Guy Michel (Acteur) – Wikipedia


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Guy Michel , born the in Paris 15 It is where he died the [ first ] , is a French actor member of the Comédie-Française.

He is buried in the Montmartre cemetery (Division 9) [ 2 ] .

French comedy [ 3 ] [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Entrance to the Comédie-Française in 1977
  • Member in 1986
  • 475 It is member
  • 1977: Misanthrope de Molière, staging Pierre Dux: Acastte
  • 1977: Should we say it? D ‘Eugène Labiche, Jean-Laurent Cochet’s Linking: Albert Fragil
  • 1977: Lorenzaccio d’alfred de musset, mise in scene in miselna Franco Iziffirelli: a the Étudiant; a convives
  • 1978: We cannot think of everything D ‘Alfred de Musset, staged Jean-Laurent Cochet: The Marquis de Valberg
  • 1978: Ruy Blas by Victor Hugo, staged Jacques Destoop: a gentleman, don manuel arias, the alcade
  • 1978: Deceits of Scapin de Molière, staging Jacques Echantillon: Octave
  • 1978: Flea in the ear by Georges Feydeau, staged Jean-Laurent Cochet: Étienne
  • 1979: La Folle de Chaillot by Jean Giraudoux, staged Michel Fagadau: Le Coulissier, the secretary general of the advertising press trustee
  • 1979: A serious customer by Georges Courteline, staged Jean-Laurent Cochet: the bailiff
  • 1980: Forced marriage The molière, Mise en Scene Maurice Béjart: Alcidas
  • 1980: Tartuffe or impostor de Molière, staging Maurice Béjart: Damis
  • 1980: The test de Marivaux, staged Jean-Louis Thamin: Frontin
  • 1980: The Bourgeois Gentilhomme de Molière, staged Jean -Laurent Cochet: Covielle – Le Muphti
  • 1981: Dom Juan or the stone feast de Molière, staged Jean-Luc Boutté: Gusman
  • 1981: Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy by Witold Gombrowicz, staged Jacques Rosner: Le Chambellan
  • 1981: The journey of Mr. Perrichon D’UGENE LABICHE and Édouard MARTIN, staged Jean le Poulain: Jean
  • 1981: The whims of Marianne d’Alfred de Musset, staged François Beaulieu: Tibia
  • 1982: Moving sands de Jacques-Pierre Amette, staged Jean-Louis Jacopin: Francis
  • 1982: The journey of Mr. Perrichon D’uGène Labiche and Édouard Martin, staged Jean le Poulain
  • 1982: The flying doctor de Molière, staged Philippe Adrien: Gros-René
  • 1982: Triptych de Max Frisch, staging Roger Blin: Klas – A guest
  • 1983: The suicide by Nikolai Erdman, staged Jean-Pierre Vincent: The Reverend Father Elpidi
  • 1983: Women’s school de Molière, staged Jacques Rosner: Alain
  • 1983: Women’s school review de Molière, staged Jacques Rosner: Le Marquis
  • 1983: To the colony de Marivaux, staged Jean-Pierre Miquel: Timagène
  • 1984: The triumph of love de Marivaux, staged Alain Halle-Halle: Arlequin
  • 1984: The Crows d’Henry Becque, staged Jean-Pierre Vincent: Lefort
  • 1985: A Italian Straw Hat D’uGène Labiche and Marc-Michel, staged Bruno Bayen: Achille de Rosalba, young lion
  • 1985: Macbeth’s tragedy by William Shakespeare, staged Jean-Pierre Vincent, Comédie-Française at the Avignon Festival [ 4 ]  : Premier assassin, Menteth
  • 1986: Turkish ou le financier of Alain-René Lesage, staged Yves Gasc: Le Marquis
  • 1986: A Midsummer Night’s dream by William Shakespeare, staged Jorge Lavelli: Snug, the lion
  • 1987: Legacy de Marivaux, staged Jacques Rosny: Le Marquis
  • 1987: The Trojan War will not take place by Jean Giraudoux, staged Raymond Gérôme: Busiris
  • 1988: Love for love by William Congreve, staged André Steiner: scandal
  • 1988: The jackpot The EU AFGDRIE Life Weigh HEREED Delcourses, Making a Scachee Jean-Michel Rbert: CCAAEL
  • 1988: Powder in the eyes D’uGène Labiche and Édouard Martin, staged Pierre Mondy: the butler
  • 1989: A romantic transport From Raymond Lepoutre, staged Antoine Vitez: Pierre Guimard
  • 1989: Lorenzaccio d’Alfred de Musset, staged Georges Lavaudant: Cardinal Valori
  • 1990: Misanthrope de Molière, staged Simon Eine: Oronthe (Richelieu room; tour)
  • 1990: Coffee De caro goldoni, mise in scene Jean-Louis JacquinFo
  • 1991: The king is having fun by Victor Hugo, staged Jean-Luc Boutté: M. de Pienne (alternating)

Outside comedy-French [ 5 ] [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1958: Gonzalo Sent La Violette Albert Rieux and Robert Vattier, staging Maurice Teynac, Théâtre Saint-Georges
  • 1958: Lucy Crown from Irwin Shaw, staging Pierre Dux, Théâtre de Paris
  • 1959: The poisons affair From Victorien Sardou, directed Raymond Gérôme, the theater Sarah Bernhardt
  • 1961: The little cap by Michel André, staging Jacques Mauclair, Théâtre des Varieties
  • 1965: Testing D’Ira Wallach, staging Pierre Dux, Comedy of the Champs-Élysées
  • 1965: Tartuff de Molière, staged Roger Colas, Théâtre de l’Alliance Française
  • 1966: Forbidden to the public by Jean Marsan, directed by Jean Le Poulain, theater Marigny
  • 1967: Testing d’Ira Wallach, staging Pierre Dux, Théâtre des Célestins
  • 1968: Brief meeting And We were in de Noel Coward, staging Jacques Mauclair, Théâtre Saint-Georges
  • 1969: For final settlement by Dimitri Frenkel Frank, staging Roland Monk, Théâtre du Tertre
  • 1970: Early morning Edward Bond, staged Georges Wilson, Avignon Festival, TNP Théâtre de Chaillot
  • 1971: Murderous angels by Conor Cruise O’Brien, staged Joan Littlewood, Chaillot Theater
  • 1973: Harold et Maude by Colin Higgins, staged Jean-Louis Barrault, Récamier Theater
  • 1974: Isabella Morra by André Pieyre de Mandiargues, staged Jean-Louis Barrault, Théâtre d’Orsay
  • 1974: Thus spoke Zarathoustra by Friedrich Nietzsche, staged Jean-Louis Barrault, Théâtre d’Orsay
  • 1975: Christopher Colombus by Paul Claudel, staged Jean-Louis Barrault, theater of Orsay
  • 1975: The nights of Paris According to Rétif de la Bretonne, staged Jean-Louis Barrault, Théâtre d’Orsay
  • 1980: Harold et Maude by Colin Higgins, staged Jean-Louis Barrault, Théâtre d’Orsay

Staging [ 5 ] [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Resources relating to the show Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
  • Audiovisual resource Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
