History aggregation in France – Wikipedia


Programme 2021


History questions:

  • Old: Religion and power in the Roman world of 218 BCE at 235 AD
  • medieval: written, powers and society in the West of the beginning of XII It is century at the end of XIV It is century (England, France, Italian peninsula, Iberian Peninsula)
  • (new question) modern: the world of print in Western Europe (around 1470 – around 1680)
  • (new question) contemporary: work in Western Europe from the 1830s to the 1930s. Handsmakers artisanal and industrial, practical and social issues

Geography questions:

  • Geography of territories: rural areas in France
  • (new question) thematic geography: borders

The subjects of 2021 are: composition of medieval history: “Stability and precariousness of writing”, composition of contemporary history: “Being worker”, explanation of texts of modern history: “A memory on the continuations of privileges ( Around 1670) “by Antoine Vitré (159? -1674) and composition of geography of the territories:” landscapes and recompositions of rural areas in France “.

The 2021 session is marked by the Pandemic of COVID-19 due to compulsory distancing within the examination centers and the port of the mask for all candidates during the written and oral tests. The oral admission tests of the 2021 session also welcome no audience. 150 candidates are eligible.

Programme 2020

This session is marked by the absence of oral tests due to the Cavid-19 pandemic. The written eligibility tests are worth admission. They are organized from June 22 to 25, 2020 instead of March.

History questions:

  • Ancient new question): Religion and power in the Roman world from 218 BCE in 235 AD;
  • (new question) medieval: written, powers and society in the West of the beginning of XII It is century at the end of XIV It is century (England, France, Italian peninsula, Iberian Peninsula);
  • Modern: State, powers and disputes in the French and British monarchies and in their American colonies (around 1640 – around 1780);
  • Contemporary: culture, media, powers in the United States and Western Europe 1945-1991.

Geography questions:

  • (new question) thematic geography: Southeast Asia;
  • Geography of territories: rural areas in France.

The subjects of 2020 are: composition of ancient history: “Piety and impiety in public religion”, composition of contemporary history: “The years 1968: Culture and contestation”, Explanation of texts of medieval history: “Books of ‘A Dominican brother at XIII It is century on June 17, 1287 “and composition of geography of territories:” natural risks and territories in Southeast Asia “.

Programme 2019

History issues :

  • ancient: family and society in the Greek world and in Italy of IN It is century of. J.-C. At II It is century of. J.-C. ;
  • medieval: confrontation, exchanges and knowledge of the other in the north and east of Europe at the end of the VII It is century in the middle of XI It is century ;
  • (new question) modern: State, powers and disputes in the French and British monarchies and in their American colonies (around 1640 – around 1780);
  • (new question) contemporary: culture, media, powers in the United States and Western Europe 1945-1991.

Geography issues :

  • Thematic geography: tourism and leisure spaces;
  • (new question) Geography of territories: rural areas in France.

The subjects fallen for the year 2019 are: composition of ancient history “Tel Father, Tel Son”; composition of modern history “royal authority”; Explanation of medieval history text “Conquest and peace: the establishment of CNUT in England”; Composition of “mobility and dynamic geography of rural areas in France”.

Programme 2018

History questions:

  • (new question) ancient: family and society in the Greek world and in Italy of the IN It is At II It is century of. J.-C. ;
  • (new question) medieval: confrontation, exchanges and knowledge of the other in the north and east of Europe at the end of the VII It is century in the middle of XI It is century ;
  • modern: sciences, techniques, powers and societies of XVI It is At XVIII It is century (period of the excluded French Revolution) in England, France, Netherlands/provinces and Italian peninsula;
  • Contemporary: the Middle East from 1876 to 1980.

Geography questions:

  • (new question) thematic geography: tourism and leisure areas;
  • Geography of territories: France of margins [ 9 ] .

The subjects fallen for the year 2018 are: composition of medieval history “crossing the border in the north and east of Europe at the end of the VII It is century in the middle of XI It is century ” ; Composition of contemporary history “Reforms and revolutions in the Middle East (1876-1980)”; Explanation of modern history text “praise of Herman Boerhaave before the Academy of Sciences (1738)”; Composition of geography “Centers and peripheries in tourism spaces”.

Programme 2017

History questions:

  • Ancient: the Roman world of 70 BC. J.C. at 73 AD. J.-C .;
  • medieval: governing in Islam between the X It is century and the XV It is century (Iraq until 1258, Syria, Hijaz, Yemen, Egypt, Maghreb and Al-Andalus);
  • new question in modern: sciences, techniques, powers and societies of the XVI It is At XVIII It is century (period of the excluded French Revolution) in England, France, Netherlands/provinces and Italian peninsula;
  • New contemporary question: the Middle East from 1876 to 1980.

Geography questions:

  • New question in territories geography: France of margins;
  • Thematic geography: geography of seas and oceans [ ten ] .

The subjects fallen for the year 2017 are: composition of ancient history “Rome and its subjects”; Composition of modern history “scholars and technicians in the city”; Explanation of contemporary history text “Speech by Ghazi Moustafa Kemal, President of the Turkish Republic (October 1927)”; composition of geography “appropriating the high seas”.

Programme 2016

History issues :

  • Ancient: the Roman world of 70 BC. J.C. at 73 AD. J.-C .;
  • medieval: governing in Islam between the X It is century and the XV It is century (Iraq until 1258, Syria, Hijaz, Yemen, Egypt, Maghreb and Al-Andalus);
  • Modern: the Iberian Peninsula and Le Monde, 1470s – 1640s;
  • Contemporary: citizenship, republic, democracy in France from 1789 to 1899.

Geography questions:

  • Geography of territories: France, mutations in productive systems;
  • Thematic geography: geography of seas and oceans [ 11 ] .

The subjects fallen for the year 2016 are: composition of ancient history: “political violence in the Roman world”; Composition of medieval history: “the foundations of power in Islam”; Commentary on modern history text: “Letters from Father François Xavier (November 1549)”; Composition of geography: “France, a post-industrial space? »» [ twelfth ] .

Programme 2015

History questions:

  • New ancient question: the Roman world of 70 BC. J.C. at 73 AD. J.-C .;
  • new medieval question: governing in Islam between the X It is century and the XV It is century (Iraq until 1258, Syria, Hijaz, Yemen, Egypt, Maghreb and Al-Andalus);
  • Modern: the Iberian Peninsula and Le Monde, 1470s – 1640s;
  • New question of contemporary: citizenship, republic, democracy in France from 1789 to 1899.

Geography questions:

  • France: mutations in productive systems;
  • New question: geography of seas and oceans [ 13 ] .

The subjects fallen for the year 2015 are: composition of medieval history: “centers and margins of power in Islam”; Composition of contemporary history: “Integrate and exclude in the Republic”; Commentary on ancient history text: “Dion Cassius, Roman history , César and Pompey in the morning of Pharsale, 48 BC. AD ”; Composition of geography: “Mediterranean seas”.

Programme 2014

History questions:

  • The Greek diasporas of the Mediterranean basin (Black Sea and Egypt included) to the Indus, from the VIII It is century at the end of III It is century BC;
  • War and Society, around 1270 – Around 1480 (Kingdom of Scotland, Kingdom of England, Ireland, Wales, Kingdom of France and Western margins of the Empire [ 14 ] – Italian space excluded -);
  • New question: the Iberian peninsula and the world, 1470s-years 1640;
  • Colonial societies: Africa, Antilles, Asia (1850s – 1950s).

Geography questions:

  • geography of conflicts;
  • New question: France, mutations in productive systems.

The subjects fallen for the year 2014 are: composition of modern history: “the Iberian peninsula and the new borders of the world”; Composition of contemporary history: “the body in colonial situations”; Commentary on medieval history text: the Guise capitulation treaty (1424); Composition of geography: “Conflicts and strategic resources in the world”.

Programme 2013

History questions:

  • New question: the Greek diasporas of the Mediterranean basin (Black Sea and Egypt included) to the Indus, from the VIII It is century at the end of III It is century BC;
  • New question: war and society, around 1270 – around 1480 (Kingdom of Scotland, Kingdom of England, Ireland, Wales, Kingdom of France and Western margins of the Empire [ 14 ] – Italian space excluded -);
  • international circulation, years 1680-years 1780;
  • New question: colonial societies, Africa, Antilles, Asia (1850s – 1950s).

Geography questions:

  • geography of conflicts;
  • Urban France.

The subjects fallen for the year 2013 are:
composition of ancient history: “The experience of departure in ancient Greece of the VIII It is At III It is century of. J.-C. »;
Composition of modern history: “Aristocratic circulation in Europe 1680-1780”;
Explanation of contemporary history text: extracts from the text of Michel Leiris of 1931 in the ethnographic mission Dakar-Djibouti, on Dakar;
Composition of geography: “Cities and mobility in France”.

Programme 2012

History issues

  • Rome and the West, from 197 BC to 192 apr. J.-C. (Western Mediterranean islands (Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica), Iberian Peninsula, Gaul (excluded cisalpine), Germany, Alps (Alpine and Rhétie provinces), Brittany)
  • Religious structures and dynamics in the societies of the Latin West (1179-1449)
  • International circulation, years 1680-years 1780
  • The British world from 1815 to 1931

Geography issues

  • New question: conflict geography
  • Urban France

The subjects fallen for the year 2012 are:
Composition of ancient history: “Rome and the borders in the West of 197 BC. AD to 197 AD. AD ”;
Composition of contemporary history: “Thinking and building the British world (1815-1931)”;
Explanation of medieval history text: canons and death in Prague at the beginning of XIV It is century ;
Composition of geography: “minorities and conflicts in the current world”.

Programme 2011

History issues

  • Rome and the West, from 197 BC to 192 apr. J.-C. (Western Mediterranean islands (Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica), Iberian Peninsula, Gaul (excluded cisalpine), Germany, Alps (Alpine and Rhétie provinces), Brittany)
  • New question: religious structures and dynamics in the societies of the Latin West (1179-1449)
  • New question: international circulation, years 1680-years 1780
  • The British world from 1815 to 1931

Geography issues

  • L’Europe
  • New question: Urban France

The subjects fallen for the year 2011 are:
Composition of ancient history: “The Roman generals and the West, from 197 BC. AD to 192 AD. AD ”;
Composition of modern history: “crossing international borders in Europe (1680s – 1780s)”;
Explanation of medieval history text: The Council of Constance seen by a witness;
Composition of geography: “French cities in Europe”.

Programme 2010

History issues

  • New question: Rome and the West, from 197 BC to 192 apr. J.-C. (Western Mediterranean islands (Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica), Iberian Peninsula, Gaul (excluded cisalpine), Germany, Alps (Alpine and Rhétie provinces), Brittany)
  • Powers, church and society in the kingdoms of France, Burgundy and Germania from 888 to the first years of XII It is century
  • Religious clashes in Europe at the beginning of XVI It is century in the middle of XVII It is century
  • New question: the British world from 1815 to 1931

Geography issues

  • New question: Europe
  • France: developing territories

The subjects fallen for the year 2010 are:
Composition of medieval history: “Men of church and temporal powers in the kingdoms of France, Burgundy and Germany from 888 to the first years of XII It is century ” ;
Composition of contemporary history: “Myths and realities of British hegemony in the world from 1815 to 1931”;
Explanation of modern history text: the reflections of Jean de Saulx-Tavannes on religious clashes, published in 1625;
Composition of geography: “the geographic effects of community integration in Europe”.

Programme 2009

History issues

  • Economies and companies from 478 to 88 in ancient Greece (continental Greece, islands of the Aegean Sea, Coastal cities of Asia Minor)
  • New question: powers, church and society in the kingdoms of France, Burgundy and Germany from 888 to the first years of XII It is century
  • New question: religious clashes in Europe at the start of XVI It is century in the middle of XVII It is century
  • Thinking and building Europe from 1919 to 1992 (outside the experiences specific to the communist world)

Geography issues

  • New question: France: developing territories
  • Nourish men

The subjects fallen for the year 2009 are:
Composition of ancient history: “The grains in the city, from 478 to 88 BCE (continental Greece, islands of the Aegean and coastal cities of Asia Minor)”;
composition of modern history: “Kill in the name of God in Europe, from the beginning of XVI It is century in the middle of XVII It is century ” ;
Explanation of medieval history text: extract from the chronicle of the abbey of Saint-Hubert-en-Ardenne (written before 1106);
Composition of geography: “nourish the rich, nourish the poor”.

Programme 2008

History issues

  • New question: economies and companies from 478 to 88 in ancient Greece (continental Greece, islands of the Aegean Sea, Coastal cities of Asia Minor)
  • New question: think and build Europe from 1919 to 1992 (outside the experiences specific to the communist world)

Powers, church and society in the kingdoms of France, Burgundy and Germania from 888 to the first years of XII It is century

  • The Byzantine world, from the world VIII It is century at 1204: economy and society
  • English, Spanish and French societies in the 17th century

Geography issues

  • New question: Russia
  • France and its regions in Europe and in the world

The subjects fallen for the year 2008 are:
Composition of ancient history: “The sea and economic life in ancient Greece (continental Greece, sea islands
Aegean, coastal cities of Asia Minor) from 478 to 88 “;
composition of medieval history: “Single in the Byzantine world in the middle of VIII It is century to 1204 ”;
Explanation of contemporary history text: speech delivered by Margaret Thatcher at the opening of the 39th academic year of the College of Europe in Bruges, September 20, 1988);
Geography composition: “The peripheries of French space”.

Programme 2007

History issues

  • Ancient history: Roman Africa (from Atlantic to Tripolitania) from 69 to 439
  • Medieval history: the Byzantine world, from the world VIII It is century at 1204: economy and society
  • Modern history: English, Spanish and French societies in the 17th century
  • Contemporary history: campaigns in social and political developments in Europe in the 1830s at the end of the 1920s: comparative study of France, Germany, Spain and Italy

Geography issues

  • Globalization
  • France and its regions in Europe and in the world

The subjects fallen for the year 2007 are:
composition of modern history: “inherit in English, Spanish and French societies at XVII It is century ” ;
Composition of contemporary history: “Men of progress in European countryside (France, Germany, Spain, Italy), from the 1830s on the eve of the First World War”;
Explanation of text ancient history: Saint Augustine and the Donatists (417);
Composition of geography: “The centers of the world”.

Programme 2006

History issues

  • Ancient history: Roman Africa (from Atlantic to Tripolitania) from 69 to 439
  • Medieval history: the cities of Italy, from the world XII It is century in the middle of XIV It is century: economies, societies, powers, cultures
  • Modern history: revolts and revolutions in Europe (Russia included) and the Americas from 1773 to 1802
  • Contemporary history: campaigns in social and political developments in Europe in the 1830s at the end of the 1920s: comparative study of France, Germany, Spain and Italy

Geography issues

  • Latin America
  • France and its regions in Europe and in the world

The subjects fallen for the year 2006 are:
Composition of ancient history: “State and civil communities (cities, tribes) in Roman Africa from 69 to 439”;
Composition of modern history: “Representing the people in Europe and North America, 1773-1802”;
Explanation of medieval history text: strengthening of justice orders (April 1293);
Composition of geography: “Low settlement spaces in Latin America”.

Programme 2005

History issues

  • Ancient history: Anatolia of the death of Alexander to the rules by Rome of the Orient Affairs (55 BCE)
  • Medieval history: the cities of Italy, from the world XII It is century in the middle of XIV It is century: economies, societies, powers, cultures
  • Modern history: revolts and revolutions in Europe (Russia included) and the Americas from 1773 to 1802
  • Contemporary history: societies, war and peace from 1911 to 1946 (Europe, Russia then USSR, Japan, United States)

Geography issues

  • Africa
  • France and its regions in Europe and in the world

The subjects fallen for the year 2005 are:
composition of medieval history: “The foundations and manifestations of the economic power of Italian cities in the middle of XII It is century in the middle of XIV It is century ” ;
Composition of contemporary history: “The enemy (Europe, Russia then USSR, Japan, United States, from 1911 to 1946)”;
Explanation of Modern History Text: Thomas Jefferson, United States ambassador to Paris, written to James Madison;
Composition of geography: “The territories of exchange in Africa”.

Programme 2004

History issues

  • Ancient history: Anatolia of the death of Alexander to the rules by Rome of the Orient Affairs (55 BCE)
  • Medieval history: societies in Europe, from the world WE It is century at the end of IX It is century (Byzantine worlds, Muslim and Slavic excluded)
  • Modern history: the Renaissance, from the 1470s to the 1560s
  • Contemporary history: societies, war and peace from 1911 to 1946 (Europe, Russia then USSR, Japan, United States)

Geography issues

  • The risks
  • France and its regions in Europe and in the world

The subjects fallen for the year 2004 are:
composition of medieval history: “The place of the Church in European societies of the world WE It is century at the end of IX It is century ” ;
Composition of Modern History: “Know the world in the Renaissance (from the 1470s to the 1560s)”;
Explanation of ancient history text: the tax farmer Joseph, nephew of the high priest Onias II;
Composition of geography: “Living near rivers in France, geographic study”.

Programme 2003

History issues

  • Ancient history: Rome, city and capital, of Julius Caesar at the end of the Antonins
  • Medieval history: societies in Europe, from the world WE It is century at the end of IX It is century (Byzantine worlds, Muslim and Slavic excluded)
  • Modern history: the Renaissance, from the 1470s to the 1560s
  • Contemporary history: religion and culture in societies and in European states in 1800 to 1914 (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, within 1914)

Geography issues

  • Mediterranean
  • France and its regions in Europe and in the world

The subjects fallen for the year 2003 are:
composition of medieval history: “Being free in European societies in the world WE It is century at the end of IX It is century ” ;
Composition of modern history: “Renaissance Europe: an Italian Europe? »;
Explanation of ancient history text: Rome during the civil wars in 69 AD;
Composition of geography: “the port and the city in the Mediterranean”.

Programme 2002

History issues

  • Ancient history: Rome, city and capital, of Julius Caesar at the end of the Antonins
  • Medieval history: the relations of the countries of Islam with the Latin world in the middle of X It is century in the middle of XIII It is century
  • Modern history: Spanish and French monarchies (excluded extra-European territories) from the middle of XVI It is century to 1714
  • Contemporary history: religion and culture in societies and in European states in 1800 to 1914 (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, within 1914)

Geography issues

  • Mediterranean
  • France and its regions in Europe and in the world

The subjects fallen for the year 2002 are:
Composition of medieval history: “Confronting the Latin world for Muslims (XI-Milieu Midfinth 13th century)”;
composition of modern history: “The presence of the king in the Spanish and French monarchies of the world XVI It is century to 1714 ”;
Explanation of Contemporary History Text: to whom belongs the right to teach? ;
Composition of geography: “French middays”.

Programme 2001

History issues

  • Ancient history: war and societies in the Greek worlds, from 490 BC at 322 BC (including Macedonia)
  • Medieval history: the relations of the countries of Islam with the Latin world in the middle of X It is century in the middle of XIII It is century
  • Modern history: Spanish and French monarchies (excluded extra-European territories) from the middle of XVI It is century to 1714
  • Contemporary history: democracy in the United States of America and in Europe (Germany then RFA, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom) from 1918 to 1939: Ideas and fights, institutions and practices

Geography issues

  • Very big cities in the world
  • France and its regions in Europe and in the world

The subjects fallen for the year 2001 are:
Composition of ancient history: “Impossible peace in the Greek worlds of 490 BC at 322 BC (including Macedonia)”;
composition of medieval history: “Gold in the relations of the countries of Islam with the Latin world, from the world X It is century in the middle of XIII It is century ” ;
Explanation of contemporary history text: democracies in crisis. Weimar syndrome;
Composition of geography: “rich districts and beautiful districts in the very big cities of the world”.

Programme 2000

History issues

  • Ancient history: war and societies in the Greek worlds, from 490 BC at 322 BC (including Macedonia)
  • Medieval history: education and cultures in the Christian West, from the beginning of XII It is century in the middle of XV It is century
  • Modern history: the land and the peasants in France (within its current limits) and in Great Britain, from the beginning of XVII It is century at the end of XVIII It is century
  • Contemporary history: democracy in the United States of America and in Europe (Germany then RFA, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom) from 1918 to 1939: Ideas and fights, institutions and practices

Geography issues

  • China and the Chinese of the diaspora
  • France and its regions in Europe and in the world

The subjects fallen for the year 2000 are:
Composition of ancient history: “Education and culture of war in the Greek worlds of 490 BC at 322 BC (including Macedonia)”;
Composition of modern history: “Peasants and collective uses of the land in France (within its current limits) and in Great Britain, from the beginning of XVII It is century at the end of XVIII It is century ” ;
Explanation of contemporary history text: readings and culture of the prince after Philippe de Mézières (v. 1386-89);
Composition of geography: “Mastery of water in China”.
