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Herman-François Delange Ermanno Francesco Delange of Liegi

Herman-François Delange , born the in Liège and death on (at 66) , is a violinist and composer of the Principality of Liège.


Delange was born in Liège and began his musical training there at the mastery of the Saint-Martin-en-Mont collegiate church in 1723. He then entered the Jesuit college and studied the violin, most likely with François Grétry, the father of André Grétry. A talented student, he obtained a scholarship from the Lambert Darchis Foundation to continue his studies at the Liège college in Rome in 1741. The archives of this foundation having been destroyed during the Liège revolution of 1795, we know little about this stay in Italy. He studies the counterpoint and the fugue with Giovanni Battista Costanzi and then went to Naples.

Reading his sonatas OP.1, there is an influence by Giuseppe Tartini, especially in his ornamental formulas and his use of the double strings to the violin.

Back in Liège, Delange is hired as the first violinist in the mastery of the collegiate church of Saint-Martin-en-Mont. From 1762, and until his death in 1781, he was the first violinist at the Saint-Paul collegiate church and offered his services to other college for public holidays.

Delange was one of the most important Liège composer of this transitional time between Baroque and classicism. He leaves a gallant style work with real melodic talent. His violin or flute and bass continuous sonatas are very virtuoso and overflow with ornaments, while his trio sonatas have no technical difficulties. All his new publications, who were probably addressed to the city music lovers and were announced in the Liége Gazette. His religious works have probably been played in public, until today.

Instrumental music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • op.1 VI Sonatate with a single and bass bass from Ermanno FCO di Liegi, opera first .

Also for the flute: under the title of the first sonata, there are precise explanations concerning the execution of these sonatas with the flute

  • on. 6 Six overstures with violin duoes, tall violet, continuous bass and duo horns in Libitum , Lyge, Ben ROOTWH.
  • op.8 VI Sonata with two violins and bass of Mr. , Paris, Le Clerc
  • The op.7, 9 and 10 have disappeared. They were three collections of six symphonies.
  • You are three instruments, the first or flute violin, second and bass violin, of the Lord E.F.Dalange

Vocal music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • An opera The rich unhappy and the reformer of the customs of this century (1763)
  • A comic opera Nicette, or the school of virtue (1776)
  • Thirty tunes, duets, trios and quartets
  • Le Rossignol or Song Journal containing Ariettes, Vaudevilles, Rondeaux and Airs to drink with the continuous bass , monthly publication during the years 1765 and 1766.

Sacred music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A dozen masses, a few motets and psalms, kept at the Library of the Royal Conservatory of Liège, in the Terry Fund.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Bernard Mouton. 2011. CD booklet Herman-François Delange, Sonate e Sonate a Tre , Ensemble Solstice, MF8013
  • Philippe Mercier, Music in Wallonia and Brussels , Edition La Renaissance du Livre, 1980
  • Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians , Article De José Quitin sur «H.F.Delange»
  • Thierry Levaux and. AL: Dictionary of Belgian composers from the Middle Ages to the present day. Art in Belgium, Bruxelles 2006, (ISBN  2-930338-37-7-7 ) , p. 165
  • José Quitin, Look at the music of Liège masters of XVIII It is century Bulletin of the Liège Society of Musicology n ° 54, p. 1-16 (1986)

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
