Hungarian legislative elections of 2002 – Wikipedia


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THE Hungarian legislative elections of 2002 (in Hungarian: 2002 Hungarian parliamentary elections ) Be held on Sundays And , in order to elect the 386 deputies of the 4 It is Legislature of the National Assembly for a four -year term.

Marked by a clear increase in participation, this ballot sees a new victory in voice of the MSZP, but a victory in seats for the alliance between the Fidesz-MP of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the MDF. Only SZDSZ also obtained a parliamentary representation, the socialist leader Péter Medgyssy succeeds Orbán at the head of a coalition government.

During the 1998 legislative elections, the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) in power of Prime Minister Gyula Horn obtained the greatest number of votes, but is distant in seats by the Hungarian Civic Party (Fidesz-MP) of Viktor Orbán who Take advantage of withdrawals with the Hungarian Democrat forum (MDF). Orbán subsequently accesses the power after having constituted a coalition government between the Fidesz-MP, the MDF and the independent party of the small owners (FKGP).

The , former Minister Ferenc Mádl is elected for five years President of the Republic by the National Assembly, succeeding árpád Göncz.

The national assembly ( Parliament ) is the monocameral parliament of the Republic of Hungary. It consists of 386 deputies, elected for a four -year legislature by direct universal suffrage according to a mixed ballot:


In order for the result of a constituency (uninominal or multinominal) to be validated, the participation rate must reach 50% of the registrants. Otherwise, a second round is summoned and what quorum falls to 25% of registrants. Only parties that have received at least 5% of the votes cast at national level benefit from the distribution of comitat and compensation seats.

The compensation seats are distributed by adding to the national level all the unnecessary votes, which did not allow a party to win a district or a seat in a comitat [ a ] .

Party Ideology Leader Result in 1998
Hungarian Socialist Party
Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP)
Left -back
Social Democracy, Europhilia
Peter Medgyessy 32.9% of votes
134 deputies
Hungarian Civic Fart
Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Party (Fidesz-MPP)
Conservatism, Christian democracy
Viktor Orban
(Prime Minister)
32.3% of votes
165 deputies
Hungarian Democrat forum
Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF)
2.8% of votes
17 deputies
Independent party of small owners
Independent smallholder party (FKGP)
Agrarism, nationalism, conservatism
Joseph Torgyan 13.2% of votes
22 deputies
Alliance of Free Democrats
Free Democratic Association (SZDSZ)
Social-liberalism, economic liberalism
Gábor Kuncze 7.6% of votes
24 deputies
Hungarian party of justice and life
Hungarian Truth and Life Party (MIÉP)
Nationalism, conservatism
István Csurka 5.5% of votes
14 deputies
Results of the Hungarian legislative elections of 2002 [ first ] , [ 2 ]
Hungarian parliamentary election, 2002.svg
Gone Majority Ballot
first is tour 2 It is tour Total +/-
Voice % S. Voice % S. Voice % +/- S.
Parti Socialiste Hongrois (MSZP) 2 277 737 40.50 24 2 011 845 45.77 54 78 en augmentation 24 2 361 997 42.05 en augmentation 9.13 69 thirty first 178 en augmentation 44
Hungarian Civic Farting (Fidesz-MP) 2 217 755 39.43 15 2 196 540 49.97 sixty one 76 en diminution 14 2 306 763 41.07 en augmentation 8.79 sixty four 24 164 en augmentation 16
Hungarian Democrat Forum (MDF) 5 14 19 en augmentation 2 3 2 24 en augmentation 7
Alliance des Democrates Libres (SZDSZ) 380 982 6.77 first 139 504 3.10 2 3 en augmentation first 313 084 5.57 en diminution 2.00 4 13 20 en diminution 4
Hungarian Party of Justice and Life (Miép) 257 430 4.58 0 325 0.00 0 0 en stagnation 245 326 4.37 en diminution 1.10 0 0 0 en diminution 14
Coast Du Center (CP) (KDNP- MDNP ZDSZ HIM ) [ b ] 182 253 3.24 0 5 280 0.12 0 0 en stagnation 219 029 3.90 en augmentation 0.25 0 0 0 en stagnation
Hungarian worker party (MP) 108 732 1.93 0 0 0 0 0 en stagnation 121 503 2.16 en diminution 1.79 0 0 0 en stagnation
Independent party of small owners (FKGP) 67 401 1.20 0 692 0.00 0 0 en diminution twelfth 42 338 0.75 en diminution 12.40 0 0 0 en diminution 48
Others 132 305 2.35 0 61 538 1.36 0 0 en diminution first 6 710 0.12 0 0 0 en diminution first
Suffresses expressed 5 624 595 98.93 4 395 458 99.36 5 616 750 98.79
White and invalid votes 61 060 1.07 28 348 0.64 68 905 1.21
Total 5 685 655 100 45 4 423 806 100 131 176 en stagnation 5 685 655 100 140 70 386 en stagnation
Abstention 2 375 446 29.47 1 594 263 26.49 2 375 446 29.47
Registered / Participation 8 061 101 70.53 6 018 069 73.51 8 061 101 70.53

Analyse [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The ballot is generally a setback for the Hungarian right, which loses power after having exercised it for four years. Admittedly, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz-MP, coalized with the MDF, manages to remain the first parliamentary force and to progress clearly, but to the detriment of the FKGP, the third partner of the government coalition in power which is experiencing resounding failure. The disappearance of the miép far right formation of the assembly, which narrowly misses the 5% of the votes cast, also makes it possible to stabilize the hemicycle. Under the leadership of the former Minister of Finance, without label, fart Medgyssy, the MSZP regains its status as the first party of the Assembly [ d ] .

The impossibility for Viktor Orbán to ally himself with one of the two other parties represented in the National Assembly forces him to give up power, in favor of an alliance between the MSZP and the SZDSZ led by Péter Medgyessy, whose ‘One of the first decisions is to increase the salary of public education and health agents.

Fidesz leaders are unlikely to challenge the results by requesting a recount of votes. They are supported by István Csurka, the leader of the Hungarian Party of Justice and Life [ 3 ] .

  1. The unnecessary votes of Comitat are understood as the difference between the total of the votes collected and the result of the multiplication of the number of seats obtained by the electoral quotient.
  2. Variation of percentages compared to the addition of those of the KDNP and the MNDP during the last ballot.
  3. Some of the majority candidates had the support of the MSZDP.
  4. The MSZP is the first party in terms of parliamentarians, but the Fidesz-MDF coalition is the first political force.

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