Hernicourt — Wikipédia


Hernicourt is a French commune located in the department of Pas-de-Calais in the Hauts-de-France region.


The municipality is part of the community of communes of Ternois which brings together 103 municipalities and has 37,989 inhabitants in 2019.

Localisation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hernicourt is located on the former national road 343 (current RD 343), 4 kilometers northwest of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise.

Cartographic representations of the town

Carte OpenStreetMap

Topographic map

The territory of the municipality is bordering on those in nine municipalities:


Hydrography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The town is crossed by the Ternoise, a non -navigable natural watercourse of 41.43 km , which has its source in the commune of Ostreville and confused in the Canche in the commune of Huby-Saint-Leu [ first ] .

Natural environments and biodiversity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Natural areas of ecological, fauna and floristic interest [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The inventory of natural areas of ecological, fauna and floristic interest (ZNIEFF) aims to make coverage of the most interesting areas on the ecological level, essentially in the perspective of improving knowledge of the national natural heritage and providing In the various decision -makers, a tool for assisting the environment of the environment in regional planning.

The municipal territory includes a znieff of type 2 [ Note 1 ] : The Ternoise valley and its sides of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise in Hesdin and the Bergueneuse valley . This Znieff, located north of a line from Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise to Hesdin, of an area of 9 502 hectares and an altitude varying from 22 to 90 meters , presents valleys, chalk hillsides and prairial zones [ 2 ] .

Typology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hernicourt is a rural commune, because it is one of the municipalities that are not very little dense, in the sense of the municipal gate of density of INSEE [ Note 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .
It belongs to the urban unit of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, an intra-departmental agglomeration bringing together 8 municipalities [ 6 ] and 8,546 inhabitants in 2017, of which it is a commune in the suburbs [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] .

In addition, the town is part of the attraction area of ​​Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, of which it is a town of the Crown [ Note 3 ] . This area, which brings together 72 municipalities, is categorized in the areas of less than 50,000 inhabitants [ 9 ] , [ ten ] .

Land use [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Carte en couleurs présentant l'occupation des sols.

Map of the soil occupation of the town in 2018 (CLC).

The occupation of the soils of the municipality, as it emerges from the European Database for Biophysics of Corine Land Cover (CLC), is marked by the importance of agricultural territories (91.9% in 2018) , a proportion identical to that of 1990 (91.9%). The detailed distribution in 2018 is as follows:
Arable lands (66.1%), meadows (25.8%), forests (4.7%), urbanized areas (3.4%) [ 11 ] .

The IGN also provides an online tool to compare the evolution over time of the soil occupation of the municipality (or territories to different scales). Several eras are accessible in the form of aerial cards or photos: the Cassini card ( XVIII It is century), the staff map (1820-1866) and the current period (1950 to today) [ twelfth ] .

Locals, hamlets and differences [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The town of Hernicourt is made up of three hamlets: Hernicourt, Saint-Martin and Sautricourt.

The name of the locality is attested in the forms Hergnicort in 1226 (Cart. Des Chapellenies d’Ar., f ° 108 r °) Hiernicourt a 1248 (D. Bét., Cart. Auchy, P. 171), Hergnicourt a 1375 (Arch. Nat., J. 790, N ° 28), Hernicourt Around 1512 (Tassart, Pouillé, f ° 210 r °) [ 13 ] .

In 1620, Jacques de Bryas (family of Bryas), was lord of Hernicourt, and had at least one fief in the Châtellenie of Bourbourg [ 14 ] .

During the First World War, Hernicourt was on the back of the front which is towards Arras. Troops withdrawn from the first line sometimes stay in the rear villages. This is the case for Hernicourt in November 1914 [ 15 ] .

Hernicourt in his old canton and in the Arras district.

Administrative and electoral attaches [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The town is located in the Arras district of the Pas-de-Calais department. For the election of deputies, it is part of the first district of Pas-de-Calais.

It is part of the canton of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise [ 16 ] . As part of the 2014 cantonal redistribution in France, the composition of this canton is modified and now brings together 88 municipalities, including Hernicourt.

Intercommunality [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The town was part of the community of communes of Saint-Polois created in late 1995.

Within the framework of the reform of French local authorities, by law reform of local authorities of [ 17 ] (known as the RCT law) intended to allow in particular the integration of all municipalities in a EPCI with own taxation, the abolition of territorial enclaves and discontinuities and the methods of rationalization of the perimeters of public establishments for intercommunal cooperation and existing mixed unions, This intercommunality merges with its neighbor, the community of communes of the Pays d’Heuchin, forming the The community of communes of green hills of the Holy Polois.

A new inter -municipal grouping movement is involved in the provisions of the law on the new territorial organization of the Republic (NOTRe law) of the , which provides that public inter -municipal cooperation establishments (EPCI) with own taxation must have a minimum of 15,000 inhabitants [ 18 ] . On the initiative of the intermunicipalities concerned [ 19 ] , the Departmental Commission for Inter -municipal Cooperation (CDCI) adopts the The principle of the merger of:
– the community of communes of Auxille, bringing together 16 municipalities including one of the Somme and 5,217 inhabitants [ 20 ] ;
– the community of communes of the Frévent region, bringing together 12 municipalities and 6,567 inhabitants;
– of the community of communes of the green hills of Saint-Polois, bringing together 58 municipalities and 19,585 inhabitants
– of the community of communes of Pernois, bringing together 18 municipalities and 7,114 inhabitants. The departmental inter -municipal cooperation scheme (SDCI), including this development, is approved by a prefectural decree of the [ 21 ] , [ 22 ] .

The community of communes of Ternois, which results from this merger and of which the municipality is now part, is created by a prefectural decree which has taken effect [ 23 ] .

List of mayors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

List of successive mayors
Period Identify Label Quality
The missing data is to be completed.
mars 2001 Georges Debret UDF then UMP Agricultural cooperative director
General councilor of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise (1992 → 2004)
mars 2001 2020 Henri Boitel DVD Retired farmer
Re-elected for the mandate 2014-2020 [ 24 ] , [ 25 ] , [ 26 ]
May 26, 2020 In progress
(to March 23, 2022)
Lionel Boitel Artisan [ 27 ] , [ 28 ]

Demography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Demographic evolution [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The evolution of the number of inhabitants is known through the population censuses made in the municipality since 1793. From 2006, the legal populations of the municipalities are published annually by INSEE. The census is now based on an annual information collection, successively concerning all the municipal territories during a period of five years. For municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, a census survey relating to the entire population is carried out every five years, the legal populations of the intermediate years being estimated by interpolation or extrapolation [ 29 ] . For the municipality, the first exhaustive census falling within the framework of the new system was carried out in 2006 [ 30 ] .

In 2020, the town had 548 inhabitants [ Note 4 ] , increased by 1.29%compared to 2014 (Pas-de-Calais: −0.71%, France excluding Mayotte: +1.9%).

Evolution of the population [ modifier ]
1793 1800 1806 1821 1831 1836 1841 1846 1851
476 434 521 483 509 515 511 529 566
1856 1861 1866 1872 1876 1881 1886 1891 1896
543 571 584 586 604 627 622 656 598
1901 1906 1911 1921 1926 1931 1936 1946 1954
602 610 573 529 482 443 460 441 430
1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006 2011 2016
369 373 378 395 416 423 444 519 559
Histogram of demographic evolution

Age structure [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2018, the rate of people of an age lower than 30 years amounts to 37.8%, above the departmental average (36.7%). Conversely, the rate of age higher than 60 years is 22.1% the same year, while it was 24.9% at the departmental level.

In 2018, the town had 292 men For 273 women , or a rate of 51.68% of men, much higher than the departmental rate (48.50%).

The pyramids of the ages of the town and the department are established as follows.

Age pyramid of the town in 2018 in percentage [ 32 ]
Men Age class Women


90 or +



75-89 years



60-74 years



45-59 years



30-44 years old



15-29 years



0-14 years old


Age pyramid of the Pas-de-Calais department in 2018 in percentage [ 33 ]
Men Age class Women


90 or +



75-89 years



60-74 years



45-59 years



30-44 years old



15-29 years



0-14 years old


Places and monuments [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Personalities linked to the municipality [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Heraldry [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Blason Hernicourt.svg

The weapons of the city are thus blasing:
Gold and azure faded with eight pieces with the three lion cubs gules chief broaching on the first two fascies.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On other Wikimedia projects:

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. The Znieff of type 2 are large rich, or little modified natural sets, which offer significant biological potential.
  2. According to the zoning of rural and urban municipalities published in November 2020, in application of the new definition of validated rurality in the interministerial rurality committee.
  3. The notion of area of ​​attraction of cities has replaced, in , that of urban area to allow comparisons consistent with other countries of the European Union.
  4. Legal municipal population in force at 1 is January 2023, vintage 2020, defined within the territorial limits in force at 1 is January 2022, Statistical reference date: 1 is January 2020.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Ternoise (E5400650) » (consulted the )
  2. Znieff 310007268-The Ternoise valley and its slopes of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise in Hesdin and the Bergueneuse valley » , on The National Inventory of Natural Heritage Inventory (consulted the ) .
  3. Urban / rural typology » , on www.observatoire-des -territoires.gouv.fr (consulted the ) .
  4. Rural commune – Definition » , on INSEE website (consulted the ) .
  5. Understand the density grid » , on www.observatoire-des -territoires.gouv.fr (consulted the ) .
  6. Urban unit 2020 of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise » , on https://www.insee.fr/ (consulted the ) .
  7. Base of urban units 2020 » , on www.insee.fr , (consulted the ) .
  8. Vianney Costemalle, Always more inhabitants in urban units » , on the site of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies , (consulted the ) .
  9. List of municipalities making up the attraction area of ​​Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise » , on the site of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (consulted the ) .
  10. Marie-Pierre de Bellefon, Pascal Eusebio, Jocelyn Forest, Olivier Pégaz-Blanc and Raymond Warnod (INSEE), In France, nine out of ten people live in the attraction of a city » , on the site of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies , (consulted the ) .
  11. Corine Land Cover (CLC) – Distribution of areas in 15 land use stations (metropolitan area). » , on the Statistical data and studies site of the Ministry of Ecological Transition. (consulted the )
  12. IGN, Evolution of the town’s land use on ancient maps and photos. » , on Remonterletemps.ign.fr (consulted the ) . To compare the evolution between two dates, click on the bottom of the vertical dividing line and move it to the right or left. To compare two other cards, choose the cards in the windows at the top left of the screen.
  13. Auguste de Loisne, Topographic dictionary of Pas-de-Calais ( read online ) , p. 198 .
  14. Georges Dupas, Lordships and lords of the Châtellenie of Bourbourg , Coudekerque-Branche, Galaad Grail, , p. 226 .
  15. Viewer – Memory of men » , on www.memoiredeshommes.sga.defense.gouv.fr (consulted the )
  16. a et b From the villages of Cassini to today’s municipalities On the site of the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences.
  17. n ° 2010-1563 of December 16, 2010 of reform of local authorities on Légifrance, and in particular its article 35.
  18. Section III of the Article L. 5210-1-1 of the general code of local authorities , on legifrance
  19. Green hills of Saint-Polois: fusion with its neighbors is already on good rails: this is the news of the moment: in most communities of municipalities, elected officials tear their hair to put themselves in the nails of The Notre law (it obliges them to merge to create inter -municipal authorities of more than 15,000 inhabitants). But in the Ternois, the green hills of Saint-Polois and its three neighbors (Pernois, Auxilois, region of Frévent) act as a very good student and are already to discuss the modalities of the “after-fusion », The voice of the North , ( read online ) .
  20. The population mentioned in acts concerning inter -municipal authorities are populations totales , in the sense of INSEE, that is to say grouping the population municipale , that is to say people with their usual residence on the territory of the town to which is added the Population counted apart , which mainly brings together people living in certain communities (boarding schools, barracks, hospitals, convents, prisons, etc.).
    In the population tables mentioned in Wikipedia articles are usually mentioned only populations municipales , which explains the difference between the figures mentioned in the SDCI and those of demographic tables
  21. Prefectural decree of March 30, 2017 on the Departmental Diagram of Inter-municipal Cooperation of Pas-de-Calais » [PDF] , SDCI , Pas-de-Calais prefecture (consulted the ) .
  22. Nineteen assets for the inter-municipal card » , The news of the institution , Departmental Council of Pas-de-Calais, (consulted the ) .
  23. Interpretural decree of August 30, 2016 creating a community of communes resulting from the merger of communities of communes of Auxilois, the region of Frévent, Pernois and Green Collines du Saint-Polois », Collection of administrative acts of the prefecture of the Somme , n you 2016-069, , p. 37-39 ( read online ) .
  24. The mayor of Hernicourt in search of land “to install the fire tanks”: Mayor Henri Boitel does not yet know if he intends to run for a third term in March 2014. This former farmer became mayor in 2001, After practicing as the first deputy mayor Georges Debret, from 1983 to 2001. Since 2008, he has tackled the file of upgrading against fires. », The voice of the North , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  25. Saint-Pol et son canton – Hernicourt », The Abeille de la Ternoise , n O 8473, , p. 18 .
  26. List of municipalities and mayors » [xls] , Prefecture of Pas-de-Calais, (consulted the ) .
  27. National repertoire of mayors » [txt] , National repertoire of elected officials , on https://www.data.gouv.fr , (consulted the ) .
  28. Results of municipal and community elections 2020 » , on The website of the Ministry of the Interior (consulted the ) .
  29. The organization of the census , on INSEE.fr.
  30. Departmental censuses calendar , on INSEE.fr.
  31. INSEE – Legal populations of the town for years 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , two thousand and thirteen , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019 And 2020 .
  32. INSEE, Evolution and structure of the population in 2018 – Municipality of Hernicourt (62442) » , (consulted the ) .
  33. INSEE, Evolution and structure of the population in 2018-Department of Pas-de-Calais (62) » , (consulted the ) .
  34. Claire COUILLEZBROUET, ” She participates in a congress in Hernicourt on the renovated grave of a pillar of Espéranto », The voice of the North , ( read online ) .
