Heart surgery – Wikipedia


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Cardiac surgery operation.

The heart surgery or cardiovascular surgery is a surgical specialty dealing with the affections of the heart and large chest vessels.

Originally, this specialty required the implementation of an extra-corporeal circulation (CEC): the heart having to be stopped to be immobilized during the intervention, the infusion of the tissues was maintained during the duration of the operation by an artificial pump . This is no longer necessary for some [ first ] Interventions on the coronary arteries. The surgeon of this specialty is called heart surgeon or cardiovascular surgeon.

Surgical techniques to achieve the heart [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The heart being protected by the rib cage, it is actually located just below the sternum. To reach it and operate, the surgeon must conventionally practice a median sternotomy. The rib cage is therefore open, then closed at the end of the intervention.


Mini-invasive cardiac surgery (without total sternotomy) allows since its appearance in the 2000s to introduce instruments into the chest via an incision under the right breast or by a partial sternotomy (only part of the sternum is open). These new methods require only a limited opening of the mediastin and lead to better recovery from the patient and the decrease in post-operative pain [ 2 ] .

Coronary [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Coronary puncture in the event of the narrowing of a coronary artery. This intervention, even if it retains specific indications, is strongly competed with angioplasty techniques, carried out by the cardiologist.

Heart valve [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Valvular replacement with a prosthesis, either in synthetic material (mechanical valve), or in biological material (for example bioprosthesis).
  • Valvular plasty: the surgeon then repairs the valve without changing it.

Congenital Heart [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Repairs can be complete or partial and are done earlier and earlier. This is a “specialization” of cardiac surgery.

Heart failure surgery [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Many corrective interventions have been proposed with various efficiency. Currently it is essentially:

Thoracic aorte surgery [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Replacement of all or part of the aorta, with possibly reimplantation of coronaries.

The abdominal aorta traditionally remains the spring of the vascular surgeon and not the heart surgeon.

Pericardium [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The drainage of a threatening pericardial effusion can be carried out by a surgeon not specialized in cardiac surgery, even by a cardiologist (percutaneous drainage), because of the risk of rapid evolution towards a cardiac arrest and the relative simplicity of the gesture. The use of a specialized surgeon, however, has two advantages: the realization of a pericardial sample to make a more precise diagnosis of effusion and the possibility of carrying out a window between pericardium and pleura or between pericardium and peritoneum allowing much easier drainage In the event of a recurrence.

In cases of constrictive pericarditis, one may have to remove almost all of the pericardium.

Rhythm disturbance surgery [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Again, cardiac surgery is greatly competed by interventional electrophysiology techniques, the surgeon intervening only in very rare cases.

It is also noted that the installation of a simple cardiac stimulator or an implantable automatic defibrillator is done by a cardiologist and not by a heart surgeon, with exceptions.

Divers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is not negligible and depends on both the type of intervention and the terrain.

A number of scores have been developed to take into account several parameters in the calculation of the risk [ 3 ] . One of the oldest is the Parsonnet score, published in 1989 [ 4 ] . That of the Euroscore [ 5 ] has been widely used since 2003, followed by that of Society of Thoracic Surgeons dating from 2008 [ 6 ] .

Heart surgery is increasingly benefiting from the use of virtual reality headset [ 7 ] . This technique is already deployed in France in several hospitals and clinics (Les Franciscan Hospital in Nîmes, Claude-Bernard-Bernard hospital in Metz, …) [ 8 ] .

  1. Faisal G. Bakaeen , A. Laurie W. Shroyer , James S. Gammie and Joseph F. Surprisingly « Trends in use of off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: Results from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery Database », The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery , vol. 148, n O 3, , p.  856–853, 864.e1; discussion 863–864 (ISSN  1097-685X, PMID  25043865, DOI  10.1016/j.jtcvs.2013.12.047, read online , consulted the )
  2. Mini-invasive heart surgery » , on Associated heart surgeons , (consulted the )
  3. Risk scores in cardiac surgery , Site of the French Cardiology Society
  4. (in) Parsonnet V, Dean D, Bernstein AD., A method of uniform stratification of risk for evaluating the results of surgery in acquired heart disease » , Circulation , n O 79, . I3 -I12 (PMID  2720942)
  5. (in) Roques F, Michel P, Goldstone Ar et al. , The logistic EuroSCORE » , Eur Heart J. , n O 24, , p. 881–882 ( résumé )
  6. (in) Shahian DM, Edwards FH., The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 2008 cardiac surgery risk models: introduction » , Ann Thorac Surg. , n O 88, , S1 ( read online )
  7. A virtual reality headset used for the first time by surgeons during an operation: “No need to raise your head!” » , on Franceinfo , (consulted the )
  8. Metz. Heart surgery: a first in the Grand Est in Claude-Bernard » , on www.republicain-lorrain.fr (consulted the )

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Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Risk calculators:
