Hermann Kant — Wikipedia


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Hermann Kant , born the in Hamburg and died the in Neustrelitz [ 2 ] , is a German writer.

Hermann Kant, son of a gardener, spent his childhood in Hamburg where he was born. In 1940, the family moved to Parchim. It was in this city that he acquired an electrician training in 1944. The same year, he was called as a soldier and taken prisoner in Poland [ 3 ] . He was put in prison, then brought to a labor camp in Warsaw. In this camp, he participated in the creation of the “Antifa Committee” [ 4 ] .

Back in 1949, he chose to live in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and enrolled in the Unified Socialist Party of Germany (SED). He spent his baccalaureate in 1952 in Greifswald and studied German literature at Humboldt University in Berlin. At the end of his studies, in 1956, he worked as a scientific assistant at the German Institute [ 4 ] .

From 1957, he was editor at the student review Your res , then in the newspaper New German literature And in 1959 became a member of the Association of RDA writers and the following year, a collaborator independent of this association [ 3 ] .

He began his writer’s career with the publication of the collection of news A little South Pacific In 1962. He received the Heinrich Heine Prize in 1963 and the FDGB literature prize.


In 1964, he became a member of PEN Center East and West [ 5 ] , and sits on its presidium from 1967 to 1982 [ 3 ] .

In 1965 appeared Die classroom which makes it famous for both the GDR and RFA [ 4 ] .

Between 1969 and 1991, he was a member of the Arts Academy.

Vice-president of the Association of Writers since 1969, he succeeded Anna Seghers for the function of president of this organization in 1978, a function he exercised until 1989. During his presidency, many writers of the DRA lost their nationality. Several renowned writers are excluded from the association in 1979 in part to its instigation [ 4 ] .

Between 1974 and 1979, he was a member of the SED management for the Berlin district, representative in the Chamber of the People from 1981 to 1990 and member of the Central Committee of the SED between 1986 and 1989.

After reunification, he files a complaint against writers and newspapers who suspect him of having been an agent of the Stasi and won the case, for lack of evidence [ 4 ] .

In 1991, Hermann Kant resigned from PEN Center East and, in 1992, from the Academy of Arts.

He continues to publish works: his autobiography Credits (1991), the novel Gloomy (1994). Okarina , published in 2002, belongs to the genre of the learning novel and has a large part of autobiography with the central character, a young German soldier from the Wehrmacht, who is won with anti -fascist ideas [ 4 ] .

  • A little South Pacific , 1962 ( An exotic sea scent [ 6 ] )
  • Die classroom , Rütten & Loening, 1965 ( The amphitheater , Paris, Gallimard, 1970)
  • The imprint , 1972 ( Label the imprimeship [ 6 ] )
  • A violation , 1975
  • The stay , 1977 ( The stay [ 6 ] )
  • The third nail , 1981 ( Sometimes the brötchen crunch under the tooth , Otherwise, Litteratures collection, 2009 [ 7 ] ) (ISBN  2746712997 )
  • To the documents , 1957-1980
  • Bronze , 1986 ( Bronze age [ 6 ] )
  • The sum , 1987 ( The sum [ 6 ] )
  • Credits , 1991
  • Cormorant , 1994
  • Escape, a Word game , 1995
  • Okarina , 2002
  • Harm , 2005
  • The thing and things , 2007
  • Identification , 2010
  1. https://www.dla-marbach.de/index.php?id=450&adisdb=bf&web=ja&adisoi=27458 »
  2. (of) Hermann Kant is dead » , on ND-AKTUell.DE , .
  3. A B and C (of) Hermann Kant – writer » , on ADK.DE .
  4. a b c d e and f (of) Hermann Kant 1926-2016 » , on hdg.de .
  5. The Pen Center is part of the association of international writers
    International pen
  6. A B C D and E Francis Croix, Anthology of Luther German literature to the present day , Bréal, (ISBN  9782853947022 , read online )
  7. François Eychart, ” Brötchen as a mirror of the RDA », humanity , ( read online , consulted the ) .

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