Hilsprich – Wikipedia


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Help [ilspʁiʃ] is a French commune located in the department of Moselle and the living area of ​​the East Moselle, in the Grand Est region.

1: Dynamic map; 2: OpenStreetMap card; 3: topographic map; 4: with the surrounding municipalities

Located on a salt deposit, the commune of Hilsprich has seen its dwellings since 2006 and its soil are dried up due to the slow dissolution of the saline layer [ first ] , which poses a serious problem for the survival of this village due to important damage to the building.

Hydrography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The town is located in the Rhine watershed within the Rhine-Meuse basin. It is drained by the stream the buschbach [ Card 1 ] .

The buschbach, with a total length of 15.3 km , takes its source in the town of Altrippe and throws itself into the Albe at the limit of Kappelkinger and Nelling, after having crossed Eight municipalities [ 2 ] .

Carte en couleur présentant le réseau hydrographique de la commune

Hilsprich hydrographic and road networks.

The quality of the Buschbach stream can be consulted on a dedicated site managed by water agencies and the French agency for biodiversity [ Card 2 ] .

Typology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hilsprich is a rural commune, because it is one of the municipalities that are not very little dense, in the sense of the municipal gate of density of INSEE [ Note 1 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

In addition, the municipality is part of the attraction area of ​​Sarreguemines (French part), of which it is a commune of the crown [ Note 2 ] . This area, which brings together 48 municipalities, is categorized in the areas of 50,000 to less than 200,000 inhabitants [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .

Land use [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Carte en couleurs présentant l'occupation des sols.

Map of infrastructure and land use of the municipality in 2018 (CLC).

The land use of the municipality, as it emerges from the European Biophysical Occupation Database of Corine Land Cover (CLC), is marked by the importance of agricultural territories (81.6% in 2018) , a proportion identical to that of 1990 (82.3%). The detailed distribution in 2018 is as follows:
Prairies (50.9%), arable lands (19.1%), heterogeneous agricultural areas (11.6%), forests (8.5%), urbanized areas (7%), artificial, non -agricultural green spaces (1 , 9%), continental waters [ Note 3 ] (1.1%) [ 8 ] .

The IGN also provides an online tool to compare the evolution over time of the soil occupation of the municipality (or territories to different scales). Several eras are accessible in the form of aerial cards or photos: the Cassini card ( XVIII It is century), the staff map (1820-1866) and the current period (1950 to today) [ 9 ] .

  • Help  : Hulsperg (1466) ; Hulsszperg (1479) ; Hulsperge, Husberc, Husberg, Husseberg (1544) ; Hilsburg (1571) ; Hilsperg (1594) ; Hilsberg (1722) ; Hilsprick (1756) ; Hilsbourg, Hisberg, Hisprik (1765) ; Hilschberg (1771) [ ten ]  ; Hilprich (1801) [ 11 ] . Hilschprich And Helpful In Francic Lorraine [ twelfth ] .
  • Castviller : Thereifter (1725), Caiddle Vien (1721), Casteille (born 1766), Cassweil (Cashe ” XIX It is century). Kaschweiler in German [ ten ] . Kaschwiller In Francic Lorraine [ twelfth ] .
  • Morsbronn : MORSBRBEN ( XVII It is century), Monsbour (1720), Morsburn (1751), Moresborn (1756), Morsbourn (1765), Morsbrunn (Cassini map) [ ten ] , Morsbron (1793). Pussy In Francic Lorraine [ twelfth ] .
  • Depended on the old province of Lorraine.
  • Domaine du Prieuré de Saint-Denis de Paris to that from 1125.
  • Sold to Lorraine in 1606. Belonged to the Bitche sires at XVI It is century.
  • Absorbed Morsbronn between 1790 and 1794. Absorbed Castviller in 1811.
List of successive mayors
Period Identify Label Quality
1971 mars 2001 Gilbert Barde
mars 2001 in progress Armand Gillet
The missing data is to be completed.

The evolution of the number of inhabitants is known through the population censuses made in the municipality since 1793. From 2006, the legal populations of the municipalities are published annually by INSEE. The census is now based on an annual information collection, successively concerning all the municipal territories during a period of five years. For municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, a census survey relating to the entire population is carried out every five years, the legal populations of the intermediate years being estimated by interpolation or extrapolation [ 13 ] . For the municipality, the first exhaustive census falling within the framework of the new system was carried out in 2007 [ 14 ] .

In 2020, the town had 825 inhabitants [ Note 4 ] , decreased by 8.94%compared to 2014 (Moselle: +0.38%, France excluding Mayotte: +1.9%).

Evolution of the population [ modifier ]
1793 1800 1806 1821 1836 1841 1861 1866 1871
488 458 561 805 998 1 025 918 915 963
1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1921
901 866 760 709 702 698 670 674 581
1926 1931 1936 1946 1954 1962 1968 1975 1982
612 621 596 573 598 664 678 686 723
1990 1999 2006 2007 2012 2017 2020
764 823 893 903 911 857 825
Histogram of demographic evolution

Since 2001, the place called Castviller has not existed and has been merged with the city of Hilsprich. The locality is now renamed “rue de la Chapelle”.

  • Locality Morsbronn , attached to Hilsprich between 1790 and 1794.

Religious buildings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sainte-Anne de Morsbronn chapel

Chapel Notre-Dame de Castviller
  • Sainte-Croix church 1730, renovated in 1946-1949 following damage suffered during the war: statues XVIII It is century
  • Chapel Sainte-Anne de Morsbronn 1860: Statues of Saint Peter and Saint Paul XVIII It is century
  • Notre-Dame de Castviller 1825 chapel: altar XVIII It is century with a painting carved in antependium.

On other Wikimedia projects:

Notes and cards [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. According to the zoning of rural and urban municipalities published in November 2020, in application of the new definition of validated rurality in the interministerial rurality committee.
  2. The concept of cities attraction areas replaced the old concept of urban area in October 2020 to allow comparisons consistent with other countries of the European Union.
  3. Continental waters designate all surface waters, generally, alternative waters from rainwater, which are located inside the land.
  4. Legal municipal population in force at 1 is January 2023, vintage 2020, defined within the territorial limits in force at 1 is January 2022, Statistical reference date: 1 is January 2020.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. BRGM website
  2. Sandra, The Buschbach stream »
  3. Urban / rural typology » , on www.observatoire-des -territoires.gouv.fr (consulted the ) .
  4. Rural commune – Definition » , on INSEE website (consulted the ) .
  5. Understand the density grid » , on www.observatoire-des -territoires.gouv.fr (consulted the ) .
  6. List of municipalities making up the attraction area of ​​Sarreguemines (French part) » , on INSEE.FR (consulted the ) .
  7. Marie-Pierre de Bellefon, Pascal Eusebio, Jocelyn Forest, Olivier Pégaz-Blanc and Raymond Warnod (INSEE), In France, nine out of ten people live in the attraction of a city » , on INSEE.FR , (consulted the ) .
  8. Corine Land Cover (CLC) – Distribution of areas in 15 land use stations (metropolitan area). » , on the Statistical data and studies site of the Ministry of Ecological Transition. (consulted the )
  9. IGN, Evolution of the town’s land use on ancient maps and photos. » , on Remonterletemps.ign.fr (consulted the ) . To compare the evolution between two dates, click on the bottom of the vertical dividing line and move it to the right or left. To compare two other cards, choose the cards in the windows at the top left of the screen.
  10. A B and C Bouteiller – Topographic dictionary of the old Moselle department, written in 1868
  11. a et b From the villages of Cassini to today’s municipalities On the site of the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences.
  12. A B and C Geoplight
  13. The organization of the census , on INSEE.fr.
  14. Departmental censuses calendar , on INSEE.fr.
  15. INSEE – Legal populations of the town for years 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , two thousand and thirteen , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019 And 2020 .
