Jacques Cresta — Wikipedia


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Jacques ridge , born the in Algiers (Algeria) [ first ] and dead the in Cabestany [ 2 ] , is a French politician, member of the Socialist Party.

Jacques Cresta was born in Algiers in 1955 from a father employee of a bank and a housewife. His family moved in 1962 in Lyon, then Compiègne and finally Perpignan in 1965. He was a pupil at the François-Arago high school, where he met his future wife Josy, then he studied economics at the University of Perpignan. He then worked for the family allowance fund [ 2 ] .

Jacques Cresta began his political career by joining the Socialist Party (PS) in 1980, where he quickly occupied various responsibilities. His commitment, first a student and then professional, was reflected in 1983 by the creation of AVIP, one of the first associations of assistance to victims of delinquency.

He was elected, in 2002, first secretary of the Catalan Federation of the Socialist Party, a function to which he was re -elected three times.

Jacques Cresta was elected, the following year, Cabestany municipal councilor where he was responsible for the “Traffic and living environment” center from 2006.


After being excluded from the PS for supporting Georges Frêche, with 57 other personalities, he was finally re -elected regional councilor.

Member since 2010 of the Regional Council of Languedoc-Roussillon, of which it is 15 It is Vice-president, Jacques Cresta was elected deputy during the 2012 legislative elections in the first district of the Pyrénées-Orientales. In the Assembly, he signed at the European Foreign Affairs Committee and Affairs.

Candidate for the town hall of Perpignan in 2014, he only collected 11.87% of the vote. He does not participate in the second round in order to give the UMP candidate a chance against the FN candidate [ 3 ] . This electoral situation means that the left has not since been represented at the municipal council.

He sponsors Emmanuel Macron for the 2017 presidential election [ 4 ] and does not represent itself in the legislative elections of [ 5 ] .

He is married and father of two daughters [ 6 ] .

The , he died in Cabestany [ 7 ] of a long illness [ 8 ] .

National mandates
Local mandates
  • 2003-2008 ET 2010-2012: Municipal Court of Cabestany
  • 2004-2015: regional councilor of Languedoc-Roussillon
    • 2010-2015: 15 It is vice-president, in charge of high schools and education
Past functions [ first ]
  • : Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee;
  • : Member of the Special Commission for the examination of the bill relating to the simplification of business life;
  • : Member of the commission of inquiry relating to any malfunctions in government action and state services, between the and the , in the management of a case which led to the resignation of a member of the government.
Present functions [ first ]
  • Member of the Commission for Cultural Affairs and Education;
  • Member of the European Affairs Committee;
  • President of the Study Group Degraded old districts ;
  • Study member Regional languages , Airport policy , Over -indebtedness , Bullfighting , Cities and suburbs And Areas and border workers ;
  • Vice-president of the Friendship Group Spain .

The , on the occasion of a parliamentary question [ 9 ] , Jacques Cresta would have played the real estate lobbies game, drawing the attention of the government to its intentions as to a possible supervision of real estate sales between individuals and online. Sylviane Bulteau, also a socialist, asked exactly the same question [ ten ] , a week before [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] .

  1. A B C and D Fiche de jacques Creeh on the site of the National Assembly
  2. a et b Diane Sabouraud, «  Pyrénées -Orientales – Death of Jacques Cresta: from victories in chess, militant loyalty, raised fist », The independent , ( read online )
  3. http://www.leeparisien.fr/resultats/elections-municipales-2014-perpignan-66000
  4. [first]
  5. Legislative in the P.-O.: Jacques Cresta calls to vote Romain Grau » , on The independent , (consulted the )
  6. Biography of Jacques Cresta on its site.
  7. Civil status on the file of deceased in France since 1970
  8. The former deputy of the Pyrénées-Orientales, Jacques Cresta, died », France Bleu Roussillon , ( read online )
  9. Parliamentary question No. 67529 by Mr Jacques Cresta (socialist, republican and citizen – Pyrénées -Orientales) » , on Assembly_nationale_ (France) ,
  10. Parliamentary question No. 67005 by Ms. Sylviane Bulteau (socialist, republican and citizen – Vendée) » , on Assembly_nationale_ (France) ,
  11. The real estate lobby wants to ban sales from individuals to individual » , on Liberation_ (Journal) ,
  12. The end of real estate ads on the right corner? » , on Votreater.fr ,

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