International Esperanto teachers league – Wikipedia


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International League of Esperantist Teachers ILEI

But Promote teaching of the international language Esperanto and provide educational resources to teachers of this language
Zone d’influence The whole world
Foundation August 12, 1949
Origin Global Association of Esperantist Teachers (Global Teacher Association (E) S of Esperanto)

The Esperanto International League for Teachers (In Spanish: International League of Esperantist Teachers , Ilei) brings together the teachers of Esperanto worldwide. It was founded in 1949.

In 1908 the Global Association of Esperantist Teachers (World Teacher Association (E) S of Esperanto). In 1949, this association was replaced by the International League for Teachers of Esperanto. When it was created, the president is Madame Violet C. Nixon.

  • Actions :
    • Introduce Esperanto into schools;
    • Effective teaching Esperanto at all levels and different media;
    • Explore and solve educational problems related to the teaching of Esperanto;
    • publish modern textbooks, specialized journals, books and informative leaflets;
    • Organize international events: conferences, seminars, etc. ;
    • Take care of international examinations sanctioning Esperanto’s application and teaching skills;
    • Contact bodies recognized in education and other organizations whose objectives are in line with those of the League;
    • Organize and make websites and diffusion lists effective.

Ilei brings together 43 national or regional sections with the same goal.

It brings together sections, representatives and contact persons in 70 countries ( ). For example, the French section is the group of hoping -speaking teachers.

She publishes two journals:

  • Young friend (there) (JA), intended for all those who want to progress by reading Esperanto. Its title means young friend . This quadrichromia review appears four times a year and is aimed at all audiences. It is particularly popular with families that raise their children at Esperanto, children are therefore native speakers, Esperanto: Denaskuloj. These can read Young friend From the age of 8 to 10 years. They find in this review of songs, games, quizs, crosswords, information on famous and positive countries and characters.
  • International Pedagogical Magazine (there) (IPR), intended for teachers. It is the organ of the league. This quadrichromia review appears four times a year and is aimed at teachers of any branch, but particularly to language teachers.

In addition, Ilei organizes specialized conferences in relation to the world of education and Esperanto every year. As of 2017, these conferences are called Congress. It is a week in a city of the world, from Montevideo to Pusan ​​via Porto Novo. The complete list of Ilei congresses is in the Esperanto version of the same name.

Board of directors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Board of directors ( Committee [ 2 ] ) meets physically once a year at a conference, and makes decisions during the year thanks to an Internet voting system. The national sections of Ilei elect representatives to the board of directors according to a proportional system. The members of the Board of Directors are elected for a three -year term.

At , there are 60 members on the board of directors, which represent 43 national sections.

Bureau [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Office ( Board ) current was elected the during the 51 It is Ilei congress held in Madrid in Spain [ 3 ] . The mandate of this office extends from 2018 to 2021:

List of presidents [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
