I will chumballs — Wikipedia


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Les Chumballs is a French animation television series broadcast from the on France 5 in the program Zouzous .

Following an ecological disaster, humans hide in the depths of the earth. Their ancestors have left twenty-four creatures on the surface called chumballs responsible for reconstructing nature. But the Chumballs have still not sent the signal announcing the success of their mission. The Council of the underground world takes pretext for this fact to maintain men in the depths, under its control.

Solana A young girl goes back to the surface with her friends Stel and Tom. They set off to discover the planet looking for chumballs.

  • Solana : Solana is a young girl in ten years. Master Pakadis pupil, she decides to accomplish the mission that the old man had set for himself but that the council prohibited her: going to the surface to find and activate the chumballs. She has the gift of knowing the plants.
  • Set : Stel is the friend of Solana to whom he is of precious help by his ability to instinctively understand the functioning of the machines. Unlike Solana, more instinctive, he always reflects before acting.
  • Tom : is Stel’s little brother. He accompanies his friends on the surface. Insoucant, he marvels at everything he sees. He does not like to be dismissed by his elders, even for his safety.
  • Maitre pakadis : Maitre Pakadis is the tutor of Solana. He is convinced that the chumballs have finished their mission but that they forgot to prevent humans. But the council refuses to believe it and makes it isolate. From his laboratory, he helps as he can children.
  • Attend : Tago is a small flying robot built by Stel on the chumballs model. Officially Tom’s toy, he also has several analysis tools that help children understand the problems they face.
  • To go back : Voltar is the villain in history. Descendant of humans who have emigrated to another planet, he returns to earth to exploit nature and make profit, even in defiance of the ecological laws of his world. It tends to want to capture chumballs, but still fails miserably due to the intervention of children.
  • GMX : GMX is the Voltar robot. Although he is devoted to him, the latter is never happy with it and does not hesitate to let off steam on him when his plans fall in the water.
  • Les Chumballs : Chumballs are small spherical creatures, half robot, half living. They take their name from their designer: Bob Chumball. Each episode (except the first and last) is devoted to a cholmball associated with a particular ecological environment. The capacities of chumballs vary according to their function. They can in particular create new species, make a bubble of force to protect a lake (manganas Express), depollute the water from a river (lead in the air) or boost the tide (the large dam). A polluted chumball can change behavior and become a danger.
  • Original name: the chumballs
  • Realization: Bruno Desraisses
  • Concept original : The world of chumballs of The sixth continent According to the characters of Maxime Péroz and Sébastien Acacia.
  • Development for television and writing direction: Franck Salomé
  • Scenarists: FRANCK Salomé, hurt, handly, RENOLO Mireel Pureel, Emmat Perret, ANTHET House Zucchi, etc.
  • Music: François Elie Roulin
  • Producer: Robert Ré, Dominique Boischot, Marie-Pierre Moulinjeune
  • Production houses: Ellipse Animation, Les Films de la Perrine, Araneo Belgium.
  • Native country : Drapeau de la France France
  • Years of production: 2013
  • Number of episodes: 26 (1 season)
  • Duration: 13 minutes
  • First broadcast dates: (France)
  1. The escape
  2. Perilous rescue
  3. The Grand Dam
  4. The country of ice
  5. Water battle
  6. Ok coral
  7. Manganese Express
  8. Bald that can
  9. The pearly pen
  10. The forgotten tribe
  11. Power outage
  12. A tiring light
  13. A love of Croq’Cinelle
  14. Bad fever
  15. The return
  16. The ppluia that kills
  17. Badly high inflashes
  18. Love song
  19. Milabeilles dance
  20. Voltarland
  21. Toxic
  22. Lack of air
  23. Lead in the air
  24. A hunger from Grenouléon
  25. The flying holidays
  26. The mysterious forest

The series is an ambition to initiate the youngest to current ecological problems. For example, the episode Badly high inflashes addresses the dangers of mass farming and A love of corq’Cinelle , problems related to pesticide abuse. The official website also offers practical advice.
