Italian Biathlon Championship – Wikipedia


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The Italian Biathlon championship It is a competition from the Italian Nordic ski championship that takes place annually between sports clubs and the Italian armed forces associated with the Italian winter sports federation.

The first official male edition took place in 1969, while the female one in 1999. The championship assigns multiple titles throughout the winter period in the different specialties of the Biathlon (in the 2019-2021 editions, a unique title was awarded in the Mass Start specialty):

  • Individual : The individual race is the oldest discipline among Biathlon competitions. Athletes leave individually at 30 second intervals. Men run around 20 km away, women 15 km. There are four shooting tests, two for each position alternating the order (“on the ground” – “standing” – “on the ground” – “standing”). For each error in the shot, a one -minute penalty is added to the final time. In the Italian championship this race began in 1969 for men and in 1990 for women and was abolished in 2004 for both.
  • Large caliber individual : It is a tender that takes place in the same way as the individual tender but the tender is held with rifles with a caliber greater than 22. Furthermore, the shooting tests are in the order “standing” – “on the ground” – “a Earth ” -” On the ground “and the shooting distance and 100 meters from the” standing “position, while in the” ground “position it varies from 150 meters in the second shot, 200 meters in the third and 250 meters in the fourth, while in Classic competitions The shooting distance is fixed at 50 meters both for the “standing” position and “on the ground”. In the Italian championship this race started in 1969 was reserved for men only and was abolished in 1975.
  • Sprint : Discipline similar to the individual tender, with individual departures at 30 second intervals. The distance to be covered instead is 10 km for men, while for women it measures 7.5 km (5 km until 1989). The main difference with the individual race consists of the shooting tests, which are only two: the first in the ground position, the second standing. In addition, shooting errors are punished with a penalty tour of 150 m by mistake, thus lengthening his test. In the Italian championship this race began in 1974 in the men’s field and in 1990 in the female field.
  • Large caliber sprint : It is a tender that takes place in the same way as the sprint race but the tender is held with rifles with a caliber above 22. The shooting distance is 100m in the shooting in the “standing” and 150m position in the shot in position “on the ground”. In the Italian championship this race was reserved for men only and was played in 1974 and in 1975.
  • Pursuit : Also called chase is a competition to which the first sixty athletes (at the beginning only the first thirty) classified of a previous competition, an individual or more often a sprint have the right to start. The starting order and the time interval between one athlete and the other are in fact determined by the result of the previous competition. The winner of the individual race or Sprint starts as the first of the chase race; This is then followed by the athletes in the interval corresponding to the detachment they suffered in the individual or sprint race. If the chase tender is preceded by a sprint race, the detachment is reported identical in this competition, while in the event of an individual race the detachment is halved. The distance to be covered during this competition is 12.5 km for men and 10 km for women. There are four shooting tests, two per position, always in the order of two on the ground followed by two standing. For each error to the shot, the athlete must travel a penalty tour of 150 m. The first athlete to reach the finish line is consequently the winner of the test. In the Italian championship this race has been played since 1998 for both women and men.
  • Mass Start : Also called departure in line since athletes start “online”, that is, simultaneously, to travel the distance of 15 km (males) or 12.5 km (women). There are four shooting tests for position and always following the order of two tests on the ground followed by two standing tests. For each error on the 20 targets to be hit, the athlete must travel a penalty tour of 150 m that goes to extend his test. The discipline needs a decidedly wide path in the initial jokes in order to allow all athletes the same possibilities. In the Italian championship this race has been held since 2000 for both women and men.

Individual [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Individual big male caliber [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Sprint [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Large male caliber spint [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Pursuit [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mass start [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Individual [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]



Large caliber individual [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Sprint [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]




Large caliber sprint [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Pursuit [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]



Mass start [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]



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