Institute of IT and Industrial Engineering – Wikipedia


L’ Institute of IT and Industrial Engineering (Ig2i) created in Lens in 1992 is one of the 204 engineering schools French accredited to to issue an engineering diploma [ first ] .


Internal school of Centrale Lille Institut, he trained engineers expert in information and communication technologies for industrial applications (specialty diploma in computer and industrial engineering). His course in 5 years leads to the IG2I engineering diploma.

IG2I was created in 1992 following the Decomps report (1989) on the needs of field engineers, capable of supervising the development of the northern economy of France and supporting industrial changes through technologies of information and communication.

From its creation, it benefited from one hundred and fifty years of experience in educational engineering and industrial engineering of the faculty of the Central School of Lille.

In , Emmanuel Duflos, director of the Central School of Lille, announced the change of graphic identity and the creation of new logos for Centrale Lille. From then on, Centrale Lille designates the establishment which brings together the four engineering training courses: the Central School of Lille, IG2I, ITEEM and ENSCL. Thanks to this new graphic charter, each training has a logo testifying to the unit of the establishment.

Recrutement post-Bac [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

IG2I recruits most of its elements at the bac.


For candidates not being taken on file, a motivation interview, which aims to identify the interest of the applicant towards the training and his knowledge of the curriculum, is required.

Until 2020, candidates were subject to other tests, such as:

  • French test: This is a synthesis of text to assess understanding and quality of writing.
  • English test: It aims to ensure that the applicant masters the bases of English grammar.
  • Scientific test: The applicant will be subject to some problems allowing to test the quality of his analysis and the rigor of his reasoning.
  • Scientific culture test: the applicant must answer several questions about scientific and computer themes

Parallel admissions (on title) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Another possibility of admission to 2 It is And 3 It is Years concerns students from post-baccalaureate professional technical sectors.

The parallel admission to the second year is open to BTS or IT DUT holders.

The third year one is intended for holders of a DUT Industrial IT engineering or a DUT Télécom networks and students of special ATS mathematics.

Since 2012, students of scientific preparatory classes can claim a place in 2 It is or in 3 It is year, but also in section by apprenticeship.

The training extends over 5 years: the first four years are a common core, while the last year affirms a deepening among three possible routes:

  • Cloud computing
  • Software engineering
  • Smart Systems

The course has a large part of companies in companies (78 weeks spread over 5 years), at least one of 17 weeks in an English -speaking country.

Learning [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since 2013, it is possible to integrate, from the 3 It is year, an apprenticeship course. This reform, initially created for admitted to title holding a DUT, is open to everyone. Students then alternate between 5 weeks of school and 5 weeks in the company of their choice. Students must find their apprenticeship contract themselves and sign, in agreement with IG2I and the company, a 3-year apprenticeship contract.

Internship [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Of a total duration of 78 weeks minimum, they represent almost half of the training time at IG2I and allow a real synergy of training with the academic periods of lessons.

Year Course Title Duration Period
first re year Discovery of the company 4 to 6 weeks Mid-June to mid-July
2 It is year Technician 11 to 13 weeks April to July
3 It is year Stage en pays anglo-saxon 17 weeks min. April to July
4 It is year Learner engineer 22 to 26 weeks August to January
5 It is year Engineer 22 to 26 weeks February to July

Since the 2012 French reform over the duration of internships, it is possible to combine the internships of 3 It is and of 4 It is Year to do a “long” internship of 9 or 10 months in Anglo-Saxon countries as an engineer learning, which allows you to see a project from birth to its delivery.

Diplomas and certifications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The engineering diploma in computer and industrial engineering is issued by the Lille Central School, which received the authorization by ministerial decree in 1992, on a proposal from the CTI. The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) is necessary to obtain the engineering diploma. Centrale Lille requires 820 points to validate the diploma after the last year. Finally, students also have the possibility of passing the CCNA in 3 years, of the 3 It is year 5 It is year.

IG2I, despite its relative youth compared to other engineering schools, already has many activities.

  • The Student’s office : takes care of all of student life.
  • The Sports office : It allows IG2I students to carry out several training sessions in a very varied sports panel throughout the week, including futsal, badminton, tennis, swimming, volleyball, badminton and handball. BDS also takes care of the smooth running of many tournaments throughout the year (the Five Balloons Tournament With the Lille Central School (which they won in 2010 in football in 2010, and more recently in 2021 on the brand new ‘Esport’, on Rocket League)), or the Maastricht university tournament, or B.A.R.T , in May). Open to novices as well as sports professionals.
  • The Arts office is the artistic association of the school. It was created to bring together all the artistic activities of the school, both literary, musical, etc. It now brings together associations formerly called the Ch’ti Marcel and Cre@TV, and recently the 2zik pole.
  • Paint’Fusion : Entertainment association.
  • Mecatronix : Association of mechanics and experimental electronics of the school, for students gathered around the same passion: on -board systems.
