Jacques Houzeau – Wikipedia


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Jacques Houzeau [ first ] , born in 1624 in Bar-le-Duc (Lorraine), and died on [ 2 ] In Paris, is a French sculptor.

Jacques Houzeau is the son of Jacques Houzeau, hotel merchant in Bar-le-Duc, and his wife, Barbe Collin [ 3 ] .

Jacques Houzeau married, by contract of February 28, 1648, with Françoise LANGE († 1661) [ 4 ] , daughter of Claude Lange, treasurer and payer of the French gendarmerie, who brings him 3 500 books. He then lives on the forecourt Notre-Dame. In 1648, he remained where he had his workshop under one of the “wings” of the Pont Marie [ 5 ] . He married in second marriage on January 14, 1674, with Catherine Le Hongre (1661-) [ 6 ] , daughter of Étienne Le Hongre and Marguerite Guichard.

Appointed sculptor of the king’s buildings in 1663, he entered the Royal Academy the following year.

His major works decorate the park of the Palace of Versailles. He also worked in the decoration of the Palais du Louvre in Paris and that of the Châteaux de Clagny, Fontainebleau and Vincennes as well as at the Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte.


As early as 1656 he worked for Louis Le Vau, Michel Villedo and Bergeron on construction sites of Parisian managers. In 1656 and 1657, he worked under the orders of Louis Le Vau on the woodwork of the Grande Chanmber of the Marshal of Meilleraye in the Hotel of the Arsenal and sculpts alone the Ciatids of the Alcove [ 7 ] .

Louis Le Vau, Michel Villedo and Bergeron introduced him to the site of the castle of Vaux-le-Vicomte. By comparison with the statue The angry Made for the park of the Palace of Versailles, Bénédicte Garnier and Françoise de la Moureyre proposed to attribute, with Jean Blanchard and François Girardon, the stucco of the Grand Salon of the castle of Vaux-le-Vicomte, sculpted in 1658. In The inventory after the death of his first wife, it is noted that he is one of the creditors of Fouquet for works made in Vaux “in the service of Vildo and Bergeron”. Although he left this project on this date, it was recalled in June 1665 with the Legrue marbrier to make an inventory of all the sculptures in the domain [ 7 ] .

On June 3, 1661, he signed a contract for the realization of the tomb of the Duke of Brissac. He began working at the Palace of Versailles in 1664. In 1674, Charles Le Brun entrusted him with the realization of a statue of one of the four temperaments, The angry , whose painter had made the drawing. He was assisted for his realization by Pierre Vernais.

  1. Sometimes spelled “Housseau”
  2. Octave Fidière, Civil status of painters and sculptors of the Royal Academy. Burning tickets from 1648 to 1713 published according to the register kept at the École des Beaux-Arts , Paris, Charavay Frères Libraires, 1883, p. 50-51 ( read online )
  3. Marie-Antoinette Fleury, Documents of the Central Middle Time concerning painters, sculptors and engravers at XVII It is century (1600-1650) , Paris, Imprimerie Nationales, 1969, volume 1, p. 320
  4. Inventory after death of December 23, 1661.
  5. Marie-Antoinette Fleury, Documents of the Central Middle Time concerning painters, sculptors and engravers at XVII It is century (1600-1650) , Paris, Imprimerie Nationales, 1969, volume 1, p. 23, 27 note 33
  6. Catherine the Hungarian made her will on May 5, 1694 ( National Archives: minutes and directories of the notary Nicolas Vallin de Sérignan) .
  7. a et b Garnier 2017.

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [Receipts 1876] Ulysse Robert, «  Receipts of painters of painters, sculptors and architects (1555-1711) », New French art archives , Society of the history of French art, , p. 36-39, 42-44, 47-48 ( read online )
  • [Ménard 1876] René Ménard, « Houzeau » , In Art in Alsace-Lorraine , Paris, Baulle et Delagrave, , 558 p. ( read online ) , p. 342-343
  • [BRUEL 1880] A. Bruel, ” The statues and busts of the castle of Vaux-le-Vicomte: estimate of the statues and busts of the castle of Vaux-17 July 1665 », Bulletin of the Société de l’Histoire de Paris and Île-de-France , 7 It is year, , p. 42-46 ( read online )
  • [Genevay 1886] A. Genevay, “Jacques Houzeau” , In The Louis XIV style: Charles Le Brun, decorator, his works, his influence, his collaborators and his time , Paris, Jules Rouam editor, ( read online ) , p. 187-188
  • [Garnier 2017] Bénédicte Garnier and Françoise de la Moureyre, ” The crazy race of Charles Le Brun in the large lounge of Vaux-le-Vicomte: sculpture, between architecture, drawing and painting », Bulletin of the Versailles Castle Research Center , ( read online )

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