Higher management diploma – Wikipedia


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The Higher management diploma ( DSG ), not recognized at the RNCP, was issued by the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM) until 2008.

It was planned not to deliver the DSG of the CNAM (and the CNAM diplomas of higher education diploma) from the end of 2009 [ first ] , but statistics from the Ministry of National Education show that the latest CNAM DSG diplomas were issued in 2008 [ 2 ] As an establishment diplomas [ 3 ] .

The courses are those of higher education, it sanctions 2 to 3 years of study after a bac +2.

The diploma is obtained by the capitalization of values ​​(U.V.) units organized in progress and/or practical work.

Each teaching unit gives rise to knowledge control, either by an annual examination, or by the combination: annual examination – continuous control. After success to the exams (note> = 10/20), certificates of values ​​or half-values ​​for the acquired units are established.


Conditions for obtaining the DSG [ 4 ] :

  • To have 23 years minimum,
  • Have a diploma from first is university cycle (bac +2 or L3 license),
  • Have acquired all the UN.
  • Fulfill the professional experience conditions,
  • Have acquired in case of exemption, at least 2 U.V. (value unit).

Professional experience required [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] :

  • If the professional activity of satisfactory level corresponds to the specialty of the diploma prepared, the minimum duration required is 2 years full time. If professional activity does not correspond in kind and level to the specialty of the diploma prepared, the minimum duration required is 3 years full time.
  • If professional experience is nonexistent or insufficient, the person will have to do a 3 to 6 month internship in the specialty to obtain their diploma. In the absence of this internship, the request for a diploma will be refused and it will only be issued a certificate of the values ​​obtained.
  • To be sure to meet professional experience requirements, any file must be validated by the schooling service of the regional center or the arts and trades teaching center.

Recommended level of studies:

Modification following the Reform LMD (license-master-doctorate) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Today, and since the LMD reform, the DSG has been replaced by license and master’s degrees. The DSG has also been replaced by “professional titles” or “RNCP titles”. These titles registered in the RNCP are approved by the State which thus recognizes the professional dimension of the diploma and the seriousness of the institution which prepares it. This approval also allows the diploma to be recognized throughout the national territory, in the various collective agreements and by most administrative competitions [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] , [ ten ] , [ 11 ] .

Correspondence between the DSG (Bac+4) and the “RNCP titles” or professional title registered in the RNCP – Level II (Bac+4) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Privileges or exemptions granted to DSG holders for competitions, studies or collective agreements [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Diploma in higher education in computer science scientific calculation – public part concerned and access conditions for the end of issuance » , Cnam (consulted the )
  2. TAB2 tab – 2 national diplomas issued in continuing education according to the type of establishment » , Ministry of Education, (consulted the )
  3. Approved establishment diplomas and registration in the RNCP » , National Directorate of Training, CNAM, (consulted the )
  4. CNAM – Bac+4 level diplomas – level II approved diplomas » , Cnam, (consulted the )
  5. Request a diploma – Part for the titles registered in the RNCP » , Cnam (consulted the )
  6. CNAM – Your professional experience » , Cnam, (consulted the )
  7. Training – Recognition » , CNAM Haute Normandie (consulted the )
  8. What is RNCP title? » , Cnam Hauts-de-Seine (consulted the )
  9. RNCP, a label that has become essential » , letudiant.fr (consulted the )
  10. What is a “RNCP certified title” » , studyrama, (consulted the )
  11. What is the RNCP? » , studyrama (consulted the )

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