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Henri Labroue is an academic, a lawyer and a French politician born in Bergerac (Dordogne) and died on in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes).

Son of Émile Labroue, professor of history at the Lycée de Bergerac, who became a principal in Foix, in Périgueux and at Lycée Lakanal de Sceaux, and Marie Joséphine Jeanne Ursule Brugère.

Henri Labroue is eligible at the École normale supérieure but ultimately not accepted. He followed higher education in the Sorbonne and at the Practice School of High Studies. He is associate of history and geography (1905) [ first ] and doctor of letters (~ 1911/12). He traveled from many countries from 1907 to 1909, winner of a “around the world” scholarship issued by the University of Paris thanks to the patronage of the Banker Albert Kahn.

Professor in preparatory class in Limoges, Toulouse then Bordeaux, he had a free chair at the Faculty of Letters of Bordeaux from 1909 to 1914. Freemason since 1904 and member of the League for Rights [ 2 ] , he was a deputy for the Gironde from 1914 to 1919, sitting on the left on the radical benches. Beaten in 1919, he became a lawyer at the Paris Court of Appeal. He found a seat of deputy from 1928 to 1932. He then moved away from the left and broke with Freemasonry [ 2 ] . Beaten in 1932, he was a lawyer in Bordeaux.

Under the occupation, he directed the Institute to the Jewish questions of Bordeaux, founded in [ 3 ] , [ 2 ] . That year, he actively participated in the organization of the anti-Semitic exhibition “Le Jew and France” in Bordeaux.


He unexpected Minister Jérôme Carcopino without success so that a chair of history of Judaism was created at the Sorbonne. Henri Labroue is a familiar by Pierre Laval. When the latter becomes head of government, the , he asked him for the creation of a chair of history of Judaism at the Sorbonne. He will obtain the support of another of his friends, Pierre Cathala, Secretary of State for Finance, to obtain from Pierre Laval the signing of the decree n O 3247, the , creating the Chair of History of Judaism of the Sorbonne and Abel Bonnard attributes it to Henri Labroue the [ 2 ] . Louis Darquier de Pellepoix sends him a telegram: “Particularly happy to congratulate you on your appointment and to have been able to participate. Stop . Am also happy to have been able to fill serious lacuna from our national education [ 4 ] ». This creation was imposed by the government against the advice of academics. THE , the dean Joseph Vendryes expresses his surprise and his regret for not having been consulted on this innovation which he learned by the Official newspaper of . The , the Allies landed in North Africa and the 11th free zone is occupied. On December 11, the mention “Jew” is compulsory on identity documents. THE , Pierre Laval declares to the press that “only German victory will allow France to escape the Jews and the Communists”. During the first course of , where the vast majority of the faculty is absent, he is quickly whistled and heckled by students – including the future historian Jacques Dupâquier, who will be the initiator of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the students’ reaction against this course in 1992 [ 5 ] – and must discreet discreet [ 6 ] , [ 2 ] . Its course is only followed by a handful of students afterwards. At the same time, he collaborated in the anti -Semitic press as Have pillars And holds conferences, in Germany and France, for example before the association of anti -Jewish journalists in 1943 [ 7 ] .

Thanks to the general police station with Jewish questions, he acquired a magnificent villa located in Mont Boron, in Nice, which was robbed to a Jewish owner. He then joined the French Association of owners of Aryanized goods (AFPBA) formed the and chaired by Count Marcel de Font-Réaulx [ 8 ] .

After the landing of , he leaves Paris to take refuge in the Pyrenees. He was arrested, brought to Bordeaux, then to Paris and to Fresnes prison. An order from the provisional government of cancels all acts “which establish or apply any discrimination based on the quality of Jew”. Henri Labroue is suspended the . It is revoked from national education the , without pension and without the possibility of teaching. In , The Chair of History of Judaism is transformed into a chair of history of Christianity [ 9 ] .

It is charged with damage to state external security in . He is sentenced by the Court of Justice of the Seine by at 20 years in prison; his age (in 1948, he was 68 years old) allowed him to avoid forced labor [ ten ] . He is released after 7 years [ 2 ] After having been loosened by President Vincent Auriol, the . He asked without success the payment of a pension from former teacher of the Sorbonne. Widower, he remarried in Nice, the , with Marie Girard, almost 50 years younger.

He died in Nice, the ., The day of his 84th birthday.

  • Japan in the 19th century ; in: ute jeard petit (you.), Universal history of countries and peoples ; t. VII; Paris (ed. Quillet), 1923 (?).
  • Japanese imperialism ; Paris (Éd. Delagrave Ch.), 1911; 332 Pages.
  • The conventional pinet according to its unpublished memories ; 1907.
  • The public spirit in Dordogne during the Revolution , with a preface by Gabriel Monod, of the Institute; Paris (Librairie Félix Alcan), 1911; 211 pages.
  • The Masonic origins of the Jacobin Club of Bergerac in year II ; in: The French Revolution , n ° you ; published by the Félix Alcan bookstore, in Paris; 31 pages.
  • The mission of the conventional Lakanal in the Dordogne in the year II ( ) ; doctoral thesis in letters; Paris (Librairie former Honoré Champion), s. d. [1912]; XXII + 704 pages.
  • Members of the Popular Society of Bergerac during the Revolution ; Paris (Librairie Félix Alcan), 1913.
  • The Popular Society of Bergerac during the Revolution ; The course of the completion the computer-destination; Paris (wheels), 1955.
  • (edited by H. Labroue): Voltaire, Philosophical letters ; INTRODUCTION ET COMMENTARY D’Henri Labroue; Paris (Delagrave), 1929.
  • Voltaire Anti Jewish , with a preface by Alain Rouet; Editions Dédénna, 2011; 252 pages. The original edition appeared in Paris (ed. ‘Contemporary documents’), .
  1. http://rhe.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr/?q=agregsecondaire_laureeats&nom=labrouee&annee_op=%3d&neevee%5bvalue%5d=&annee%5bmee=&annee fut= .
  2. a b c d e and f Singer 1993
  3. The world , December 6, 1948
  4. B. et G. Delluc, p. 390 .
  5. The world , December 15, 1992
  6. Béatrice Philippe, Be Jewish in French society from the Middle Ages to the present day , Montalba editions, 2 It is ed. 1989, (ISBN  2-85870-017-6 ) , p. 269
  7. The morning , February 25, 1943
  8. Renaud de Rochebrune, Jean-Claude Hazera, The bosses under the occupation , Éditions Odile Jacob, Paris, 1995, p. 642 , (ISBN  2-7381-0328-6 ) ( read online )
  9. B. et G. Delluc, p. 401 .
  10. The world , December 7, 1948 , The world , December 6, 1948, “I was a judeologist, explains Professor Labroue” . He is defended by Me Albert Naud

Bibliography and sources [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • “Henri Labroue”, in the Dictionary of French parliamentarians (1889-1940) , under the direction of Jean Jolly, PUF, 1960 [Edition detail]
  • Brigitte DELLUC, Gilles DELLUC, “Henri Labroue. From Bergerac to the Sorbonne. From the revolution to anti -Semitism ”, in Bulletin of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Périgoprd , 2010, Tome 137, 3 It is delivery, p. 379-404 ( read online )
  • Claude Singer, «  The failure of the anti-Semitic course of Henri Labroue at the Sorbonne (1942-1944) », Twentieth century. History review , n O 39, , pp. 3-9 ( read online )
  • Claude Singer, Vichy, University and Jews , Hachette Pluriel, 1996.
  • Claude Singer, “Henri Labroue or learning anti -Semitism”, in Pen anti -Semitism. 1940-1944 Studies and documents , under the supervision of Pierre-André Taguieff, Berg International Éditors, 1999.
  • Max Weinreich, Hitler and the teachers , Beautiful letters, , 396 p. (ISBN  978-2-251-44469-7 And 2-251-44469-6 ) .

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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