Health framework in France – Wikipedia


Name Health Framework An employee of the private or public sector is appointed, generally a paramedical professional, responsible for supervision and/or training missions of other health professionals.


In France, the health executive diploma obtained in a health executive training institute sanctions training in hospital supervisory to different paramedical professions. The health executive profession is classified in the intermediate professions, section 431a according to the PCS.

In the hospital public service, the health framework is a matter of category A.

The term of health executive brings together several common names for the same functions, including in particular: nursing executive, supervisor, chief nurse, unit managers, health school instructor, educational executive, trainer or nursing trainer executive.

The health framework is entrusted with functions of organization of care, human resources and economic management, training and research activities. He exercises in a functional care unit or with a group of professionals. In a care unit, he organizes and manages workforce, equipment, beds, and projects in collaboration with the head of service. He is the guarantor of the quality and safety of care of the unit of which he is responsible.

There are two sides of the profession: managerial side or paramedical training. As a manager, the health framework has the main mission of the organization, evolution and evaluation of care or technical acts carried out by the team in the care unit which he supervises, in connection with establishment objectives or a medical project. He collaborates closely with the team for which he is responsible and of which he ensures the animation, under the authority of the Director of Care [1]. As a trainer in an institute, he is responsible for training, supporting students, monitoring and organizing paramedical training.

The trade, like paramedical professions, is very feminized with a feminization rate of around 70 to 80%.


In France [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Qualification [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Can claim access to health executive training or health executive missions, candidates from the following sectors, provided they justify four years full of exercise [ first ] :

The health executive diploma is compulsory and non -negotiable to access the rank of health manager in the public sector. It is obtained by training validated in a health executive training institute (IFCS).

However, the profession is not part of the regulated professions in France, it should be noted that in the private sector, the healthcare diploma is not necessarily required to exercise the function of health executive. There are parallel training (university degrees, access to the master without competition etc …) to validate training for managerial functions.

Acting as a health manager [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In a rather atypical way, the profession of health executive is for many, started with a period of “functioning” of several years before the initial training was funded by the organization which employs the employee. This period has different goals and limits but mainly makes it possible to assess for the future framework, if it is the job towards which it wants to engage. This period is also a means for the organization to assess and test the managerial qualities before financing studies, it is also often a practical training space more or less supervised by peers or senior executives [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] . More and more establishments are subordinating the financing of studies to carry out a period of health framework of minimum one year.

Access terms [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In France, access to training in a health executive training institute, issuing a health executive diploma, is subject to success in the entrance examination opened each year by health executives training institutes ( Ifcs). Registrations take place between January and February and the tests take place between March and May. There are 40 IFCs in France (including 5 in Ile-de-France) which are mainly attached to the CHU supports.

The selection of candidates breaks down into two tests:

  • The eligibility test which consists of a written and anonymous test of 4 hours (noted out of 20) whose object relates to “a commentary of a text on a subject of health and social, and which aims To test the candidate’s analysis and synthesis capacities, his ability to develop and argue his ideas in writing. ”
  • Once declared eligible to the written test (note greater than or equal to 10/20), the candidate may claim the admission test which consists of an oral test of 30 minutes (10 minutes for the candidate and 20 minutes of ‘Question interview with the jury, noted out of 20) where he has previously prepared a professional file according to the required methodology [ 5 ] .

The average of the eligibility and admission tests makes it possible to decide between the candidates.

However, there are other training courses (university degree, master’s degree on file without competition, etc.) apart from health executives training institutes that are aimed at private sector professionals wishing an alternative to training at the ‘IFCS which is binding because subordinate to success in a entrance exam.

Initial training [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The training takes place in a health executive training institute (IFCS), which has an approval for a defined number of students per sector and by profession. It takes place over a academic year [ 6 ] .

The training program is divided into six modules.

  • Module 1: Initiation to the framework function (90 hours)
  • Module 2: Public health (90 hours)
  • Module 3: Analysis of practices and initiation to research (90 hours)
  • Module 4: supervision function (150/180 hours)
  • Module 5: training function (150/180 hours)
  • Module 6: Deepening of professional supervision and training functions (150 hours)

There are many areas of social sciences and pedagogy, from management to accounting through philosophy or communication [ 7 ] .

It is partly theoretical but also relies on 4 courses to support the 6 modules [ 8 ] :

  • Module 1: 3 weeks of internship outside the health sector.
  • Module 4: 3 or 4 weeks of internship in health or social establishment.
  • Module 5: 3 or 4 weeks of internship in health or social training establishment.
  • Module 6: 4 weeks of internship either in health or social establishment, or in training establishment, or in public health structure.

The validation of the healthcare diploma is supervised: after having obtained the average in the modules 1,2,4 and 5, the student is authorized to present his thesis and then his defense which will allow him to validate modules 3 and 6 [ 9 ] . The average is necessary for these last two modules to obtain the diploma. There are catch -up sessions at each of the tests and modules that are organized by each IFCS.

More and more health executives training institutes offer the validation of a Master 2 level diploma (Bac +5) jointly to the validation of the healthcare diploma.

The salary of a health executive in the hospital public service (after health segur measures) is:

After 1 year of career: € 2,250 monthly net

After 5 years of career: € 2,514 net monthly

After 20 years of career: € 3,624 net monthly

At the end of his career: € 3,941 net monthly

Wages are almost equivalent, even slightly higher, in the private sector.

From the Ségur, public sector health executives can access the out -of -class category with a remuneration of up to € 4,554 monthly for premiums (HEA functional grade).

Possible career development [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Access to the grade of senior health executive [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is possible to evolve after 3 years of exercise, on competitions on title in each establishment, with the rank of senior health executive [ ten ] . Quotas per original sector are established.

Access to the body of Care Directors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Health managers of nursing, medico -technical and rehabilitation sectors with at least five years of service in this quality exercising, either in the three public functions (state, hospital, territorial), either in the private sector (ESPIC), may arise At the national competition on the training tests for the training cycle of students directors of care, organized by the National Management Center.

Before presenting themselves to this competition, candidates can register for a preparation proposed by a training organization, be integrated the preparatory cycle of the School of Advanced Studies in Public Health if they are the winners of the access competition preparing for Internal competition of student director organized by the National Management Center.

The theoretical training in the form of an internship lasts a year and revolves around three axes:

  • public health,
  • hospital management,
  • job.

At the end of the training, the student director of care postulates on one of the positions offered at vacancy after publication in the Official Journal [ 11 ] .

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