International Union of French -speaking press – Wikipedia


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L’ International Union of French -speaking press , abridged in UPF is the oldest French -speaking association of journalists. Founded in 1950 in Paris under the name of International Association of French -language journalists (AIJLF) , it turns into a professional union, the International Union of Journalists and the French -speaking press (Uijplf) in 1971, then took its current name, International Union of French -speaking press (UPF) in 2001 [ first ] . It is considered to constitute one of the first concrete steps of the Francophonie [ 2 ] .

The UPF is a non-governmental international organization (OING) recognized by large international organizations, such as UN, UNESCO and the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF).

The UPF brings together nearly 4,000 journalists, managers and publishers of the written, audiovisual and internet press, distributed in 110 sections (countries or regions of the world) [ first ] .


She gives the price of free expression.

She organizes assizes every 2 years. In 2019, the 48th UPF meetings met in Yaoundé (Cameroon), from 19 to where more than 300 journalists and communicators from around forty countries have addressed the theme of information journalism opposed to emotion journalism [ 3 ] .

The Canadian journalist Dostaler O’Leary is the initiator of his creation in Limoges in 1950. She was rather a friendly who was a meeting place for French -language journalists around the world. Over the years, she has gradually turned into a professional union.

In a number of states, the national section is the only professional union to bring together journalists. This makes UPF one of the most representative organizations in the profession.

During the period of confinement linked to the coronavirus pandemic, the UPF by the voice of its president, Madiambal Diagne, sent a letter to many heads of state of the French -speaking world to request that special attention be paid to the written press needs particular attention to governments during this period [ 4 ] .

Presidents [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b U.P.F. Aosta valley. Presentation » , on (consulted the )
  2. International organization of Francophonie, A story of the Francophonie » , on (consulted the )
  3. [ Information journalism and emotional journalism, Luxury, December 9, 2019
  4. The appeal to the aid of the International Union of the Francophone Press , Defimedia, April 28, 2020 (accessed 05/04/2020)
  5. Upf tribute to Hervé Bourges , Freddy Mulongo, March 9, 2020, the Mediapart club (accessed 05/05/2020)
  6. [ Alfred Dan Moussa (Directeur General de l`istc)], which is that?,, (Consulté le 05/05/2020)
  7. Exclusive Uaco 2013: a “new Elan” for the Union of the Francophone Press ,, November 23, 2013 (accessed 05/05/2020)
  8. Madagascar: closing of the 45th seats in the French -speaking press in Antsirabe , Le Courrier du Vietnam, 2016
  9. UPF, Election, Secretary General, Assizes, Armenia, Media and Migration » , on , (consulted the ) : “Re -election in 2018” .

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