I wrote the scent-auau was -guguleleia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


The I wrote the sclat-uauan. It is the largest known meteorite fall in France: it is part of the meteorites found as its fall has not been observed. Meteorite is a ferrous meteorite belonging to the octaedritis.

Meteorite has been known since 2002, although the first specimen was found in 1968 and most of the meteorite was discovered and recovered in 2018. The first specimen was randomly discovered in 1968 by a farmer, his discovery was made known only in the 2002 and led to the discovery of four other specimens [first] . Over ten years later he was organized by members of the “Meteor Commission, Meteorites and Impactism” by the Société Astronomique de France a research campaign between the end of March and the beginning of October 2018 for the systematic research of meteor fragments with a special Cercametalli And drones: the most striking result was the discovery on October 3, 2018 of a specimen weight of 477 kg. [2] .
The team that carried out the research and recovery of the meteorite was composed among others by Pierre Antonin, Brian Barret, André Carpentier, Emmanuel Dransart and Alain Gallien: Antonin, in addition to having directed the team, is the inventor of the special experimental cercametalli that allowed the discovery of the meteorite specimens [3] [2] .

The fragments of the meteorite were found in the municipality of Saint-Aubin (Departments of the Aube, the Grand Est Region). The fragments were found in 123 single impact points distributed in a 1.100 m long elliptical area and 900 m wide [2] , the fragments were found under the level of soil at depth between 30 and 90 centimeters [3] .

The fall of the meteorite would take place 55,000 years ago [4] .

The first specimen was randomly discovered in 1968 by a farmer, weighed 170 kg and had dimensions of 50 x 50 x 40 cm. His discovery was made known only in 2002 and led to the discovery of four other specimens weighing 144 kg, 67 kg, 65 kg and 27 kg, all within 8 km from the place of discovery of the first specimen [first] . On October 3, 2018, an example was found weight of 477 kg. The total mass of the recovered fragments is currently the order of 6 tons [2] .

Before entering the Earth’s atmosphere and therefore before the ablation began, the meteoroid that gave rise to the meteorite of Saint-Aubin had about 1.7 meters in diameter and a mass of about 20 tons [4] .

Meteorite belongs to the type eighths Of [5] . For its composition it belongs to group IIIAB and is considered a high -tenor meteorite of nickel, high golden tenor and low iridio content [6] .


Being an octahedrite, the main chemical component is far the iron ( Fe ). The percentages of the secondary chemical elements of the meteorite are the following [6] :

Other features presented by the meteorite are the figures of Widmanstätten [2] And the Neumann lines in Camacite: these lines are an index of collisions between asteroids and/or comets [5] [6] .

Specific peculiarities of this meteorite is the presence of large chromite crystals [7] .

The CRE (Cosmic-Ray Exposure age, in italiano period of exposure to cosmic rays ) of the meteorite, i.e. the time during which the material constituting the meteorite was exposed to the cosmic rays following the last cosmic collision that led the material itself to no longer be shielded by more than half a meter of matter, has been calculated Based on the 36ar/36cl ratio in 520 ± 30 million years, previously Nishimura & others using Elio-3 had evaluated it 9-16 million years [7] .

  1. ^ a b ( IN ) Karl Thomas Fehr & Alain Carion, Unusual large chromite crystals in the Saint Aubin iron meteorite , meteorics & planetary science, vol. 39, n. 8, Supplement to121-A132 (2004), Pag. A139-A141 (2004), August
  2. ^ a b c d It is ( FR ) Discovery of the biggest French meteorite
  3. ^ a b ( FR ) Discovery of the biggest meteorite deposit in France
  4. ^ a b ( FR ) [www.theses.fr 2015AIxm4302.pdf The flux of meteorites on Earth: Contribution of measuring the concentration of multiple cosmogenic nuclides, and collections in arid areas .]
  5. ^ a b ( IN ) Karl Thomas Fehr & Alain Carion, Unusual Large Chromite Crystals in the Saint Aubin Iron Meteorite, Meteorics & Planetary Science, Vol. 39, n. 8, Supplement to121-A132 (2004), Pag. A139-A141 (2004), August
  6. ^ a b c ( IN ) Saint-Aubin
  7. ^ a b ( FR ) [www.theses.fr/2015AIXM4302.pdf The flux of meteorites on Earth: Contribution of measuring the concentration of multiple cosmogenic nuclides, and collections in arid areas.]
