 66, n O 3, p. 730-731 .
  5. Émile Poulat, ” Hermet (Guy), Catholics in Franco Spain, vol. I: The actors of the political game, II: Chronicle of a dictatorship (report) », Religion Social Sciences Archives , Paris, editions of EHESS, vol. 2, n O 54, , p. 211-212 (ISSN  1777-5825, read online ) .
