Harpyopsis novaeguineae – Wikipedia


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L’ Arpia of the New Guinea ( Harpyopsis novaeguineae Salvadori, 1875 ), the only species of the genre Harpyopsis Salvadori, 1875 , is a bird of bird of bird of the endemic accipitrida family of New Guinea [2] .

Size [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Measures 72-90 cm in length, for a weight of 1600-2400 g; The wing opening is 121-157 cm [3] .

I wait [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

This large eagle has short and wide wings, a long and rounded tail, bare legs of yellow in color and a short bushy ridge. The end of the folded wing barely reaches the base of the tail. In the adult male, the pens of the upper parts are gray-brown in color, with dark bars and cream-colored edges. There are four or five bars on the tail, as well as a large blackish subterinal band. The lower parts are cream -colored, with throat and chest more or less shaded of gray and brown stained sides. Given from the bottom in the specimen in flight, these crown lower parts create a clear contrast with the darker coloring of the head. The bars and the black subtermined band clearly stands out on the gray background of the sub-caudals. The young female looks a lot like the adult male. It has, however, clearer and more uniforms and lower parts and lower parts with the most suede tones. On the tail there are seven or eight thin bars and the subterinal band is absent. In flight, the lower parts of the chamois-CREMA appear more uniform and the tail and the distal part of the remiges are finely barred [3] .

This discreet bird is quite lonely. He moves flying to relatively low altitude. He flies around the tops of the trees of the vault in altitudes between 30 and 60 meters from the ground. Plana only very rarely. When hunting, she dives into the beaten and hits the prey in the manner of the great accipitridi. In the forest, it is perched on large branches, adopting a fairly vertical posture and curving the tail forward. The eagle makes his cry heard at dawn or twilight. It is a succession of quick and low notes perfectly distanced from each other (one detached), sometimes followed by some book-bug . Other observers have described his cry as a sprinkle quite similar to the sound of the rope of an arc that relaxes [3] .

Diet [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

This very effective predator feeds on quite large animals, such as Opossum, Ratti, Wallaby and even dogs and pigs. Eat also lizards and, if he has the opportunity, birds. He moves to the ground, climbed on trunks and branches and uses his claws to snatch his prey disguised in the trees [3] .

Reproduction [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Regarding the reproduction we have only little information available. As far as we know, this species raises a single small one and does not nest every year [3] .


L’ habitat In which it is more frequent it is undoubtedly made up of undisturbed primary forests and the gallery forests, but also attends the clearings and open spaces, the surroundings of the savannas and the crosss up to 3200 meters above sea level. As the name suggests, this species is endemic of New Guinea, where it occupies almost all of the island, from the Vogelkop peninsula, in western Papuasia, to Milne’s bay, in the eastern end. It is absent only from a few areas of the central chain above 3000 meters [3] .

  1. ^ ( IN ) BirdLife International 2016, Harpyopsis novaeguineae . are IUCN Red List of Threatened Species , Version 2020.2, IUCN, 2020. URL consulted on August 3, 2018 .
  2. ^ ( IN ) F. Gill and D. DSSER (a care of), Family Checklist , in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2) , International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consulted on August 3, 2018 .
  3. ^ a b c d It is f ( IN ) Papuan Eagle (Harpyopsis novaeguineae) . are hbw.com . URL consulted on August 3, 2018 .
