Hydriasterstel — Wikipedia


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Hydriastele is a kind of palm, of the family of Arecaceae , that can be found in Australia, New Zealand, Melanesia, Polynesia and South Asia.

This genus has a large number of synonymous appellations:

  • Kentia Blume
  • Gronophyllum Shift.
  • Ningella Becc.
  • Ad (Becc.) Hook.f.
  • Gulubia Becc.
  • Leptophoenix Becc.
  • Gulubiopsis Becc.
  • Sophochettia Donkey
  • Paragulubia Donkey

This genus contains many species. The list is not necessarily exhaustive and can be subject to variation according to the criteria for interpretation of taxonomy.

  • Hydriastele related (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 62 (2004).
  • Hydriastele apk (B.E.Young) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 62 (2004).
  • Hydriastele beccariana Burret, Report. Spec. Nov. Kingdom veg. 24: 292 (1928).
  • Hydriastele Beguinii (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 62 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Boumae W.J.Baker & D.Watling, Kew Bull. 59: 62 (2004).
  • Hydriastele brassii (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 63 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Cariosa (dowe & M.D.Ferrero) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 63 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Cart Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13: 326 (1936).
  • Hydriastele chaunostachys (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 63 (2004).
  • Hydriastele ribbed F.M.Bailey, Queensland Agric. J. 2: 129 (1898).
  • Hydriastele cyclopensis (Essig & B.E.Young) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 64 (2004).
  • Hydriastele cylindrocarpa (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 64 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Dransfieldii (Hambali & AL) W 59: 64 (2004).
  • Hydriastele flabellata (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 64 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Geelvinkiana (Becc.) Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13: 484 (1937).
  • Hydriastele Gibbsiana (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele thin (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele hombronii (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Kasesa (Lauterb.) Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13: 484 (1937).
  • Hydriastele Kjellbergii (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Ledermanniana (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Lepidota Burret, J. Arnold Arbor. 20: 204 (1939).
  • Hydriastele Longispatha (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Lurida (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Macrospadix (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Plus (Essig) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Mayrii (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele mierantha (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele microcarpa (Shifts.) W.J.BAKER & LOO, KEW BULL. 59: 65 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Microspadix (Warb. Ex K.Schum. & Lauterb.) Burret, notebl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13: 484 (1937).
  • Hydriastele Moluccana (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 66 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Montana (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 66 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Nannostachys W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 66 (2004).
  • Hypetala Hypriastele (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 66 (2004).
  • Hydriastele palauensis (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 66 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Pinangoides (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 66 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Pleurocarpa (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 67 (2004).
  • Hydriastele tall (Blume) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 67 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Ramsayi (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 67 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Rheophytica Deaf & m.d.ferrero, Palms 44: 195 (2000).
  • Hydriastele rhopalocarpa (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 67 (2004).
  • Hydriastele rostrata Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13: 484 (1937).
  • Hydriastele Sarasinorum (Burret) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 67 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Selebica (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 67 (2004).
  • Hydriastele valid (Essig) W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 68 (2004).
  • A hydriastele variable (Becc.) Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13: 483 (1937).
  • Hydriastele vitiensis W.J.Baker & Loo, Kew Bull. 59: 68 (2004).
  • Hydriastele Wendlandiana (F.Muell.) H.Wendl. & Drude, Linnaea 39: 209 (1875).

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