Iîle-de-France Nature — Wikipedia


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Île-de-France Nature (formerly Green Space Agency ( AVEV )) is a public administrative establishment founded on .

Created within the framework of the law on the protection of nature [ first ] , it is an essential tool for regional policy in terms of protection, development and management of natural spaces (forests, ecological sites, agricultural spaces, etc.).

The agency implements the policy of the Ile-de-France regional council within the framework of the regional sdrif. As such, it continues 5 main missions:

  • Arrange the territory of Île-de-France
    To safeguard the ecological heritage of the region and improve the living environment of Ile -de -France residents, the AEV acquires and highlights forests, ecological sites, green frames … It also works, alongside local authorities, for a return of nature in the city. This regional heritage includes 14,188 hectares (2014), two thirds of which are wood and forests, the remaining surface representing other types of natural spaces to be preserved, such as moors, lawns, wetlands and agricultural spaces. The land acquisitions of the AEV are mainly amicably, or by expropriation within the framework of a declaration of public utility (DUP), or by exercise of the right of preemption. This last case occurs in particular within the framework of an agreement with the Land Development and Rural Establishment Company (SAFER) of Île-de-France (this having a right of preemption in the event of the sale of agricultural land ) the aim of which is to preserve agricultural activity in certain areas threatened by urbanization.
  • Open forests and natural spaces
    When possible, the AEV opens the public access to local natural areas. More than 30 regional sites are open to the walk with many marked walking routes.
  • Maintaining agriculture near cities
    To fight against urban pressure and help the agricultural sector to develop, the AEV practices land watch and acquires, if necessary, agricultural spaces in the green belt (zone between 10 and 30 km around Paris) These plots are then rented to farmers, especially organic.
  • Preserve biodiversity
    Through ecological studies and methods of management, AEV field agents protect flora and fauna, monitoring and maintenance of regional properties. The agency also manages 5 of the 11 regional nature reserves and 3 Natura 2000 sites. Since 2014, the AEV has also embarked on a regional forest certification process it has managed. Thus, their totality (40) is certified PEFC and 11 of them have already been certified by the international label FSC (40.5% of the acquired forest surface), making the AEV the owner of the largest area FSC certified public in France.
  • Aware of the environment
    Free natural outings, led by specialists, are offered to all audiences, every weekend, in regional natural areas.

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