Infinity Blade — Wikipedia


Infinity Blade is a type video game action Developed by Epic Games and published by Flesh Entertainment under the IOS platforms in 2010. The project being known to be the first iOS game to use Unreal Engine technology.


The story [ first ] is located in another world and no information on the time is given, it all starts with a fighter adorned with little advanced equipment going to a tower in the middle of nowhere, his goal is not specified but arrived At the top of it, and after having faced an obscure knight, we learn that he comes to put an end to the tyrannical reign of a “king” armed with “the infinity blade” (blade of the infinite in French), the most powerful weapon of the game, and that the tyrant is supposed to “start a process” with “the Infinity Blade”. The “King God” throws himself on him and completes him, telling him that he hopes that his descendants “will do better”. We learn that it is an eternal (a deathless in the original version)

The game begins when we see the son of the fighter perched on a rock saying: “Father, I will take revenge”. This one is armed with the lowest equipment of the game and after a tutorial, the player can direct the character. After several fights against different monsters, the player arrives at the top of the tower through different paths and faces the “king God”. The player can only lose in the face of the power of the Lord and he said to him: “You could have been an ally of size but you will serve a whole different design, I hope that your descendants will do better …” and C It is on this sentence that the “King God” completes it.

The player starts the game again by embodying the son of this one and it is on this basic principle that turns that Infinity Blade : On the descendants of the hero who inherits the equipment of his increasingly powerful father until defending the “king God”.

When the god King is defeated, the character approaches his throne and activates a module placed on it, a kind of gigantic mapping then materializes above the room, the character observes it and the game ends . The player starts again as if nothing had happened and swears to “avenge his father” to face an even more powerful god King.

Displacement [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The player did not move freely in the decor (which greatly contributed to the disenchantment of certain players). He taps on blue circles to indicate where he wants to go. A kinematics is then triggered and the character moves in the new place.
The player can still move the camera before choosing his destination to explore the decor from a fixed point.


The player can find bags of gold coins (arranged randomly around the world) and tap on it to recover a small sum. The piles of rare treasure bags offer a large sum of money to the player.

You can also find potions (stored by a maximum of five) which can be used when the player wishes, these give back all of his life points to the player.

Chests are also hidden in the world (they are always in the same place), they can offer a large sum of gold or even a piece of equipment or even a potion. These are sometimes kept by enemies that must be overcome before they can access their content.

Combat [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The player can tap on an enemy to face it, he can also choose to turn back in some cases to take another. The player by taking a path can also see an enemy fall from the sky and the fight engages directly. The player is forced to face certain enemies to progress.

Before the beginning of the fight, the player can always change his equipment but can no longer during the confrontation.

The fights take place in four phases:
The enemy continues weak and strong attacks to succeed in touching the player and inflicting more or less strong damage to him, so as not to undergo the player has several solutions:

  • The player can dodge attacks with the dodges of dodges rights and left located at the bottom of the screen (he must analyze the attack and anticipate which side it will come to dodge it, if it is wrong and the wrong Dodge on the left while the attack comes from the right, or if the player dodges too early or too late, the player cash in the damage). Certain attacks are inequivable (horizontal stroke, punch, etc.).
  • The player can adorn the attacks and slide the finger in the opposite direction to the attack. (If the attack borrows the direction: top right at bottom left, the player will have to attack from bottom to left to top right to succeed in his parade)

If it fails due to bad timing or a bad direction, the player takes the damage of the enemy attack.
Some attacks are unstoppable (punch, kick, head, shield, etc.).

  • The player can block opposing attacks by tapping the shield button at the bottom of the screen (between the two dodge buttons).

As long as the player remains pressing the button, the character will shelter behind his shield.
The shield can take enemy attacks without the life of the player in the past. However, the shield has a limited number of shield points (more or less important depending on the shield and shielding skills), these are exhausted as the shield collects attacks until That he no longer has at all, the player can no longer block.
The so-called “devastating” enemy attacks cause damage to the player despite the blocking, they are, however, significantly attenuated.

  • The player can trigger a super-attack by pressing button at the top left of the screen, it knocks out the enemy for a few seconds to inflict additional damage.

The super-attack gauge fills up during the fight as the player inflicts or receives damage, the player can trigger it when the gauge is filled,

  • The player can also throw spells at any time in the fight, it is enough to press the “out” button at the top right and draw a symbol on the screen. The game continues while the player traces the symbol, which is why an enemy attack can stop it in its momentum.

The spell gauge takes care during the fight more or less quickly depending on the magic skills points. When it is full, the player can launch a spell.

The combat phases are interspersed with small kinematics where the enemy vacillates, fell under the playing of the players.

  • During the first phase, the enemy (also called Titan) brings attacks which are linked by three or less,

An attack chain starts with weak attacks and ends with one or more devastating attacks. The Titan who arrived at the third of his life, the second phase starts.

  • During the second phase, the enemy continues four attacks and faster. The Titan who arrived at two thirds of his life, the third phase starts.
  • The third phase is the most difficult, the enemy carries sequences of five attacks or even more and even faster. During the first three phases, the opponent can trigger a chain of special attacks: all devastating and very fast, they are difficult to dodge/parable, especially since the enemy can trigger several in the same fight.
  • Once the enemy has no more life points, the fourth phase starts. This is a bonus phase allowing to strike the enemy without it defending itself, this phase lasts a few seconds and the player must cause as much damage as possible to the opponent. These damage is transformed into XP bonus which will be added in addition to the combat XP.

During the fight, the player can be offered special opportunities to inflict damage:

  • A slender attack, a blue circle appears on the enemy, if the player manages to type on it (because it disappears after a very short time), the player causes damage to the opponent.
  • Shock of swords, if the player adorns an enemy attack slightly too early or too late, the two swords intersect and the player must then tap as quickly as possible on the screen to repel the enemy and thus inflict damage . If the enemy wins, he inflicts very big damage to the player.

After having dodged/adorned/blocked an opposing sequence, the player can inflict damage to the enemy by sliding his finger on the screen, he can also cause violent or devastating combos attacks, 2x and 2.5x respectively the damage that The player normally inflicts.

At the end of the fight, a kinematics shows the character who completes the enemy. XP points are then allocated to the various equipment parts. Here are the factors (not exhaustive) that influence the number of XP recovered:

  • If the player defeated the enemy quickly.
  • If the player to use a spell or a super-attack.
  • If the player to block or collect damage.

Critique [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Awards [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Infinity Blade benefited from two suites developed by Epic Games and edited by Flesh Entertainment under the IOS platforms: Infinity Blade II ( ) et Infinity Blade III ( ).

An e-book: Infinity Blade: Awakening written by Brandon Sanderson in recounts the events located between Infinity Blade And Infinity Blade II . Infinity Blade: Redemption written by the same author tells the events between Infinity Blade II And Infinity Blade III .

Panini Books, in his collection Gamers , published the novel Infinity Blade in . This novel brings together the two short stories Awakening And Redemption in a single volume.

  1. (in) Brendan Saricks, ‘Infinity Blade’ Series Plot Guide – Here’s What You Need to Know to Be Ready For ‘Infinity Blade III’ » , on Toucharcade , .
  2. (in) Hilary Goldstein , Infinity Blade iPhone Review , December 8, 2010, ign.
  3. Dinowan, Test d’Infinity Blade , December 10, 2010,
  4. (in) Anthony Usher, The Pocket Gamer Readers’ Choice Awards 2011: The Winners , 8 avril 2011, Pocket Gamer.
