Guy picciotto — Wikipedia


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Description de l'image Guy Picciotto.jpg.
General informations
Birth (57 years old)
Washington D.C.
Core business Singer-songwriter, musician, producer
Genre musical Alternative rock, hardcore punk, post-hardcore, noise rock, emo, independent rock, punk
Instruments Voice, guitar, drums, rhythm box, clarinet, percussion
active years Since 1984
Labels Dischord
Official site

Guy Picciotto is an American musician from Washington D.C. born September 17, 1965. He is mainly known for his participation as a singer and guitarist of the Fugazi groups and Rites of Spring.

Rites of Spring et « Revolution Summer » [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Guy Picciotto has been a very influential composer and musician in Undergound music over the last three musical decades. His first groups such as The Hostages, Popes, Vanguards and Insurrection played in parties, cellars, campfires and other rallies. Picciotto was also a member of the very exclusive D.O.D Dance of Death, a social club of Washington D.C. whose members were recognized by their dangerous and nihilist dance style (e.g. riding on the ground while other slate).

Picciotto became known in 1985 with the Rites of Spring group, which was known for its catharsic live performances where its members destroyed their instruments and made very distinctive representations: a strange combination of sound aggression, melodic sensitivity and a “Byronic” aesthetic. This formula has received many names and gave birth to a multitude of clone groups around the world.


Rites of Spring was among a small handful of groups of Washington D.C. to be part of the movement called “Revolution Summer” ( Summer of the Revolution ), with groups such as Beefeater, Soulslide, Mission Impossible and Embrace.
“Revolution Summer” was an autocritic movement designed to reaffirm the aesthetics and the political objectives of what was sometimes called “punk”. Most of these groups were signed on the Dischord label of Washington D.C.

After the separation of Rites of Spring, Picciotto formed several groups in a row with more or less the same members under the names of One Last Wish, Brief Weess and Happy Go Licky.

Later, Picciotto and his longtime collaborator Brendan Canty played together in Fugazi.

Fugazi [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Although he was not part of the original training, Picciotto joined the group very early in his career, he sang with them from their second concert and he is present on all the albums recorded by the group.

Since their first maximum Fugazi , Guy was one of the main composers of the group with Ian Mackaye. From their first studio album, Repeater , Picciotto took care of the second guitar, a very characteristic rckenbacker with a sound loaded with “treble” which allowed him to create a noise space not covered by the more fatty and rhythm of Mackaye.

After 7 albums ( 13 Songs , Repeater , Steady Diet of Nothing , In on the Kill Taker , Red Medicine , End Hits , The Argument ) And several tours, Fugazi has put its in suspense activity.

Girlfriends to rétemment joué diviers happenings , he collaborated and played with Mats Gustafsson, Vic Chesnutt, Patti Smith, Tom Verlaine and the members of The Ex among others. He also co -produced the successful album Standing in the Way of Control from The Gossip group. He also co -produced the film Chain With Jem Cohen (who made the film on Fugazi, Instrument ).

Other projects [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Picciotto Musical Curriculum includes other groups such as One Last Wish (1986), Brief Weeds (short-term discs released between 1991-1992) and The Black Light Panthers (in which he has participated discontinuously since 1982). The last two groups are projects he leads with the drummer of the Fugazi group, Brendan Canty. He also created the Peterbilt Records label, which released a limited amount of vinyl records for Rain, Happy Go Licky and Deadline groups. Years later he participated in the recording of the CD 1986 With One Last Wish signed on the Dischord label. He also produced The Blood Brothers’ latest album, Young Machetes And several albums of the Blonde Redhead group including “Misery is a Butterfly” released in 2004. Picciotto played in albums North Star Deserter (2007) and At the Cut (2009) by Vic Chesnutt.

Rites of Spring [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Rites of Spring (1985)
  • All Through a Life (EP) (1987)
  • End on End (complete recordings) (1991)

One Last Wish [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Happy Go Licky [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • twelfth” (EP)(1988)
  • Will Play (live Compilation) (1997)

Black Light Panthers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Peterbilt 12″ 82-97 (1997)

Brief Weeds [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • A Very Generous Portrait 7″ (1990)
  • Songs of Innocence and Experience 7″ (1992)

Fugazi [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
