Guy Lafon — Wikipedia



Guy Lafon was born in Paris the , and died on April 16, 2020 in the same city, during what was called the first wave of the Covid epidemic. Catholic priest Diocesan French, theologian and university, he taught dogmatic theology at the Catholic Institute of Paris between 1968 and 1996. He was also the chaplain of the École normale supérieure on rue d’Ulm from 1965 to 1979 . In this double title, but also as a teacher in preparatory classes, he was able to meet generations of Catholic intellectuals and various personalities in the world of arts, culture, political or economic life. He is a student from the 1965 promotion, Charles de Lamberterie, member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, who wrote in 2021 the biographical notice of Guy Lafon in the review of former students on rue d’Ulm, The archicube [ first ] .

Born in the 14 It is Arrondissement, Guy Lafon performs his schooling at the Petit Séminaire de Paris (in Charenton-le-Pont, at a place called Conflans), in particular when Marc-Armand Lallier is the superior; There he meets teachers like Pierre Veuillot, Émile Poulat. He obtained the baccalaureate there in 1949, then continued his schooling at the Henri-IV high school in Paris (1949-1952), where he prepared the competition for the École normale supérieure de la rue d’Ulm, which he joined in 1952. Between October 1953 and February 1955, he was elected president of the French Federation of Catholic students [ 2 ] . It is for this reason that he gets to know the national chaplain of this movement, Paul-Joseph Schmitt, priest of the diocese of Metz [ 3 ] . He obtained the aggregation of letters in 1955 [ 4 ] . After three months of teaching at the Lycée d’Amiens, from the end , it is incorporated for a military service which was to last until the end . It was then that he joined the Carmelite seminar.

He is ordered priest about M gr Pierre Veuillot [ 5 ] , bishop of Angers (later Archbishop of Paris). As a priest, he also recognized himself marked by other figures of the Church in those years, Father André Brien [ 6 ] , and François Tollu [ 7 ] .

Guy Lafon was marked during his years of training by the thought of Pascal, Bergson and that of French phenomenologists as well as by the ethical reflection of Jean Nabert. These influences contributed to inspire his interventions when he was chaplain of the Parisian Khâgnes (1961-1965) and the normal school on rue d’Ulm (1965-1979). They gave their color to his teaching on the Trinity and on Christ, when he was a professor at the Saint-Sulpice seminary in Issy-les-Moulineaux (1965-1968). Under the direction of Henri Bouillard [ 8 ] , he prepared a thesis of theology on Time, Christ and God. Introduction to a reflexive Christology , thesis he defended in 1969. In the same years, between 1968 and 1979, he was chaplain of Notre-Dame de Paris [ 9 ] .

In 1968 again, Guy Lafon was called by Father Jean Daniélou to create at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic Institute of Paris a teaching named Introduction to the Christian mystery . It was, in response to the wishes of the recent council (Vatican II), to offer for an academic year an overview of theology to students who were to continue the study for still five years, at the same time as ‘They would engage in a philosophical journey. A few years later, at the request of the Liégé father, a new dean of the Faculty of Theology, Guy Lafon accepted the burden of teaching, during an annual semester, what he had to appoint himself the theological anthropology. Under this name was gathered most of the ancient treaties known as “speculative moral theology” (creation, sin, thanks, last ends). At the same time, and until 1996, on the same subjects, Guy Lafon led second cycle and doctorate seminars. In the 1970s and 1980s, he also contributed to the training of many teachers of the religion course in Belgium, during courses or training sessions, both at the Catholic University of Louvain and at the University of Namur.


From 1968 to 1996, in the teaching of Guy Lafon, were added to intellectual influences already mentioned those which came to him from his reflection on the human sciences (linguistic, structuralism in his various aspects, psychoanalysis and Marxism) [ ten ] . It was then that he developed a clean reading approach and he applied it in particular to the texts of the Bible. Already then and in the years later, he published a certain number of works which testify to these last developments of his thought.

In 1980, with Antoine Delzant [ 11 ] and Jean Lavergne [ twelfth ] , he founded Alethe, “free association of theological studies”. The association regularly organizes work sessions and publishes the Alethe notebooks , support for a free reflection on questions related to the news of thought, theology and faith.

In 1981, while he was teaching at the Paris Catholic Institute and carried out a vicar ministry at the Saint-Marcel parish (between 1979 and 1988), he returned to teaching proper by joining Fénelon-Sainte- Marie in secondary school, then the Stanislas college in Paris ( 6 It is Arrondissement) in 1984 as a teacher of letters in preparatory classes (prep HEC the first four years, before teaching in hypokhâgne and Khâgne, until 1996). He became a time (1996-1997) the director of this Parisian establishment.

Meanwhile, from 1994 to 1997, he was chaplain of the Saint-Bernard chapel, in the basements of the Montparnasse station, in the 14 It is arrondissement, then parish priest of Saint-Marcel, in the 13 It is Arrondissement, between 1998 and 2004. After being vicar at the Saint-Jean-des-Deux-Moulins church from 2004 to 2016, it was a time attached to the Saint-Jean-Baptiste de la Salle parish, in the 15 It is arrondissement. Resident at the Parisian clergy retirement home since April 2019, he died in April 2020, infected with COVVI-19.

From 1994 to 2013, Guy Lafon put into practice his theological and theological approach in a “reading school”, the Gospel table , which he held open at the parish of Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Between fall 2013 and summer 2018, this reading exercise took place at a monthly pace, in Versailles (thanks to the reception of the servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) only. The texts of the years 1994 to 2002 were published in twenty volumes [ 13 ] . These first volumes, increased by the equivalent of ten other unpublished volumes, are taken up in the CD-ROM The gospel table, 300 biblical readings , which is published in the fall of 2010, by Éditions de la Nouvelle Alliance.

  • Essay on the meaning of salvation , Paris, Editions du Cerf, 1964
  • Sketches for Christianity , Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 1979 (ISBN  2-204-01267-X )
  • The common god , Paris, Seuil, 1982 (ISBN  2-02-006276-3 )
  • Believe, hope, love , Paris, Cerf, 1983 (ISBN  2-204-02081-8 )
  • The other-king or the fraternal religion , Paris, Nouvelle Cité, 1987 (ISBN  2-85313-124-6 )
  • Secularism or freedom to choose , Nice, “Reading School”, 1993 (ISBN  2-910620-03-4 )
  • There are not two loves , Nice, “Reading School”, 1994 (ISBN  2-910620-01-8 )
  • The origin of Jesus Christ, introduction to the reading of Matthieu I, 18-25 , Nice, “Reading School”, Saint-Philippe parish, 1994 (ISBN  2-910620-04-2 )
  • Abraham or the invention of faith , Paris, Seuil, 1996 (ISBN  2-02-023683-4 ) . Also translated and published in Italian Abraham or the invention of faith , Milan, Gribaudi, 1998, en espagnol Abrahan or the discovery of faith , Madrid, PPC, 2000, and in Portuguese Abraham: The Invention of Faith , Bauru (Brésil), publisher of the University of Sacred Heart, 2001
  • To read Matthew’s Gospel , Paris, Éditions Goliath, 1998 (ISBN  2-911453-55-7 )
  • The spirit of the letter, readings of the Gospel according to Saint Luke (pref. Robert de Montvalon), Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 2001 (ISBN  2-220-04871-3 )
  • The Gospel Table (20 volumes), Nice, “Reading school” editions, 1995-2002 (ISBN  2-910620-07-7 ) (Tome 1)
  • The time to believe (John 11, 1-46) , Brussels, Lumen Vitae, “Knowing the Bible” collection n O 37, 2004 (ISBN  2-87324-248-5 )
  • Word and life: readings of the Gospel according to Saint John Light of life , 100 p. (ISBN  978-2-8732-4264-0 )
  • Faith and truth , Brussels, Lumen Vitae, “Knowing the Bible” collection n O 59, 2010 (ISBN  978-2-87324-390-6 )
  • The gospel table – 300 biblical readings (CD-ROM), Clamart, Éditions de la Nouvelle Alliance, 2010 (ISBN  978-2-9536667-0-0-0-0 ) . Resumption of twenty volumes of The Gospel Table Published by “Reading School” editions, increased by the equivalent of ten unpublished volumes.

He prefaced two works by Madeleine Delbrêl, The joy of believing , Paris, Le Seuil, 1968 (ISBN  2-02-022972-2 ) And Communities according to the Gospel , Paris, Le Seuil, 1973 (ISBN  2-02-003212-0 ) , as well as an edition of the epistles of Paul de Tarsus to the Romans (entitled “The epistle to the Romans or the innocent religion”, preface to Saint Paul, epistle to the Romans, epistles to the Galatians , Garnier-Flammarion collection, n O 472, p. 9-33 , Paris, 1987) (ISBN  2-08-070472-9 ) .

He has contributed more to collective works, including:

  • Émile Poulat, Catholicism under observation, interviews with Guy Lafon , Collection “Les Interviews”, Paris, Le Centurion, 1983, 256 pages (ISBN  2-227-32131-8 ) (BNF  34843904 )
  • Joseph Doré (dir.), The hundred years of the Faculty of Theology , Paris, Beauchesne, 1992 (ISBN  2-7010-1249-X ) . “Make theology at the Age of Human Sciences”, pages 142-148
  • François-Xavier Dumortier, Jean Klein, Pierre Manent, Guy Lafon, Can politics be moral? , Paris, Les Cahiers d’Alethe, 1992
  • Joseph Dorrange It’s Christoph theoboD (you), Thinking about faith. Research in theology today – Mixtures offered to Joseph Moingt , Paris, Le Cerf, 1993 (ISBN  2-204-04863-1 ) . “Belief and non-believers”, pages 315-325.
  • The appearance in Marie-Madeleine , Paris, ed. Desclée de Brouwer, coll. “Triptych”, 2001, with Marianne Alphant and Daniel Arasse (ISBN  2-220-04988-4 )
  • Marthe and Marie , Paris, ed. Desclée de Brouwer, coll. “Triptych”, 2002, with Jean-Louis Chrétien and Étienne Jollet (ISBN  2-220-05060-2 )

He has also published numerous articles or studies in leading journals of French -speaking Catholicism, the Religious science research , Etvdes , Christ (linked to the Company of Jesus in France), The light of life and the New theological review (linked to the Company of Jesus in Belgium), Spiritual life And Light & Life , linked to the order of preachers. In Belgium again, he published contributions in the Louvain’s theological review .

A work focused on the maintenance concept [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Guy Lafon’s concern “is to think Christianity without relying on a theology of the metaphysical type” (cf. Sketches for Christianity , 1979). It includes Christian revelation using the maintenance concept, which constitutes it as an act of communication between men and no longer as a set of truths that are imposed from the outside (cf. The common god , 1982) » [ 14 ] . We will find a presentation of the construction of this maintenance concept in the program “Les Mardis des Bernardins”, program recorded At the Bernardins College and accessible on the website of the KTO Catholic television channel [ 15 ] .

In 1992, Alfonso Colzani presented to the Faculty of Theology of northern Italy (Milan) work on Guy Lafon’s ‘theology of otherness’. Between semiological include and thought of the practice [ 16 ] . In , the Franciscan Slovenian Mari Osredkar, under the direction of Joseph Caillot [ 17 ] , supports a thesis on the whole of Guy Lafon’s theological work, thesis entitled Live with “any other”. Thinking about salvation according to Guy Lafon’s writings . Since then, a teacher at the University of Ljubljana at the Faculty of Theology where he was assistant, and where he has been, since 2009, a professor of fundamental theology, he continues to read the concepts of Guy Lafon’s work, at the heart of which that of the interview . He published in 2008 again, by Franciscan editions, in Paris, a work entitled It is important to be together – tribute to Guy Lafon, a interview thinker [ 18 ] . In 2013, Immaculate Nyembo Mamba, from the R.D.C., supported a master’s thesis at Laval University: The revelation according to Guy Lafon [ 19 ] . It holds that the concept of maintenance, central in Guy Lafon’s thought, is a way to say the revelation in the categories of contemporary thought.

  • Knight in the order of academic palms (decree of July 27, 1995).
  • In Twenty-seven contributions have been brought together in a volume of mixtures: Paths of freedom, mixtures in honor of Guy Lafon [ 20 ] . Each of the contributions, in the field of expertise that is their own, offers a space for dialogue, proximity and gap, with the interview as a transcendental form of all human experience.
  1. Charles de Lamberterie, The archicube [first] n ° 29 bis, special issue, February 2021, p. 148-151. Two other former students, Françoise Cabane and Agnès Fontaine, also give a testimony to their esteem for Guy Lafon ( ibid. , p. 152).
  2. Antoine stupid, “The French Federation of Catholic students” , in: René Rémond ed., Religious forces and political attitudes in contemporary France , Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, “Academic”, 1965, p. 161-166. Regarding this responsibility in the FFEC, we can refer to an article signed by Guy Lafon, “concerns and certainties of young Christians”, in Religious news in the world , n O 48, from March 15, 1955 (pages 3 and 4).
  3. This one, although named shortly after a college in Bitche (Moselle), then bishop of Metz (1958-1987), stayed in contact with Guy Lafon, until his death.
  4. André Chervel, Secondary education aggregates. Directory 1809-1960 , March 2015 [online].
  5. Pierre Veuillot had been one of his teachers at the small Conflans seminar and the two men remained close. Guy Lafon also worked with the bishop-coadjutor between 1961 and 1965, in connection with his secretary Jean Robin, and before Georges Gilson.
  6. André Brien (1913-1998), priest of the diocese of Paris, ordered in 1939, spent five years of captivity in Germany during the war; He was chaplain of Parisian Khâgnes and the École Normale Supérieure (rue d’Ulm) between 1947 and 1961, preacher of Notre-Dame de Paris from 1971 to 1974, author of numerous works, including God is there , Paris, Fayard, 1959, The journey of faith , Paris, Le Seuil, 1964, Jesus Christ, my freedom , Paris, Le Centurion, 1972, Believe , Paris, Le Centurion, 1973, The master of happiness , Paris, Le Centurion, 1974, Free and reconciled , Paris, Bayard-Presse, 1974, The god of man , Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1984.
    We can with interest discover a communication theology, as it could be formulated in 1974, in an interview between Father Brien and Jacques Chancel, in the program Radioscopy » , on , .
  7. François Tollu, P.S.S., was superior of the Carmelite seminar during the years of training by Guy Lafon.
  8. Henri Bouillard s. J. (1908-1981), specialist in Thomas Aquinas, Maurice Blondel and Protestant theology of the XX It is century, Karl Barth and Rudolf Bultmann in particular (Source: Dictionary of theologians and theology , Paris, Bayard, 1998). Bouillard supports his thesis in Sorbonne in 1956, published immediately. Karl Barth , Paris, Éditions Aubier, 1957, Three volumes.
  9. We sometimes see him, quite briefly, on the video archive of the funeral of General de Gaulle, on November 12, 1970. Taken from the Cinematographic Archives of the INA, the video mentions Canon Bérard, archpriest of the cathedral, and the chaplain, Guy Lafon, 48 min 50 s. Religious ceremony in memory of General de Gaulle in Notre-Dame » , on , .
  10. From the frequentation of the human sciences, Guy Lafon had to retain the aspect by which each of them insists on the operation more than on themes or even the theses. He learned what he said otherwise in all his works, namely, according to him, that gestures are more important than content and that the latter are figures of a communication movement that continues.
  11. Antoine Delzant (1935-2013), former student of the École Normale Supérieure (rue d’Ulm), associate of mathematics, doctor of theology, also taught for many years at the Catholic Institute of Paris, at the time Where he provided pastoral responsibilities-he was a time a time in the Saint-Merri church. His thesis, prepared under the supervision of Guy Lafon, and supported in 1977, had the title: The new alliance. Beyond useful and useless. Theological essay on the symbolic order . It was published in 1978 under the title God’s communication , Paris, the deer (ISBN  2-204-01224-6 ) . There is a recension of this particularly enlightening thesis of René-Michel Roberge, in the review Theological and philosophical laval , volume 35, number 3, 1979, p. 317-319. There are also a number of articles by Antoine Delzant accessible from the site of Bring , others from the portal .
  12. Jean Lavergnat has exercised numerous ministries-he was notably responsible for the reconstruction of the Notre-Dame-d’Espérance church in the 11 It is Paris arrondissement, he intervened as part of the Continuing education of faith , from the Paris Cathedral School. He was also one of the animators of the “Jonas in Nineveh, Christian reflection groups” and collaborated in Spirit (review) .
  13. cf . “The gospel table” .
  14. Dictionary of theologians and Christian theology , under the direction of Gérard Reynal, Bayard Éditions – Centurion, 1998, (ISBN  2-227-35528-X ) , page 268.
  15. The truth at the risk of speech and faith – around the work of Guy Lafon – KTOTV » (consulted the )
  16. That we could translate by: Guy Lafon’s ‘theology of otherness’. Between semiological reinterpretation and practice theory . Cf . The site of the Theology faculty of northern Italy]
  17. Joseph Caillot (1948-2003), Eudist, professor of theology at the ICP between 1987 and 2002, had himself prepared his thesis under the direction of Guy Lafon. He obtained his doctorate in theology in 1987, after having presented The salvation of Christianity, essay on the gospel of communication .
  18. (ISBN  978-2-850-20241-4 ) .
  19. Mastery memory in theology , by Immaculate Nyembo Mamba, master ès arts (M.A.) Quebec – under the direction of François Nault
  20. Clamart, Éditions de la Nouvelle Alliance, 2011. (ISBN  978-2-953-66671-7 ) 3.KertErs: Oetik fails: The Contraî Sportrî, IS RULTE SASCH, RATE FREE, SIREG BRIES, Georges Gils Spine, Jean-Pierre Josua, Gildlas Runys, Bern began, Bernz, Mariel, Bernoveed, Bernie, Wignel, Bern, Wélive, Bernat, Benade again. WYBO – Antoine Marryy it Joseph Valirot.

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