Hans Wilhelm Bansi – Wikipedia


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Hans Wilhelm Bansi (1899-1982) is a German medical professor. His endocrinology research focused in particular on the thyroid gland.

Son of the artillery general Paul Bansi (1867-1939), Hans Wilhelm Bansi was born the , in Metz [ first ] , a city of animated garrison in Alsace-Lorraine [ 2 ] . With its fortified belt, Metz is then the first strong place of the German Reich [ 3 ] , constituting a real nursery of exceptional soldiers [ note 1 ] . At the end of the First World War, Bansi did his military service on the front, where he was seriously injured.

Returning to Germany, he studied medicine at Humboldt University in Berlin. He obtained his doctorate of medicine in 1923. He then became the assistant of the physiologist Wilhelm His at the University Hospital of Charity of Berlin, before being named Senior doctor . Hiability in 1929, he was received an associate professor in 1935.

As early as 1934, he headed a hospital department of the hospital Erwin-Leach from Berlin-Reinickendorf, as a chief doctor. At the start of the Second World War, he was called upon to serve, like his compatriots Karl Süpfle and Walther Kittel, in the health services of the Third Reich. First a military doctor at Charlottenburg-Westend hospital, he is then assigned to a medical antenna of the center of army center on the eastern front.

After the war, he was appointed chief doctor at the Langenhorn hospital, then from 1947 to 1967, he exercised in the hospital Saint Georg from Hamburg.


Hans Wilhelm Bansi died on , in Hamburg [ first ] .

His scientific articles deal with endocrinology, and in particular the thyroid gland. The circumstances led him to take an interest in the effects of hunger. He published a monograph entitled Hunger edema and other nutritional diseases . Based on this work, he was appointed member of the Royal Society of Medicine of London. Before assessing the state of health of demobilized German prisoners of war, he observed the common consequences of malnutrition. The latter nicknamed him Father of the returnees , the “father of the repatriases”. In addition, he worked on the launch of the Thyreostatic , an antithyroid. He also participated in the creation of a modern center for thyroid diseases at Saint-Georges hospital. In 1967, he was elected member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

  • The hunger edema and other alimentary diseases , Widow, Stuttgart, 1949.
  • Thyeotoxicos and antithlyreoidal substances , Thieme, Stuttgart, 1951
  • The amino acids and their importance for nutrition and therapy , Steinkopff, Dresde, 1951
  • JOD. In: Artificial radioactive isotopes in physiology, diagnostics and therapy. Springer, Heidelberg 1953.
  • The diseases of the thyroid gland In: Handbook of internal medicine , Springer, Heidelberg 1955.
  • Thyroid diseases In: Clinic of the present . Urban & Schwarzenberg, Munich 1956.
  • Lexicon of internal medicine for practice and clinic, symptoms, diagnostics, therapy, forecast , Medica Verl., 2 vol. Stuttgart, 1958.
  • Lexicon of current therapy , Medica Verl., 2 Vol., Stuttgart, 1963.
  • On the care medical assessment of the cardiovascular death. Basic report , Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1966.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. More than thirty generals and dozens of German superior officers, mostly active during the Second World War, will be born in Metz, before 1918.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Bansi, Hans Wilhelm Sur Catalog of the German National Library
  2. L’Express , n O 2937, from 18 to , case ” Metz in 1900 ».
  3. François Roth, “Metz annexed to the German Empire”, in François-Yves Le Moigne, History of Metz , Privat, Toulouse, 1986, p. 350.
  4. Catalog of the German National Library
  • W. Stepp, H. W. Bansi on his 60th birthday. Medical Clinic, 54th year, 1959, p. 517 .
  • G. Laubinger, Prof. Hans Wilhelm Bansi on his 75th birthday. Hamburger Ärzteblatt No. 4, 1974.
  • Walter de Gruyter, Kürschner’s German scholar calendar , Berlin, 1976-1980.
  • The Nuremberg Medical Association 1946-47 .
  • G. Schwarting, Commercial and proficiency Dr. H. W. Bansi. Hamburger Mährzeblatt No. 5, 1982.
  • Ernst Klee, The person lexicon to the Third Reich: Who was before and after 1945. Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2007.
  • Ernst Klee, Auschwitz, Nazi medicine and its victims. 3. Edition. S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1997.
