Issam Zahreddine – Wikipedia


Isam Zahreddine (in Arabic : Issam Zahr al -Din ), born the in Tarba, near Soueïda, and died the at Deir Ez-Zor, is a Syrian major-general, head of the 104 It is Brigade of the Republican Guard.


He plays an important role during the Syrian civil war, where he became one of the most popular generals in the loyalist camp, but is also accused of war crimes. He points out in particular by repressing the rebellion to Homs, then by commanding the garrison of Deir Ez-Zor during the battle for the defense of the city, during which he died.

Issam Zahreddine is from the locality of Tarba, near Soueida [ first ] . He is a member of the Druze community [ first ] , [ 2 ] . In 1982, he joined the popular militia of the Baas party, then was appointed, three years later, officer in airborne troops (special forces) armored units. In 1988, he joined the Republican Guard [ 3 ] .

Zahreddine is one of the most eminent and high -ranking members of the Druze community in Syria who fights for the Syrian government during the civil war. In this role, Zahreddine has been criticized by other members of the Druze community, like Walid Joumblatt, who accused him of fighting his own people [ 4 ] . Zahreddine has also been described as individual deserving of death by a group of Druzes in Soueida religious leaders in , through a press release also denounced the use of violence by both parties [ 5 ] .

At the start of the conflict, Issam Zahreddine is brigadier-general, commanding the 104 It is Duma and Harasta brigade of the Republican Guard. He is alongside Brigadier General Manaf Tlass before the last defections [ 6 ] , [ 3 ] . This brigade had been commanded by Bashar al-Assad before he became president, and by Bassel Assad until his death in 1994 [ 7 ] .

In 2011, Zahreddine repressed opposition demonstrations in Damascus, Deraa, Douma and Harasta [ first ] , [ 8 ] . According to the testimony of a deserter soldier, he personally passes tobacco opponents with an electric stick [ 2 ] , [ first ] . He then begins to signal himself with his abuses: many times during the conflict, Zahreddine appears in photos and videos by parading near dismembered or decapitated bodies, on which brands of torture appear [ first ] , [ 9 ] , [ ten ] .

In 2012, he headed the regime forces at the headquarters of Homs [ first ] . He is then accused of having planned the bombing against the media center of opposition activists and caused the death of the American journalist Marie Colvin and the French photographer Rémi Ochlik, in Homs the [ first ] , [ 11 ] . Marie Colvin’s family files a complaint against him, claiming to have gathered the evidence that the attack on the press center had taken place under his orders and that of Lieutenant Kenan Muhammad Ghaliya, subsequently congratulated for the success of the operation [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] .

In 2013, he was fighting in Aleppo, before being sent to Deir Ez-Zor at the end of the year, where he was promoted to Major-General [ 3 ] , [ first ] . He is recalled with his brigade in Damascus in , before being redeployed again to Deir Ez-Zor the following month [ 8 ] . In , he leaves to strengthen the Syrian army in Hassaké, who undergoes an Islamic State offensive [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] . In , Back to Deir Ez-Zor, Issam Zahreddine is still at the head of the city’s defenses which must repel a new Islamic State offensive [ 8 ] . It is still inside the city, when the troops of the regime break in the seat imposed by the jihadists [ 16 ] .


Issam Zahreddine was then congratulated by President Bashar el-Assad for his resistance, but soon after he created the controversy by threatening the Syrian refugees: “To those who have left Syria for other countries, please never come back. Even if the government forgives you, we will not forget, nor will not forgive ” [ first ] . He then returned to his statements and apologizes to national television [ first ] .

In 2017, Issam Zahreddine was the subject of sanctions from the European Union for his “responsibility in violent repression against the civilian population, including during the siege of Baba Amro in » [ 17 ] .

The , he is killed in the city of Deir Ez-Zor by the explosion of a mine [ 18 ] .

  1. A b c d e f g h i and j Samia Medawar, Issam Zahreddine, hero for some, war criminal for others , Oil , October 20, 2017.
  2. a et b Stéphane Mantoux, «The 104 It is Brigade of the Syrian Republican Guard, elite troop and standard of the Damascus regime ” , France evening , 23 mars 2017.
  3. A B and C Grégoire Chambaz, The battle of Deir Ez Zor, an example of modern war » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) , Mail , May 14, 2015.
  4. (in) Hassan Illeik, Jumblatt: “I Am With al-Nusra Front Against Assad” » , (consulted the )
  5. (in) Marlin Dick, Druze preachers in Swaida urge defections » , (consulted the )
  6. (in) By All Means Necessary! » , Human Rights Watch, (consulted the )
  7. (in) Nour Malas, Defected Syrian General Heads to Paris as Diplomats Meet » , (consulted the )
  8. A B and C «Assad soldiers 4/la 104 It is Republican Guard Brigade » , Historicoblog , January 27, 2017.
  9. Syrian general who threatened refugees killed in Deir Ezzor , Middle East Eye , October 18, 2017.
  10. Syria army commander ‘poses next to dead bodies’ » , on (consulted the )
  11. Syria: a general accused of the death of foreign journalists killed , AFP , October 19, 2017.
  12. (in) Colvin vs Syria complaint » , on Projection (consulted the )
  13. (in) Sean Ryan and Tony Allen-Mills , Revealed: how Assad’s men murdered Marie » , The Sunday Times , (ISSN  0956-1382 , read online , consulted the )
  14. (in) Fadel, « Republican Guard Arrives in Al-Hasakah City to Forestall ISIS Advance » , Al-Masdar News , June 27, 2014.
  15. “IS advances to the Syrian army in Hassaké” , AFP , July 14, 2015.
  16. “The Syrian army breaks the seat of IS in Deir Ezzor” , AFP , September 5, 2017.
  17. (in) Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2017/1341 of 17 July 2017 implementing Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria , ( read online )
  18. Le Figaro with Reuters, “Death of the Commander of the Syrian Forces in Deir Ez-Zor” ,
