Jacques de Sève – Wikipedia


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Lynx . Illustration by Jacques de Sève for the History of quadrupeds Buffon.

Jacques de Sève (asset ) is a French designer, engraver and illustrator of XVIII It is century in the disciplines of natural history.

From 1742 to 1788, Jacques de Sève engraved a large number of vignettes to illustrate classics.


Between 1759 and 1762, he was one of the main collaborators as an illustrator at the General and particular natural history of Buffon, especially for reptiles [ first ] And for quadrupeds, depending on the models or sketches provided by Jean-Baptiste Oudry, drunk, or sketches reported by travelers. He may have worked according to nature, going to the menagerie de Versailles and attending dissection sessions. What we know less is that de Sève performed no less than 2,000 drawings, in wash, in brown ink. Each drawing, according to the archives of the royal printing house which was the editor of Buffon, was paid to him 24 pounds. These drawings will be engraved among others by Jean-Charles Baquoy, Heinrich Guttenberg, Louis Claude Le Grand, Marie-Anne Rousselet, widow Tardieu, or a dozen hands. [Ref. necessary]

De Sève seems to have been attached to the king’s office, Louis XV having personally financed the Buffon company on his funds. [Ref. necessary]

On sait quality to the ornementation of the Encyclopedia , since boards were taken from the Buffon’s major book (Pl. VI, 1768). [Ref. necessary]

  • Natural, general and particular history, reptiles [ first ] (t. 85 to 92 or t. 93 to 100? In the series Natural, general and particular history from buffon)
  • Root works , t. 1 , engravings according to the drawings of Jacques de Sève by Jacques Aliamet, Noël Le Mire, Jean-Charles Baquoy, Just Chevillet, Jean-Jacques Flart, Louis Legrand, Louis-Simon Lempereur, Dominique Sornique, Jacques-Nicolas Tardieu, three volumes , Le Breton printing, Paris, 1760.

Jacques de Sève is the father of Jacques Eustache de Sève (active before 1790 – Death in 1830), French designer and engraver of XIX It is A century that engraved in chisel and was active until around 1815. He helped his father in the design of drawings and the execution of engravings. [Ref. necessary]

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [Benezit 1999] Emmanuel Pééort, Dictionary of painters, sculptors, designers and engravers , vol.  12, Gründ, , p. 713 .
  • [2005 board board] Marie-Claire Touron Plate, ” Jacques de Sève Illustrator of Jean Racine’s theater », Eighteenth century , n O 37 “Policy and cultures of the Enlightenment”, , p. 513-535 ( read online [on persee ]) .
  • [Salvi 2002] Claudia saved Buffon’s big book of animals , Paris, ed. The rebirth of the book, (ISBN  978-2804606848 ) , p. 81-82 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article.
  • [Schmits & Cremmic Cancel 2019] Stéphane smiled it Cédric Créme Bech, The illustration of the first in -quarto edition of the Natural History (Critical edition, Introduction and notes of Buffon, Complete Works , vol. 13 «  Natural, general and particular history, with the description of the king’s office (1765) »), Paris, ed. Honored champion, , p. 13-291 .

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On other Wikimedia projects:

  1. a et b [DaIdin 1801-1803] François Marie Daudin ( ill. Jacques de Sève), Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, des Reptiles(8 volumes (t. 85 to 92 or t. 93 to 100? In the series Natural, general and particular history de Buffon), of which t. 1, an X (1801-1802), 384 p. ; t. 2, an X, 432 p. ; t. 3, an X, 452 p. ; t. 4, an X, 397 p. ; t. 5, and xi (1802-1803), 365 p. ; t. 6, and xi, 447 p. ; t. 7, and xi, 436 p. ; t. 8, and xi, 439 p. ), Parais, Imprp. F. DUFART, AND X-XI, SURS biodiversitylibrary.org . See the engravings of this book in.
