Hachemi Rafsandjani — Wikipedia


Ali Akbar Hachemi Rafsandjani (in Persian: Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani ), neither Hachemi Bahramani the And Bahreman (in) (Persian) and dead In Tehran (Iran), is an Iranian statesman, president of the Islamic Republic of Iran from 1989 to 1997.


Origins, studies and training [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Son of well -off farmers around Rafsandjan, he followed the Hawza From Qom, holy city of Shiism, for a dozen years, including six under the teaching of Ayatollah Khomeini, of which he became one of the most faithful second.

In reality, not very passionate about studying the comments of the Koran, he succeeded in leaving a career as a political agitator – for which he was arrested four times – and a businessman, thanks to which Between 1960 and 1976, he carried out real estate operations in Qom which brought him great profits. He also becomes one of the most important pistachios in Iran and was considered the richest man in the country; His personal fortune is estimated at several billion dollars.

In 1979, before the fall of the chah, presenting himself as the representative of the small traders of the bazaar, who gave him since the nickname Akbar chaah (King Akbar), he abused international journalists, in particular, French journalists, claiming that the sole goal of the movement was to establish a democratic republic.

Political career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1980, he was elected president of the Islamic Consultative Assembly or event (parliament).

During the conflict with Iraq (1980–1988), he was the founded power of Ayatollah Khomeini to the powerful Council of War. He was also criticized for having unnecessarily extended hostilities after the reconquest of the territories invaded by Iraq.

From March 1983 to June 1986, he undertook with France a subtle game between secret negotiations and terrorist pressures, such as the Beirut attack in 1983 which killed 60 French soldiers, a game which led to bend the French government. This one delivers, from June 1986, 100,000 shells through the company Luchaire, expelled in November Massoud Radjavi which takes refuge in Iraq, and pays to the Iranian government a check for $ 330 million, representing a part From Iranian participation to the Eurodif uranium enrichment company.


In March 1988, Khomeini appointed him commander-in-chief of the Iranian armies, and in April he then imposed the ceasefire with Iraq [ first ] .

In the spring of 1989, he launched calls to terrorism, before denying them softly. On May 5, he called the Palestinians to kill Americans, British or French , then scroll through 10,000 men in arms of Lebanese Hezbollah in Baalbek during the Jerusalem Day . In early August 1989, he offered to accelerate the release of Western hostages in Lebanon, after having directly negotiated on the phone with the American president George H. W. Bush-Iranian assets in the United States, blocked since the death of the chah in 1980, was then went up to 12 billion dollars – he asked Hezbollah to suspend any hostage execution.

In , on the death of Khomeini, Rafsandjani plays an important role in the appointment of his successor to the position of Guide to the Revolution: Ali Khamenei [ 2 ] .

The , he was elected President of the Iranian Republic and then re -elected until August 1997, on an opening program and reforms against those who were then called the irreducible , whose leader was Mohtachemi (in) . He then said: ” We do not build a dam with slogans … Iran always brings his wheat, meat, spare parts, vehicles and experts from abroad! ». Often in conflict with the Conservative Parliament, he referred certain employees of Rafsandjani, such as the Minister of Culture Mohammad Khatami in 1992 and the Minister of the Economy Mohsen Nourbakhshshshsh in 1994.

He is accused (with Ali Khamenei) of having ordered the execution of Iranian opponents, members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran who was then in armed fight against the Iranian government. The assassinations take place at the Mykonos restaurant in Berlin the [ 3 ] .

Candidate in the presidential election of June 2005, he came at the top of the first round with 21.1% of the votes against 19.4% at the curator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In the second round, he was beaten by the latter, collecting only 35.9% of the vote. This defeat is the most important in his career. Relations between Ali Khamenei, who supports Ahmadinejad, and Rafsandjani deteriorate after this defeat [ 2 ] .

Rafsandjani is chairman of the discernment council and advises the guide to the revolution on national policy subjects.

Argentine justice accused, in October 2006, the Iranian government and the Lebanese movement Hezbollah of being responsible for the AMIA attack. As such, an international arrest warrant was pronounced against Hachemi Rafsandjani and eight other Iranian officials and diplomats.

In December 2006, Rafsandjani was elected as a representative of Tehran in the assembly of experts. He is elected by his peers to the presidency of the assembly [ 4 ] . He lost the presidency in March 2011, for the benefit of Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi-Kani, a conservative religious close to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The country’s ruling faction criticized him for the opposition during the president’s disputed re -election in June 2009 [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

Rafsandjani is a candidate in the presidential election in 2013 but his candidacy is rejected by the Council of Guardians of the Constitution, controlled by Khamenei and the Conservatives [ 7 ] .

In , Rafsandjani is a candidate for the presidency of the assembly of experts but is beaten by the conservative Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi [ 8 ] .

In , Rafsandjani is at the head of the “moderate” list for the constituency of Tehran in the assembly of experts. The list triumphs by obtaining 15 of the 16 seats in the constituency. Two important conservatives: Mohammad Yazdi and Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah Yazdi are beaten while ultra-conservative Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati is justly elected. Rafsandjani, a candidate who obtained the most votes in the constituency, is expected as a candidate for the presidency of the Assembly. Nevertheless, he chose to support the “moderate” Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini who was beaten in May by Jannati who obtained 51 of the 86 votes, against 21 for Amini. The Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi Conservative Ayatollah obtains 13 votes [ 9 ] , [ 8 ] .

Dead [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , he died of a heart attack at the age of 82, at Tajrish hospital in Tehran [ ten ] , [ 6 ] . Rafsandjani’s family and allies expressed doubts about the announced cause of Rafsandjani’s death [ 11 ] .

Rafsandjani is the best known opponent of the Iranian conservatives and in particular their chief, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Rafsandjani advocates more tolerance and more openness to the West. When he died, no “reformer” seems to benefit from as much influence as him and be in a position to oppose the conservatives. Rafsandjani supported and helped reform presidents Hassan Rouhani and Mohammad Khatami, but both are in a difficult political position [ 6 ] .

Her son Mohsen (in) is also a politician, classified as “reformer”. In , during the municipal election in Tehran, he obtained 1.7 million votes and was elected to the municipal council [ twelfth ] .

  • The , during a sermon at the University of Tehran, he declared that “the use of a single nuclear weapon against Israel would destroy everything, but, against the Islamic world, would cause limited damage”, which suggests that the ‘Employment of nuclear weapons against Israel could be conceivable [ 13 ] .
  • The , he declared that American forces will be forced to leave the Middle East wilted.
  • The , he declared that the objective of the United States in Iraq was to overthrow the regime, occupy the country for its oil and weaken Syria and Iran, while President Khatami declared that Iran would continue his nuclear program whatever American threats.
  • The , he declared in his preaching, concerning the French law on secularism: ” The French authorities will not succeed in banning the Islamic veil in schools and, if they succeed, millions of Muslims will curse them! »
  1. (in) Patria is hang, Rafsanjani, dead at 82, was one of the titans of post-revolutionary Iran » , Reuters, .
  2. a et b (in) Ian black et saeed kamali dehghan, Iran election: Rafsanjani defends decision to stand as his ‘national duty’ » , The Guardian,
  3. (in) German court implicates Iran leaders in ’92 killings » , CNN, .
  4. “Ayatollah Hashémi Rafsanjani is appointed president of the assembly of experts” , IRNA, September 4, 2007.
  5. “Iran: Rafsandjani leaves the presidency of the assembly of experts” , lemonde.fr, 8 mars 2011.
  6. A B and C (in) Thomas Erdbrink , When Barar Has Haphes Hasphone-sphones, Masire, a heart 82 82 » , The New York Times , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  7. (in) Rafsanjani and Mashaei bared from Irancy poll » , BBC News,
  8. a et b (in) Rohollah Fghihi, Who will be the next chair of Iran’s Assembly of Experts? » , Al-Monitor,
  9. (in) Arash Karami, Hard-line cleric clinches Assembly of Experts leadership » , Al-Monitor,
  10. BBC Persian Service Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani died .
  11. (in) Arash Karami, One year later, questions linger about former Iranian president’s death » , Al-Monitor,
  12. (in) Amir vahddd it jon gambrell, Iran reformists sweep Tehran municipal council election » , Associated Press, .
  13. (fr) [PDF] Bruno Tertrais, Is the deterrent logic universal? » , on https://www.defense.gouv.fr , Foundation for strategic research, (consulted the ) .

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