

Highlights is a series of fantasy novels written with four hands by French authors Olivier Peru and by Patrick McSpare. The authors are also designers. Olivier Peru signs the cover illustrations, Patrick McSpare is the author of all interior drawings.


The series was made up, in 2018, of six volumes: The voice of kings , Roi Vampire , Moon core , Thirteen damned , Black death And Origins .

The story takes place at XII It is century. The High Consists, prestigious adventurers and troubadours carrying the purple cape, travel through the kingdoms of Europe in search of mysteries to clarify, stories to collect and tell. Those who are fortunate to hear them remember their whole life. The storytellers have the voice of the kings, a voice of which they use as a magic instrument. But these dazzling vagabonds do not only hunt chills. In the secret, they are looking for the disappeared pages of an obscure book, a work old as the world that some people believe written by the devil in person. And this book, Roland, an innkeeper’s son that nothing destines on an adventure, could well unravel the enigma. Because at thirteen, he becomes the youngest boy to place the purple cape on his shoulders and he seems to be all designated to become the hero of a great story, a story of high-contained …

Volume 1, The voice of kings , has received :

He was selected and finalist for different prizes:

  • 2012 Imagination Grand Prix
  • 2012 youth prize for 2012
  • 2012 Garin College Prize
  • 2012 Chimera Prize

Roland, lion’s heart [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Aged thirteen, Roland is the son of the innkeeper in the village of Tewkesbury, England. Frustrated by a lifeless life which condemns him to take over from his father, he dreams of adventure and large spaces. His meeting with Corwyn, a legendary high-tale, will upset the young man’s dull existence.


Mathilde, the patient [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Coming from a noble Norman line that she has been denied for a long time, Mathilde was the pupil of Corwyn, before he herself becoming a most famous high-tale. In a century when the oppression of femininity is essential, this twenty-five-year-old young woman is an exceptional heroine, due to her freedom of action and her independence.

LOTHAR, DOORES WORDS [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Lothar is the rival and the sworn enemy of the highlights. He was originally the pupil of the Haut-Conteur William the dark, until the day he gave in to his dark nature, murdered two high-confirmations and seized pages of the book of fears before disappearing. He is the absolute master of the Order of Noir-Slides.

Corwyn, Le Flamboyant [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Corwyn is an exceptional high-counter, a member of the College of Sages considered by his peers as a tireless adventurer and an incredible traveler (from London to Baghdad via Saxony).

Ruppert, the archivist [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ruppert is the living memory of the purple order. Mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, history, mystical sciences or healing, he keeps in his mind all the knowledge accumulated by purple capes and is always ready to get excited for a learned discussion.

Salim, the unfathomable [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Salim is a lonely high-controller whose life switched to the day of his first confrontation with Lothar words-Dorés. At the end of a merciless struggle, it cut off the story of the storyteller, making him silent and condemning him to the worst possible fate. However, Salim joins the purple order in which he is a master of arms of a rare scale.

Vlad, King-Vampire [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vlad is a vampire, a “upy” upyr “, often accompanied by ghouls. He is the first of the hellish creatures that Roland will meet.

The Book of Fears [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Character in its own right, the book of fears is the subject of all attention. This work, the greatest mystery of humanity, contains formidable predictions (some concern Roland) and strange formulas which could well conceal a hidden meaning for those who will be able to decipher them.

Tome 1: The voice of kings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Résumé [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Tewkesbury, Roland, son of innkeeper, dream of adventures and journeys. One evening, there is a rhythmic spindle at the hostel a high-contrieve by the name of Corwyn the flamboyant. The members of this caste are storytellers that everyone respects, but also adventurers capable of fighting. Roland is fascinated to meet a “carrier of the purple cape”. This high-knowing venture in the neighboring forest and cannot come back. The villagers are worried about his fate but no one dares to venture in search of her, because rumors circulate on creatures of hell who wander in these woods: the ghouls. A few days later, a high-skiller named Mathilde the patient, looking for the flamboyant, arrives in Tewkesbury. She immediately undertakes research in the forest, in vain.
One night, unable to sleep, Roland decides to venture in search of the high-contorner. He therefore takes a horse in the stable of his father and left in the forest. He hears a sweet melopée and, guided by his instinct, he advances in the direction where this voice comes from. After long research, near a crevasse, Roland challenges the singing voice and it is the flamboyant who answers him. Roland therefore slips into the crevasse and discovers dying Corwyn. The latter entrusted him with a mission of the utmost importance and the burden of handing over to Mathilde a page Fellow book . The flamboyant dies in the arms of Roland, who turns around with the village with the body of the unfortunate high-contorner. Roland arrived in the early morning in his village where everyone was worried about his disappearance. He teaches the storyteller the death of his companion and declares that the flamboyant officially appointed him high-contorner by giving her his purple cape. Mathilde does not first believe in this story, but ends up agreeing to initiate Roland while waiting to unmask the assassin of Corwyn. They are then joined by William the dark, a wise and powerful high-contorner, who will help them for their purpose. They will explore the cemeteries of the forest, visit the secret underground passages, will cross some ghouls and seek to unmask the inhabitants to finally understand what is hidden in Tewkesbury. A much more evil creature than ghouls also seems to be interested in the pages of Fellow book , this mystical book that Corwyn was looking for.

Editions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tome 2: Roi Vampire [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Résumé [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the winter of 1190, the young Roland was now a full-fledged highlight, a student of the bite Mathilde. In Paris, they must find William the dark who started in the footsteps of the Vlad demon, perhaps still alive. But our two companions, as well as the Sage Ruppert go to the meeting of the dark. Helped by Salim unfathomable, they go up the track but come up against many obstacles: house receiving demonic creatures, black ceremonies, royal conspiracy, infernal creatures, prophecies of the book of fears, etc. The enemy always has one step ahead. Does a traitor hide among the four adventurers, as everything seems to indicate?

Editions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tome 3: Moon core [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Résumé [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In search of Ruppert, Roland, Mathilde and Salim arrive in Ravengen, in the Black Forest. The population is terrorized by the lord of the castle and shelters behind Moult superstitions to try to understand the horrible murders and the inexplicable disappearances … It is said that the spectrum of Beatrix, the Moon Lady, haunts the woods. But also that a devouring beast is bent on this cursed land. The high-confines are perplexed but the beast appears to them. Who is this masked man who to the sound of his flute seems to guide the monster?

Editions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tome 4: Thirteen damned [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Résumé [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Roland wakes up in cells: he was taken prisoner. By whom, why and for how long? He no longer knows. He reads with frightful words drawn on the walls of his jail and fears the worst. He does not recognize any name. To tell the truth, he no longer remembers his nickname, nor even that he is a high-contorner. He resists as he can madly and escape as soon as he has the opportunity, but is taken up by these strange old women who seem to be witches. Finally, a man, another prisoner, helps him by providing him with a grass that gradually gives him back his memory and lightens her mind.
While the other highlights are looking for them, Roland and Mathilde, separated, try to understand what this strange screaming mountain is and its underground city.

Editions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tome 5: Black death [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Résumé [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The black plague strikes Rome in the fall of 1193. People die by the thousands and everything seems to accuse the highlights. Decided to prove their innocence and to stop the real instigators of this mysterious epidemic, Roland and his friends investigate. But everything is relentless against them and the time has come from the realization of the worst prophecies of the Book of Fears. Roland, the cursed child, feels trapped but fights as he can. Hardanger is back and accomplished the ritual to bring the Trezdané demon back. Time is counted.

Editions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tome 6: Origins [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Résumé [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

1178, Mathilde is 16 years old and her learning as a high-controller ends. She was then faced with a first drama: two highlights were murdered by one of their own.

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