Helicobasidium purple – Wikipedia


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Helicobasidium purple is a species of Basidiomycetes mushrooms ( Fungi ) family of Helicobasidiaceae . This cosmopolitan distribution agent of the cryptogamic rust disease called Rhizoctone Violet is an underground phytopathogen in its sexual stage and a mycoparasite of other rust mushrooms in its asexual stadium.

In his sexual stage, Helicobasidium purple is a saprophyte of the soil. It affects many cultivated plants in which it produces rot symptoms on roots and tubers. He is the agent responsible for purple rhizoctona in potatoes, carrot whose culture is one of the most sensitive, celery, luzerne and vine. It is also a dreaded pathogen of sugar beets, asparagus and saffron.

In its asexual stadium, Helicobasidium purple Produces purple fungal deposits with reddishly named sporodochies, often arranged in a circle, on other species of mushrooms agents of rust. It is more precisely found on their spring ecidies in the fall and prevents the formation of their subsequent development stages. He is hyperparasite of Puccinia crowned And Puccinia sessile , but many other species of rust are concerned [ first ] .

This species, which knows several stages on many different hosts, has experienced many different descriptions which have been gradually synonymized thanks to molecular phylogenetics. According to the nomenclature code in mycology, it is Helicobasidium purple a priority [ first ] .

French names [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This taxon has in French the following vernacular or standardized names: Death of the saffron [ 2 ] , purple rot of fodder legumes [ 2 ] , Rhizoctone de la Luzerne [ 2 ] , Rhizoctone Violet de la Carotte [ 2 ] , Rhizoctone Violet de la Luzerne [ 2 ] , purple potato rhizocton [ 2 ] , Rhizoctone Violet de la Vigne [ 2 ] , purple rhizoctone of celery [ 2 ] .


Synonymy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Helicobasidium purple A for synonyms [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] :

  • Cordalia (Ditmar) Gobi
  • Membranicium lilacinum Quarter.
  • Membranicium sanguineum was. lilacinum Quarter.
  • Exobacidium work Quarter.
  • Helicobasidium brebissonii f. barlae Voivode
  • Helicobasidium brebissonii (Desm.) Donk
  • Helicobasidium purple was. barlae Bres
  • Helicobasidium purple was. Oriental Pat.
  • Helicobasis purpureus (Tul.) Clem. & Shear
  • Helminthosporium rhizoctonon Rabenh., 1855
  • Hypochnnus purple Length.
  • Protonema brebissonii Desm.
  • Rhizoctonia allii L.graves
  • Rhizoctonia asparagi Fuckel
  • Rhizoctonia asparagi Fuckel ex Erikss.
  • Rhizoctonia crocorum (Pers.) DC.
  • Rhizoctonia dauci Rabenh., 1855
  • Rhizoctonia medicaginis DC.
  • Rhizoctonia rubiae Decaisne
  • Rhizoctonia rubiae M.J.Decne.
  • Rhizoctonia violacea f. dauci J.G.Kühn
  • Rhizoctonia violacea subsp. dauci J.G.Kühn, 1875
  • Rhizoctonia violacea Tulle. & C.Tul.
  • Sclerotium crocorum Pers.
  • Sclerotium blood Fr.
  • Stypinella purpurea (Tul. & C.Tul.) J.Schröt.
  • Thanatophytum saffron (Pers.) Gray, 1821
  • Thanatophytum saffron (Pers.) Nees
  • Tuber parasiticum Bull.
  • Tubercularia persicina Ditmar
  • Persicine tuberculin (Ditmar) Sacc.

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