Hyacinthe Cquet – Wikipedia


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Hyacinthe Clément Justin Coquet , born the in Lons-le-Saunier (Jura) and died on In Orléans (Loiret), is a French officer of the First World War.

He began his military career in 1870, fighting during the Franco-German war. In 1911 he took command of the 3 It is Infantry division. It is recalled in to command a division, the 52 It is Reserve infantry division. He is dismissed from the For incompetence and passes the rest of the war in commandments at the rear.

War against Germany [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He enters as a soldier the eligible at the Saint-Cyr school, a corporal fifteen days after and then second lieutenant in nineteen days at 84 It is infantry regiment. He passes the At 62 It is of line where he was appointed lieutenant. He begins as a student at the Special Military School of Saint-Cyr in as a second lieutenant. [Ref. necessary]


Au Maghreb [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He is at 4 It is Zouave and is in Orléanville in as an officer of the general. He then alternated the posts between Algeria (1872-81, To ) and Tunisia (May to June 1881 then To ). [Ref. necessary]

First World War [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the declaration of war, as part of the application of the XVII plan, it is part of the 5 It is Army of Paris which is on the cover in front of the forest of the Ardennes massif with the 52 It is Reserve infantry division. Its withdrawal during the first battle of the Marne and during the battle of the marshes of Saint-Gond leads to its dismissal and its replacement by General Battesti. General Cquet had however, by his rapid and timely reaction, blocked the A German attack on the Meuse in Fumay [ first ] .

  • ESM from 1870 to 1871.
  • In He is appointed under lieutenant at 4 It is Zouave regiment.
  • Lieutenant the
  • Captain , he goes to twelfth It is hunter battalion
  • 1884: Officer of the Order of Nichan Iftikhar, knight of the Legion of Honor .
  • He is then assigned to 98 It is infantry regiment
  • Commander , Officer of the Order of Cambodia.
  • Officer of the Legion of Honor the .
  • In 1894 he was appointed to 134 It is infantry regiment
  • Lieutenant Colonel le At 129 It is infantry regiment
  • Colonel At 131 It is infantry regiment
  • Brigadier general , he takes command of the 18 It is infantry braces.
  • Commander of the Legion of Honor
  • General division , he is appointed to the head of the 3 It is Infantry division ( ),
  • In He is appointed reserve training inspector.
  • In , at the outbreak of the Great War, he was put at the head of the 52 It is Reserve infantry division,
  • The He is placed on availability due to his insufficiency at the head of the division.
  • During the rest of the war, he will exercise commands away from the front:
    • Until 1916 as assistant to the commander of the 5 It is military region,
    • then To as commander 15 It is military region

The , General Coquet marries in Montbrison (Loire) Caroline Alice Blanche Haraucourt. He died on in Orléans (Loiret). [Ref. necessary]

He is the son of Jean-François Coquet (° 1813), head of division at the prefecture and Louise Vuillermet (° 1816) [Ref. necessary]

  1. Jean-Claude Delhez, The day of mourning of the French army , t. 2, self -published, , p. 646
