Hajo Andreeainarivelo – Wikipedia


Hajo hervelolona Andrianainarivelo [Had͡zʷ And͡ʒianʲaʲnarivelʷ] Ou hajo arianaainarivelo, né le In Antananarivo, is a Malagasy business administrator and a politician.


Origin [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hajo Andrianainarivelo comes from a family of politicians. His father Beloha Andrianainarivelo was also mayor of the rural commune of Ankadinandriana, his terroir, about thirty kilometers from the capital Antananarivo.

Maire de la Commune Rurale d’Ankadinandrianan [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hajo Andrianainarivelo began his political career without a label. Like his father, he was elected mayor of Ankadinandriana the . In 2005, he became president of the Hetsik’Avaradrano association, federating natives of the rural areas of Avaradrano, in the Analamanga region. During its second term, the association succeeded in placing seven mayors out of twelve during the municipal elections and obtained two seats of regional advisers out of four during the regional elections.

At the head of the commune of Ankadinandriana, Hajo Andrianainarivelo engages there in partnership with the FES (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) the first municipal development plan (PCD), a plan that will serve as a model for several municipalities in the country.

His third term as mayor in progress since the was interrupted by its involvement in February 2009 in the demonstrations organized by the mayor of Antananarivo at the time Andry Rajoelina against President Marc Ravalomanana.

Business administrator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1995, returning to the country, after studying in France, Hajo Andrianainarivelo joined Tiko [ 3 ] as production director. He resigned a year later.


He then worked as Operating Director within the company Les fisheries du Melaky and Menabe [ 4 ] which initiated the construction of factories at that time to this treatment of CURVETTE TRAINING IN MOINEIRO AND MORONDAVA [ 5 ] .

From 2003 to 2008, Hajo Andrianainarivelo held the position of technical director in Liha BTP, a company invested in public works and the building.

In 2013, he created the SMPC (Malagasy Press and Communication Society) from which Kolo TV/FM raised.

National political career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mayor of the rural commune of Ankadinandriana, in the Analamanga region, he joined the protest movement led by the mayor of Antananarivo Andry Rajoelina against President Marc Ravalomanana in 2009. In the government resulting from the popular movement formed the on the place of , in the heart of Antananarivo by opponents, Hajo Andrianainarivelo is appointed Minister of Regional Planning and Decentralization. The protest movement leads to On the resignation of President Marc Ravalomanana and the transfer of his powers to a military directory by the 2009-001 ordinance of the . The military management board in turn transfers full powers to Andry Nirina Rajoelina who becomes the president of the High Authority for the Transition (HAT). THE By decree 2009-250, Monja Roindefo is appointed Prime Minister. Hajo Andrianainarivelo is reinforced minister responsible for regional planning and decentralization in the government he forms. It is renewed to the same functions in the government of .

At the head of this ministry, he applies a development strategy based on a decentralization of powers. This strategy is based on a territorial approach where community development is induced by taking into account the basic needs of the population and by its participation in the process. It is within this framework that he sets up several bodies such as the National Institute of Decentralization and Local Development, Indd.

It occupies the same functions in the governments constituted respectively the , the and the by Prime Minister Albert-Camille Vital [ 6 ] Qui Succaède à Tätefo le .

The , during the constitution of the government of national unity [ 7 ] Directed by Prime Minister Jean-Omer Beriziky [ 8 ] , it becomes vice prime minister responsible for development and regional planning.

He resigns the in accordance with the provisions [ 9 ] planned for candidates for the presidential election . He was the first candidate to apply for the election of the first president of the fourth Republic . He then created the Malagasy Miara Miaich political party (MMM) and obtained 15 seats out of 151 in the National Assembly during the legislative elections of the legislative elections . MPs elected under the MMM banner are formed in a parliamentary group, the VPM/MMM.

Hajo Andrianainarivelo, National President of MMM, officially declared the opposition of his party to the regime of the Malagas of Malagasy Hery Rajaonarimampianina, after the first MMM congress, the And take the necessary steps for the VPM/MMM parliamentary group to obtain the status of opponent within the National Assembly. But the high Malagasy Constitutional Court, invoking a legal vacuum in its n ° 1-HCC/AV opinion , refuses him the status of parliamentary opposition.

Led by Hajo Andrianainarivelo, the MMM joins the Republican Alliance of Madagascar (Armada), a platform bringing together political parties, which declares the officially support Andry Rajoelina’s candidacy for the presidential election . The latter wins over his opponent Marc Ravalomanana in the second round him . The new head of state renews Prime Minister Christian Louis Ntsay Le . A new government is formed the . Hajo Andrianainarivelo is appointed Minister of Spatial Planning, Housing and Public Works.

Following the legislative elections of , the government of Prime Minister Christian Ntsay resign. In the government led by Prime Minister Christian Ntsay the , Hajo Andrianainarivelo is appointed Minister of Regional Planning and Public Works.

The 1, the President of the Republic Andry Rajoelina and Prime Minister Christian Ntsay dismember all the ministers of their functions. A new government led by Prime Minister Christian Ntsay is formed the . Hajo Andrianainarivelo is appointed Minister of Regional Planning and Land Services in this new government. In March 2022, in accordance with the directives of the political bureau of his Malagasy Miara Miaich party (MMM), he no longer participated in the fourth government set up by Prime Minister Christian Ntsay.

  1. Association bringing together the natives of the rural areas of Avaradrano, in the region of Analamanga.
  2. The Parti Malagasy Party (MMM) A étéréé par Hajo Andreeaarivelo.
  3. Dairy products company belonging to Marc Ravalomanana, Malagasy businessman, elected mayor of Antananarivo the , then President of the Republic on , re -elected the , resigned the .
  4. Cream fishing company, member of the grouping of shipowners with MADAGASCAR CREVETTIER (GAPCM)
  5. Cities on the west coast of Madagascar
  6. Decree n ° 2009-1388
  7. A government of national unity has been implemented under the roadmap signed the with the head of a Prime Minister of consensus. This government must lead the country towards a exit from the crisis that has lost since 2009, and towards free and democratic elections.
  8. Decree n ° 2011-645
  9. Art.5 of the organic law 2012-015 relating to the election of the first president of the fourth Republic according to which any candidate for the functions of the first president of the fourth Republic exercising a public mandate is called upon to resign from his function sixty days before the date of the ballot following the provisions of article 46 of the Constitution.
