International conference of civil society in support of the Palestinian people – Wikipedia


The International Conference of Civil Society in support of the Palestinian people seat for the rights of Palestinians, under the auspices of Committee for the exercise of inalienable rights of the Palestinian people . This committee was created by resolution 3376 of the general assembly of the UN of , with the task of recommending an implementation program, intended to allow the Palestinian people to exercise the inalienable rights recognized by the resolution 3236 of the .


Papa Louis Fall then Paul Badji chaired the committee [ first ] .

Its secretariat is the Palestinian rights division , which is a service of the UN secretariat. He is part of the Department of Political Affairs [ 2 ] .

Participate or participated in Phyllis Bennis (2003, 2005, 2007), Pierre Galand (2003, 2005, 2007), the Taayoush organization (2003), Hind Khoury (2005), Na’eem Jeenah (2005, 2007), Raji Sourani (2005, 2007), Somaia Barghouti (2005), Moustafa Barghouti (2007), Michel Warschawski (2007) …

In support of the Palestinian people, New York, September 23 and 24, 2002 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

International Conference of Civil Society in support of the Palestinian people held at the UN headquarters in New York in accordance with the provisions of resolutions 57/107 and 57/108 of the General Assembly, dated [ 3 ] :

“The president said that the 400 participants in this conference, however diverse as they are (Palestinian and Israeli groups, Christian, Jewish and Arab organizations among others), had all agreed that the Israeli occupation, began in June 1967, was to take END. The NGO declaration adopted by states participating in the conference is a model of clarity and frankness, he stressed, namely that the Israeli occupation requires that the international community assumes its responsibility ”

Report of the President of the Committee for the exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. See also the statement Closing.


In support of the Palestinian people, New York, September 4 and 5, 2003 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The 4 and , at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, the International Conference of the Division of Rights of the Palestinians were “let us end the occupation”.
Twenty -one speakers presented presentations and four of them, including two Israelis, mentioned the boycott or the fight against apartheid.

Avia Pasternak , representative of Taayoush, Israeli organization located in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, declares herself in favor of a boycott, internationally, companies with production facilities in the settlements of settlement [ 4 ] .

Jeff Halper , Coordinator of the Israeli Committee against the demolition of homes, at the third plenary session, which has the theme “the international community, civil society and the political process aimed at ending the occupation”
call “Launch a common call for mobilization in favor of an international campaign which should reach the scale and efficiency of the campaign against apartheid in South Africa” [ 5 ]

The fourth plenary session, which has the theme “the initiatives taken by civil society to end the occupation”, sees interventions by Europeans legitimizing sanctions.

After the intervention of Gretta Duisenberg, president of the Stop The Occupation (Amsterdam) organization which declared that “In its opinion, the European Union had an exceptional opportunity to formulate a unified foreign policy, and if necessary to impose sanctions, for example suspending the Association Treaty between Israel and the European Union. »» [ 6 ] ;

Pierre Galand , a senator in the Belgian Parliament, said NGO requests for a boycott of Israel’s fruits and brought together apartheid to legitimize the adoption of sanctions.

“NGOs demanded the boycott of fruit from Israel. (…) Mr. Galand concluded his intervention by saying that NGOs could work in cooperation with pacifist organizations in Israel, even on the subject of sanctions, to ensure that public opinion knows that when we had fought against apartheid, sanctions were adopted against this regime in the United States and Europe. These sanctions would force Israel to respect international law and lead to a solution to the conflict and a lasting peace in the Middle East. »» [ 7 ]

350 representatives of 140 civil society organizations participated in the conference attended by representatives of 64 governments, Palestine, 3 intergovernmental organizations and 10 United Nations organizations [ 8 ] .

In support of peace in the Middle East, Paris, July 12 and 13, 2005 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

International Civil Society Conference in support of peace in the Middle East , gathered at UNESCO. She will unanimously declare herself in favorable to BDS [ 9 ] .

In inaugural session, Hind Khoury, Minister of State of the Palestinian Authority, recalled the opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Palestine Wall [ ten ] And

« called on all civil society institutions to encourage non-violent action such as morally responsible investment and boycotts in order to urge Israel’s compliance with its international obligations. » [ 11 ]

Phyllis Bennis followed suit to promote the BDS campaign [ twelfth ] .

In the first session, Hind Khoury reiterated his recall of the advice of the CIJ; Followed by Gabi Baramki, President of the Palestinian Council for Justice and Peace, Ramallah, who explained what the BDS campaign was:

« The campaign had been initiated by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) to boycott Israeli institutions and was now spreading to other areas, as had happened during the apartheid regime in South Africa. Mr. Baramki said that the campaign should be supported by international NGOs and, eventually, by their Governments, to force Israel to end the occupation and abide by United Nations resolutions. » [ 13 ]

In the second session, was the turn of Pierre Galand then Na’eem Jeenah. At the end, Phyllis Bennis, Somaia Barghouti, Hind Khoury and Ravan A. G. Farhâdi, vice-president of the committee, statue on the implementation of the BDS action plan.

Finally, the action plan unanimously adopted is a declaration of faith in the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign [ 14 ] .

In support of the Palestinian people, Geneva, September 7 and 8, 2006 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

To the United Nations Office. Plan d’action

“As for civil society, we are committed to taking the following measures:

Extend our global boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign to even larger sectors from our countries and regions, based on the formation of a non -violent movement of opposition to Israeli Apartheid and Occupation Policy , and notably launch an urgent campaign to end the sanctions against the democratically elected Palestinian authority. »»

In support of Israeli-Palestinian peace, Brussels, August 30 and 31, 2007 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

International Civil Society Conference in support of Israeli-Palestinian peace , in the European Parliament [ 15 ] .

In support of the rights of the Palestinians, December 2 and 3, 2014 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

International Civil Society Conference in support of the rights of the Palestinians , in the Parliament of Andalusia, Seville, Spain [ 16 ] .

The committee was made up, in 2003, of the following member states: South Africa, Afghanistan, Bélarus, Cyprus, Cuba, Guinea, Guyana, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Laos, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Namibia, Nigeria , Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine.

In 2003 had participated in the sessions of the Committee as observers the representatives of countries and organizations below: Algeria, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Iraq, Jamahiriya Arab Libyenne, Jordan, Kuwait , Morocco, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Niger, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Yemen, League of Arab States, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Palestine and African Union.

  1. UN GA , 2002 – Re -election of P. L. Fall ,
    P. Badgi , 2006
  2. Note d’information , NY, 2004
  3. 57/107 And 57/108 , 2002, committee for the exercise of inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and Palestinian rights division of the United Nations Secretariat.
  4. “At the international level, she declared herself in favor of boycotting international companies with production facilities in the settlement colonies. »»
    Point 43 (second plenary session, page 17) of the International conference of civil society in support of the Palestinian people, held at the UN headquarters in New York on September 4 and 5, 2003 by the Division of Rights of Palestinians.
  5. ibid , point 51, page 22
  6. ibid , point 55, page 26
  7. ibid , point 68, page 27
  8. ibid , point 4
  9. (in) International conference report , Division for Palestinian Rights,
    (fr) Cp de l’him , July 9, 2005 – Communicated of the UJFP, Paris, July 16, 2005 – Translated press release from Stop the Wall on July 16, 2005 – See also The declaration of the 2005 annual plenary session JEPJ, October 31, 2005
  10. CIJ opinion , July 9, 2004
  11. (in) Points 12 and 13 of the International conference , Division for Palestinian Rights, 13 juillet 2005
  12. ibid, point 14
  13. ibid, point 27
  14. ibid . « A CALL TO ACTION – We recognize that, as an international network, our strength lies in our ability to work collectively in unified campaigns and actions. To that end, we urge international, national and regional social movements, organizations and coalitions to support the unified call of Palestinian civil society for a global campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) to pressure Israel to end the occupation and fully comply with international law and all relevant United Nations resolutions. We have identified the coming year to mobilize for and inaugurate this BDS campaign. We call on our partner organizations to intensify all our activities, focusing on the BDS campaign so that together we will end the Occupation. »
  15. Announcement August 28 – Bulletin of the Division of Rights of Palestinians
  16. Announcement November 26, 2014 – Programme conference
