Hervé Masson – Wikipedia


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Hervé Masson , born the in Rose-Hill (Mauritius) and died in Paris on [ first ] , is a painter, poet and journalist, Freemason and Martinist Mauritian.

He is the brother of the writer Loys Masson.

Hervé Masson was born in a family of French origin established in Mauritius (then Isle de France ) Since 1753 which gave two writers (André Masson and Loys Masson), a painter and a sculptor [ 2 ] To this island of Mascareignes, then French -speaking colony of the British Empire. It belongs to the generation of interwar periods that is passionate about new expressions and evolves in a group of Mauritian writers around Henri Dalais and Malcolm de Chazal, with Raymonde de Kervern, Edmée Le Breton, René Core and Marcel Cabon and in a group of painters like Andrée Poilly, France de Lapeyre, Thomy Mayer and Serge Constantin. He is influenced at the beginning by the art of Marcel Gromaire whom he admires, before turning away [ 3 ] . He married Sibylle de Robillard in 1941, passionate like him of esotericism. He left Maurice for France in 1949 and settled in Recloses, a village near Fontainebleau, in a large dilapidated house. He exhibits the Mirador gallery in Paris, at the Galerie de la Boétie, at Bruno Bassano, etc., but without success. He became a journalist to earn a living, writing articles for Mauritian newspapers and stories under pseudonyms. He illustrates certain works by his brother. It was at this time of “Similar cows” Let him befriend Catherine Sauvage, Roger Blin and Jean-Jacques Morvan [ 4 ] . He spent his holidays in Normandy and Brittany and became known as a landscape painter.


It was recognized from 1957, when he obtained a contract from the Bernheim-Jeune-Dauberville gallery which runs to , then with Alberto Cernuschi who has a gallery in Paris and another in New York. The artist is now launched. He moved to Paris in 1962. In 1964, he received a HLM workshop in the city of Paris, on the slopes of Ménilmontant, known as the “Ateliers des Amandiers” [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

Hervé Masson made a trip to Mauritius in 1967, approaching independentist movements.

He returned to Mauritius in 1970 to become an artistic advisor to the government, the island having acquired its independence two years earlier. But he is removed from his functions because of too radical positions [ 7 ] . His 1973 exhibition at the Mascarenes gallery in Port-Louis was a great success [ 8 ] . He is incarcerated for some time, with other leaders of the MMM party, for his Marxist-Leninist positions while he is editor of a daily life The activist , which is closed by the Ramgoolam government. He relaxes from his ruling functions within the party in And return to France to write. He died in 1990 of a brain congestion, buried in the cemetery of Lesches en Seine0-et-Marne with his wife Sibylle de Robillard.

His works are included in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, the Museum of Sceaux, the Museum of Fécamp, the Épinal Museum, the University of Montreal museum, etc.

Freemason at the Grand Lodge of France (apprentice in , companion , master the ), associated with the Martinist order the , initiated the , Superior unknown (with the name of Artholios ) the by Philippe Broadus [ 9 ] .

  • Initiatory dictionary , 1970
  • Devil and demonic possession , 1975
  • Implosions , Poèmes, 1980
  • Gnosis one and multiple , 1982
  • Paracelse prophecies , 1982
  • Dictionary of heresies in the Catholic Church , 1985
  • “Post-writing for a triple collection” Preface to the book-double: “The scale without bars or the essential with a great A” of Colette Cordou Gomy and “Dés Dés” by Yves Gomy, edition: the Rhodanian house of Poetry, 1986.
  • Preface to the collection of poems – “La tear” by Yves Gomy. Edition: The Rhone poetry house, 1986.
  • The equally man , 1988 (autobiographical work, “intellectual testament of an initiate of Freemason and Martinist”, according to the publisher’s note)
  • The blue hours of Capricorn , souvenirs, 1988
  1. INSEE files report
  2. his younger brother Lucien Masson (1926-2001)
  3. Decotter, op. cited , p. 122
  4. Decotter, op. cited , p. 123
  5. The HLM of Paris delivered here six workshops in which Crusine Claude Malherbe, André Péssoussaut who joined forces to form the group of almond trees in February 1964 which grouped Laurent Lefèvre, Romain, Jean Even, Ahiam Schoshany, Adriam, Estival, Robert Saint-Cricq .
  6. Bernard Lehembre, op.cit, p. 282-283
  7. Favorable to the MMM party
  8. Decotter, op. cited , p.126
  9. Richard Raczynski, A dictionary of Martinism , Paris, Dualpha ed., 2009, p. 408-409.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Bénézit dictionary
  • Georges-André Decotter, Panorama of Mauritian painting , Mauritius, Editions of the Indian Ocean, 1986, 220 pages
  • Bernard Lehembre, Hervé Masson , Paris, Éditions l’Harmattan, 2005, 464.p.

External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
