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Mirosława Danuta Wałęsa , born Gołoś the In Krypy (commune of Liw) in Mazovie, went to seek the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983 in Oslo, as the wife of Lech Wałęsa, and she delivered the thank you speech in her place.

First Lady of Poland from 1990 to 1995, she nevertheless renounces living in the apartments of the Belvedere presidential palace, without renouncing protocol activities throughout her husband’s mandate.

In 2011, she published an autobiography that met with great success in Poland. Thus, it implicitly poses the debate on the condition of women within the couple in the country, without saying herself a feminist.

She was born in 1949, within a very modest Polish farmers’ family. She can only undergo studies up to 14 years old. At 18, she left for Gdansk, and works there as a florist [ first ] . In 1968, she met an electrician from shipyards, Lech Wałęsa, which she married the following year.

Le couple a huit enfants: Bogdan (1970), Sławomir (1972), Przemysław (1974), Jarosław (1976), Devenu Député Européen, Magdalena (1979), Anna (1980), Maria Wiktoria (1982) et Brygida (1985) .


In 1981, Lech Walesa, who became one of the main opponents of the communist regime and the leader of the Solidarnoλć union, was imprisoned for a year. She begins to give interviews: “It was my duty, I have always been strong in adversity” . In 1983, Lech Walesa received the Nobel Peace Prize but did not want to get out of Poland to get him, fearing that he could not come back. She will seek this award in Oslo, accompanied by their eldest son Bogdan, 13, holds a press conference, and gives the Speech of thanks in place of her husband [ 2 ] . She does not settle in Warsaw when he was elected president of Poland, remaining with the children in Gdansk [ 3 ] .

In 2011, she published by Wydawnictwo Literackie editions an autobiography entitled Dreams and secrets ( Dreams and secrets , Buchet/Chastel, 2014)). Despite a title that can evoke a story with rose water, this work, deemed sincere, tells the life of the Walesa family from the inside during all these years. He caused a debate in Poland on the condition of women within the couple. The one who has often been considered a kind of mother courage, working for her family and leaving her husband the political fighting and a certain glory, depicts a little affectionate, absent, has little considerations for his wife and not appreciating Not that it is shadowed. However, she oscillates between criticism and respect, for this man she loved. The book has taken great success in Poland [ 4 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 5 ] . Meetings organized between Danuta Walesa and its readers/readers, in Krakow, in Gdansk, in Warsaw, attract the public, with exchanges and reflections on the life of a couple [ 3 ] . Danuta Walesa does not claim to be a feminist, a term that this practicing Catholic rejects, but recognizes itself as a spokesperson for women: “If this book can be used to show them what we can change, it’s all the better” [ first ] .

Danuta and Lech Walesa live together, each on their floor in the big house he built in Gdansk [ 3 ] .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Alain Debove, «  Walesa crowned », The world , ( read online ) .
  • Reuters, «  Lech Walesa’s wife moves Poland with her biography », Point , ( read online ) .
  • Maya Szymanowska, « LEACH WALESA OF PAR FEW FEMM », Point , ( read online ) .
  • Socha Ryszard, « Danuta Walesa, the Madonna of Eidacked Women », International mail , ( read online ) .
  • Karen Laon, « The art and the manner of an ex-first lady », Le Journal du Dimanche , ( read online ) .
  • Véronique Soulé, ” Danuta Walesa, it’s not lech », Release , ( read online ) .

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