International school city (Lyon) – Wikipedia


International School City
Lyon International High School

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International School City

Academy Lyon
Principal adjoint ‘Ric of donfrancesco
Principal Florence Geib
Assistant principal Aurélie Speed

The International School City ( CSI ), or Lyon International High School or Gerland high school , is a school group of the town of Lyon made up of a primary school, a college and a high school welcoming students of 48 different nationalities [ first ] . It is located at the confluence of the Rhône and the Saône in the Gerland district.

Its creation was decided in 1988 by the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council due to the strong increase in the international education request, in particular linked to the establishment of Interpol in Lyon [ 2 ] . It was delivered in 1992. The CSI has never been officially inaugurated. [Ref. necessary] [ 3 ]

From 1987 to 1992, there was already an international school and an international college (in two different places in Lyon) as well as international high school sections, attached to the Jean Perrin high school (Lyon 9 It is ).


The International School City of Lyon made its first school year, in its new premises, in September 1992. It was drawn by architects Françoise-Hélène Jourda and Gilles Perraudin.

It is a building with a structure made of glass and concrete, which lets in the light and allows to have a view of the banks of the Rhône, as well as quick access to the Park de Gerland also named Parc des Berges.

The establishment is made up of two buildings, the main one of which welcomes most of the classrooms. It has an inverted and lying question point form, its structure thus winds along the Rhône.

The second building, coiled in the heart of the first, has a fully green roof. It is crossed by a central street allowing easy traffic of users to the refectory, the CDI (documentation and information center), the two gymnasiums, the classrooms of certain sections, the teachers room, the conference room , the multipurpose room, the offices of school life and the libraries of sections language.

Note [Style to review] that as a result of window falls, the school had to have barriers out outside and fences on the windows in order to prevent any risk of accident related to the fall of glass [Contested relevance] .

The CSI is formed from primary school (3 floors), college (4 floors) and high school (5 floors).

The establishment forms two main parts: primary, on the one hand, and college and high school on the other hand. The sections classes are used at all levels: from CP to the final year. There are leading rooms on the primary side and other college and high school side.

At the start of the 2019 school year, this school city welcomed 2,087 students [ first ] (of which more than two thirds do not only speak French).

Distribution: 565 students in primary school, 700 students in college and 822 students in high school [ 4 ] .

In high school, the proportion of students choosing the OIB (international baccalaureate option, possible in the English, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese sections) is 50%.

The German -speaking section exists only in primary and college. It is transformed into a abibac section in high school (simultaneous issuance of the French baccalaureate and the German Abitur).

In primary, all students are bilingual and take the lessons of one of the sections. In college, some European sections students are accepted but the vast majority of students are bilingual and follows section prices. Finally, the Lycée de la CSI is also a sector high school, around 50% of high school students come from the European sector or sections and therefore do not take the sections of the sections (and do not pass the OIB).

25% of European section students are taken on file and 25% come from the sector [ 5 ] .

The OIB has a very strong coefficient for the baccalaureate, ranging from 16 to 18. It allows you to choose the scientific, literary or economic and social sectors. International students have 6 hours of language lessons per week. The trials are written and oral, in history-geography as in literature. To prepare the OIB, the students have one or two white tank (s) in terminal.

The school city has nine international sections: Anglophone (which is subdivided as a first and final year in the British and American sections), German -speaking, Spanish -speaking, Italophone, Lusophone, Japanese, Polish, sinophone, Arabic -speaking.

Admissions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Admissions to international sections are done on language tests (written and/or oral) and on file with methods specific to certain sections [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] and at the level [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] . A test of French and mathematics is also requested for students from foreign schools.

In 2015, according to L’Express Le Lycée ranked 25 It is out of 67 at the departmental level in terms of quality of teaching, and 646 It is on a national level [ ten ] . The classification is established on three criteria: the success rate in the bac, the proportion of first students who obtain the baccalaureate having made the last two years of their education in the establishment, and the added value (calculated from the social origin of students, their age and their results at the national patent diploma) [ 11 ] .
According to Le Figaro, the high school ranks 16 It is out of 72 at the academy level, 13 It is out of 46 at the departmental level and 369 It is out of 1501 on a national level [ twelfth ] .

LE MEXT (Ministère de L’Education Du Japon) Considère La Classe de Japonais RIYON Jeruran Hoshū JUGYō Kō “Japanese school complementary Lyon Gerland”) of the CSI as a complementary Japanese school [ 13 ] .

  1. a et b “1,900 students aged 6 to 20 belonging to more than 40 different nationalities.”
  2. Extract from the register of community council deliberations, September 24, 2008 : “In 1988, the Regional Council decided to make the International School Cité (CSI) in the ZAC of the Plaisance Basin in Lyon 7 It is : The international type of education demand was in strong progression, in particular due to the arrival of Interpol, and only two schools in Lyon provided this education. »»
  3. Josiane Garin-Michaud, «  Colossus », Le Progrès (Lyon edition) ,
  4. Ministry of National Education and Youth, Students of students from schools and second degree establishments » , on data; (consulted the )
  5. Estimates from the Board of Directors
  6. Registration – International School City of Lyon » , on (consulted the )
  7. German European section – International school city in Lyon » , on (consulted the )
  8. Registration – International School City of Lyon » , on (consulted the )
  9. Results of admission tests in international section June 2015 – International school city in Lyon » , on (consulted the )
  10. Department and national classification of the Lycée » , on L’Express , (consulted the )
  11. 2015 classification methodology of French high schools » , on L’Express , (consulted the )
  12. International school classification Lyon Academy Lyon » , on Le Figaro
  13. International school city of Lyon » , on , (consulted the ) .

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
