Hans-jochim von Meratz — Wikipedia


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Hans-Joachim von Merkatz , born the to Stargard and deceased the In Bonn, was a German politician member of the German Party (DP) then of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU).

He was Federal Minister for Affairs of Federal Council from Germany from the west from 1955 to 1962. He accumulated this post with that of Federal Minister of Justice between 1956 and 1957, then of federal minister of the expelled for a year from 1960.

Training and career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After having apprenticeship in agriculture and passed his high-school diploma , in 1928 he began higher education in law and economic sciences. He succeeded in the passage of his first state legal diploma in 1931, obtained the second three years later, and in 1935 won a law doctorate at the University of Jena.

He began working in 1935 as secretary of the Institute Kaiser Wilhelm For compared public law and public international law, in Berlin. He retained this job for three years and then obtained the post of secretary general of the Ibero-American Institute, still in Berlin, which he occupied until the end of the Second World War.


Hired at the Academy of Spatial Planning and Regional Planning of Hanover in 1946, he became secretary of the Group of the German Party (DP) at the Parliament from Basse-Saxe the following year.

Family [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He is the son of Benno von Merkatz, who died in 1915, and Amely Schneider, died in 1966, as well as the eldest of two sisters, Elféde, who came to the world in 1913, and Helga, born three years later.

Hans-Joachim von Merkatz married Magarete Müller, five years younger in 1937, two girls coming from this marriage: Monika, who was born in 1939, and Angelika, arrived in 1943. He himself died in 76 years old in Bonn.

Militant [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After the Second World War, he joined the German Party (DP), of which he was part of the favorable trend in the monarchy.

In 1949, he participated in negotiations for the merger of the DP with the National Democratic Party (Ndp) and the German Conservative Party (DKP-DRP), who fail after the announcement by the authorities of the British occupation zone in Germany from their refusal to record a party from this merger. He entered the DP board in 1952, and became vice-president three years later. In 1960, he finally left the DP and joined the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU).

Federal deputy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Elected federal deputy of Basse-Saxe at Bundestag In 1949, he pronounced in 1950 against the creation of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BFV), which he feared to see the use of political purposes by the State. In 1953, he was appointed president of the DP group, a year after joining the West German delegation in the CECA joint assembly for six years.

Ministre the Coradrad Avenure [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Hans-Joachim von Merkatz is appointed Federal Minister of Affairs of Federal Council by Konrad Adenauer. He combines this post with that of justice from the , which he abandons a year later. In 1957, its title was modified in Federal Minister of Bundesrat and Länder affairs and he becomes a representative of the federal government to the Council of Sages of the Bundestag , the body responsible for establishing the agenda of the Assembly. Following his resignation from the DP, he must leave the parliamentary group , but joined that of the CDU/CSU on September 20. On October 27, he was appointed Federal Minister of Expelled, Refugees and War Wounded while retaining his other portfolio. This post is entrusted to the Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) after the 1961 federal elections, and itself left the government a year later, the .

End of career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Member of Bundestag Until 1969, he chaired the parliamentary commission of inquiry on possible irregularities in the purchase of combat and infantry vehicles HS-30 for two years from the . He also represented Western Germany at the UNESCO Executive Council between 1964 and 1968.

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